장음표시 사용
n The ostice os protecting ali that were distressed
η) Finalty, variolis other detans os the bishop'scluties may be briefly allude ' to: thiis he was expectedio fhew hospitality to strangers. The virtve os hospitality is strongly inciti cated in the New Testament, and was practised most liberalty by the ea ly Christians.
Noudiere, probably, have the responsibilities of the Episcopal office been more sully set fortii than in the
privileges of that office, and the opportunities sor good aflorcled to hini ivho holds it.
The de sacerdotio may be considered the most celebrated treatise, at least os those ivritten in ancient times,
has saici, vere not only writers and preachers, but clitigent and experienCed guides of SoutS .' Thus Cyprian, Ambrose, Basil, Theodoret ali have contributed to thathocly of Pastoralia vinicii has, in recent yearS eSP Ciassy, done much to stimulate and encourage the pastoralactivities of men placed in the nucist os a civilisationvery different froni that for vhicli those Fathers xx rote. The set treatiSes, nevertheleSs, on the pastoral liseare not numerous. The most noteworthy are the de fumos Gregory os Nagian Zus, the de se cras minastroram os St Ambrose, Si Jeronie's letter to Nepotianus, the re uia pastoralis of Grego the Great, and the de moribus et in cis episcoporant of St Beria arci. I. The second oration of Gregory os Nagiangus, nanted deo a froni the faci that it was wmiten to eκplain his reasons sor voluntarily ivithdraiving frona the praest-
The niost important passages froni patristic Iuriters on the sulflect of the priesthood have been collected in a xvork soled The Arulent Fatherson Me mee and Mork of Me mesthooae': London, Siceffingeton and Son, I 89r, Whicli is an Englisli translation os a portion of a xvork dusare oce ':
hood in 362), though he aster vards returned to his diities, has long been regarded as closely alcin to the de sacem dotio : for Gregory takes the opportunity os describing the importance and the responsibilities of the praestly
The treatise is cast in the sorin os a dialogue on themodet os those os Plato) bet veen Chrysostoni and Basil :but Choesostoni has by sar the larger sitare allotted tohini, and in the later books Basit is sor the niost part amere listeneri The style of the de sacerdotio is hioly elaborated, and bears clear traces of the care whicli Chrysostomtook Irith iis composition. Iis long and osten complicated perio is are Constriicted on the basis os theriales of Greelc rhetoric. One sentence may be cited atteneth in illustration of this : καθάπερ γὰρ οἱ σωμάτων
πωντες, ως μεν ἁν πλησίον εἶναι των ερωμένων εξῆ, χαλεπωτέραν του πάθους την βάσανον εχουσιν, Oταν δὲ ῶς πορρωτάτω των ποθουμένων ἐαυτούς ἀπαγωγωσι, καὶ την μανίαν ἀπηλασαν' ουτω καὶ τοῖς ταύτης επιθυμοῖσιτης αρχῆς, οταν μεν πλησίον αυτῆς γένωνται, ἀφόρητον γίγνεται το κακον, Oταν δε ἀπελπίσωσι, και την επιθυμίαν μετὰ τῆς προσδοκίας εσβεσαν . In this sentencexve have as Caresul a use of παρίσωσις and παρομοίωσις
as in Isocrates himselfother traces of the influence of the rhetorical traiining of Chrysostom upon his xvritings may be seen in therepetition os Woriis sor the salie os emphasis, and in the
INTRODUC NON XXκlii The frequent iise os similes and metaphors is chara terastic of the Syrian school: and no one employs theminore frequently than Chrysostomy. The vocabulary of the de sacerdotio Contains, as hesiis the elevation os the su eci and Style, certain umiris vllicli are more Delient in metry than in pirase . Flere
passage': hut this is uncertain. o Euripules almost certainly Sumesis to Ch So-Stom a Sentiment on the su ect os invali 's'. d) Aristophanes seenas to hie imitate ' in one pas- Sage'. Daere is sorne reason to belleve that Chrysostom vas fond of reacting Aristophanes', who probat ly at-
DE SACERDOTTO. The solio ving historical personages have been identi-fied luith the Basil os the dialogue. I put farsi the vie v
Would be no difficulty is one xvas at Antioch, the otherat Raphanea. IVe find a Basil bishop os Raphanea present at the Synod os Constantinopte in 38Ι, eight
years aster the probabie date of the consecration of the Basil of the de sacerdotio. This is ille view whicli Seenas to have gaine i generalia Ceptance. It is adopteri, sor instance, by Firanto Ducaeus, BaroniuS, Tillemoni, Montiaucon, Barmen-
docia. This vie v is thought to gain support smin a passage in the historian Socrates: hut Socrates' vvomis, righilly considered, merely prove that Cli Sostona was intimate ivitii Basil os Caesarea: tiney have no reserenCeto the de sacerdotio. The great Basil, who was horn in
BGI. cxlviu πολλὰ γὰρ θνη των ἐκείνου Xρυσοστόμου λόγων καὶ νοημάτων, καὶ μάλιστα των κατἁ τὴν θείαν γραφην, ἐν τοῖs του Βασιλείου λιγοις ἐπιφαίνεται, as ἁν daro τηs αὐτῆs πηγης των μαθημάτων ἀρυσαμένων ἄμφω τὰ πρισφορα.
The distance bet veen Antioch and Mopsuestia in Cilicia)is another argument against this vie v, vesticia has incleed nothing to recommend ii .
s) It has also been held that the charaicier, and
ineresore the narne, os Basit is a pure figment of CGrysostona's imagination. It is surely beyonci questionthat the episode on which the de sacerdotio is basedis an historical one, not merely invented: and so ithas been talcen by an ovemuhelmng in Mority of those
I. List of the most important Edations. I. The de sacerdotis uvas pranted separalely longbesore the appearance of the first complete edition os the woitis os Chrysostona in the original Greetc. In Isas the editio princeps of the de sac. vas issile ' Donathe printing press os Firaeben, at Basle. It containe 'the Greelc teXt, xvith a prelatota letter gulareSSed by Erasnaus to Vilibald Ρiricheimer, the learned humanist
2. The neκt edition is equalty void os cratical importance. In I 329 the publislier Rutgers Resciushmught out, at Louvain, a teXt os the de sacerdotio, of vhicli the editor uvas Nicolas taenam' 3. In the two editions jiast nanae ' no mention is made of the manuscripis on whicla the texi is base l. In IS99 a Step in advance was inade, vhen David Hoeschel published an edition of the de sacerdotio based on the readings os Certain specifieci mnus ripis: