장음표시 사용
sii iden death of the Editor ast June. The conii nenia mp topage 44 hac been prin te of s: the reSt of the corni Dentary the
appendiXes alii the introduction ere ad re a dy in type Thepages vllicli uadiso received final revision have been care sullyread reserences have been erified an id Simali Corrections xv hicliseetate to e beyon question, have been rnade. It is difficultio say hox far the introduction night have been κpande , it
introduction concern in the Stipposed Collaboration os Eupolis in the authorshi of the nigritis, but the introduction containsno allusion to the subjeci. O doutit it vas intended that illisai ad ther topic bearin on the play ho ut be discussed, and an accolint of the nanuscript of vhicli hos a Ravenna aridMilan at east ad been collate by the clitor arid soriae estina ate of thei relative aliae vovi certain ly have been included. In ther respecis the book is cona plete, an renaain theon ly direct nienaorial os ei Ps vori as a classical scholar, vhicli his scant leisiare and fastidiotis en perimitte hin to leave. The t venty-five ear since e ool his degre at Canabridge vere devote to College an Universi ty teachin and Oxv-eve re rettabi the Sacrifice naay Seena, it is justi fled by the influencei eXerte on the nany scholars that he aught. For
his interesis Greel and Latin as e taught thena, vere nactans os literary education a fine sense os the unianities
insornae his naethod ani supplied a coni plernent to thenaore stricti lin uisti training vhicli the conditions of the Tripos requirecl. His naster of the Classic vas ide by agis os sinapi exposition whil a wealth os illustration roin the languages an recor fis of modern clinies naad it asy sor
p. 1 et Note on l. 851 6 ἐγγένεσθαι, ἐκ γένεσθαι ad ἐγγενέσθαι, ἐκ γενέσθαι. In ali cases Where enaus occur in ine notes in soria Denaos liould , sultisti. ut ed.