장음표시 사용
The manuscripis used by hina incivile Parisinus 492 an ' Parisinus 799, of vhicli stili collations ivere as statect)publislied in I 839. 13. In I 867 D. Euelpides published at Athens thesirst part os a projected edition os the de sacerdotio, consisting of the farsi book ivitii an introduction. Thisedition I have not seen. There is no copy in the British
16. In I 887, Cari Selim anny edited the de sacerdotio vith notes, chieny of a homiletic tendenCy, sor the use of Roman Catholic Seminaries. He made no independent investigation of the manuscripis; hiat his notes Containa uSesul statement of the readings adopted by the editors, and of the manuscriptS vhicli suppori thoserea lingS.I7. The teκt of the present edition is based ona Desti Survey ota, and on a Collection os intacti ne vmateriai. Os this ne v ntiateriai the larger part Wasamasse 1 cluring a visit to Paris in December I9 , Ivlien
I hiad the opportunity os eXanaining the t regifures of the Bibliothhmie Nationale. The rachness of that Issi rary in manuscripis of the de sacerdotio ivili be seen Dorn thesello ving IiSt. The evidence which ive possess as to the original
The following ΜSS. have been used in the present
HoeSChel, RS Ive have Seen, used it for his edition, and his report of iis rea tings is the only in forination that I have been able to uSe. In IS99, 3vhen he wrote, it Was in the libraryat Heidelberg. It is not in the Universitats-Bibliothek of that to vn at the present time: nor cloes it appear to be among the Palatine MSS. in the Vatican Library.c-Cod. Reg. 402. Bibliothhque Nationale, Paris . Saec. X copis en 9Io' , parch. 3I6 soli. The de sac. is containedin foll. 24o-3I6. Omont further designates this ΜS. as
is used to denote the ConsenSti S of the ΜSS. si 'N, n, u, M vhicli osten give identical readings. AS in previolis Voltunes of this series, an asterisk is used to denote the fimi hand os a MS., the figure I to denote the Correcto Shand, e.g. γ', 33. For ConvenienCe the reactings os Μonisaucon's edition os III 8 have been cited as Vul . II. Citations Dona the de fac in later writerS. The solio ving writers quote passages Dona the de
Sacerdotio: Anon. - Anonymis Scriptor Vitae S. Chrysostomi later inansso A.D.): See Savile's edition viii p. 299. The passage
n I. Ancient translations of the de sacerdotio.
The solio ving Syriac MSS. in the Britisti Museturi Contain versions os portions of the de sac. I have giventhe reserenCes by the niuneration os ΜOnt sauCon.
A large number os Latin translations of the de sachas been publishecl. But the only one whicla Can thro vlight on the original Greeli teκt is the vetus inum fretatio , to whicli reserence has been made in conneXion ivitii Bengers emtion of the treatise. Thisancient version was known to Bengel in an edition published soon aster the discovery of printing: neither the place nor date at whicli it appeared is mentioned
INTRODUCTIONon the litte-page. It may be observed that Loniter spealis of three separate versions rine anni et lota notitia:
emtions. In Is the vetus interpretatio uvas publishedat Basle, but xvilla variolis alterations. Another editionappeared in I 324 at Paris apud Petrum Gremorsum. The value os this version by the vetus interpres is considerable. His identity has not yet been macie out: many hold that he was Anianus the Deacon, os Gleda, vlio deseiuled Pelagianism: See Prome, E . Ι43 a.
referenCe. They are arranged εα or ting to the subjecis of the variotis sections of the introdin tion.