장음표시 사용
ilia anythingilse Pindar is sor ea les ora. IV. 6); vhicli in hina naeans ni that this vas the version whicli the Delphiansivisite to circulate Aeschylus ut the Gorgon- theor in Don and the Fates neXt. Et iripides se the whole dispute
dialogile. In representation there re there nust be Sonae naenia Sos in aricing the breales, of ho vin vhere the audience are o gosor vard in innaπination Dona the supposed tinae os ne dialogueto the Stipposed tinae of the nexi. The sinapi est, ivlaici has been hised in ali inaes vlaen belle colit no b done is to Clear laeboard sor a hor interva and then sen On the actor R ain. But his is no satisfactory. Is the interva is very hori, the interruption is nodi vel eXpresse to the ye. Unies it is very shori, the Xpectant hori se vili ecoine impatient. In inodern theatres the problen is solve ' cornpletet by the Curtain. But to the theatre of the Athenians a Curtain vas not velladapted, and the occasions os persornaance vere Such a tore quire that no tinae hout be vasted. V do not kno v and
so the age of the great tragedians it is verycina probable that
on ly vitii their naechanica stinction as a realc, vitii the offect vhicli them se os theni had in Enait in the naeans os the drantalist, an specialty in Ennii in the Ytentis supposed tinae hicli theactionis the play Dona ars to last could Conveniently Coveri
at ali to the lenoeth of this supposed inte, o to the en this the
os the choreis and the identity os ille place desi rabie in Greelctheatres Dona the si rei plici ty of thei scen ery. The place of the
The limitationis inae imposed by the iis os the choreis liad