Euripidou Ion. The Ion. With a translation into English verse and an introd. and notes by A.W. Verrall

발행: 1890년

분량: 201페이지


분류: 미분류


Aeschylus, xvii re-create an practicatly create tragedy had the adVantage of rst choice. In three o his even renaainin plays 'lae chorus are 13 at the pening, an in a fotirthythough no in ' they are approachin the place os action vlion the play pens, an no specia reason has to e soti nil sortheir en trunce But his could no continue. y thei difficulty above discussed, vitii regar to lae tinae os action, the di anaatisis vere at ready Condemne to a certain naonoton in their Opening alWay a difficult matter o naan age. It votita laaUO been intolerable to ad to this naonoton Os tinae the imonotonyos always tartin xuith a sui scene an besides the chorus,


the earliest preparations of the sacredon inisters. The cla Ophisare visitor at Dei plat. Fror the circumstance and the coharseos in play it is lain that orne Considerable tini 1 nust bestippose ' o lapse belween the pening and thei appearance, more tirne than ii is convenient to represent by R SPOken Cene

an persoria certain services on bellat os persons Cona in sorconstillation On the stage liose viro re directed to rettu nare generali Aeen toto So. IVlant the services Vere, xv knowsrona P. I 8 A genera sacrifice hac to b Os red, o scertain froni the niens that the Jay vas prope sor Constillation and when ullius arrives he hears that this fias been dono Nox in xvhat place vas it dones On the re at altar in ron os theten i ple This is notisaeret probabie, ut proved both by the wΟrd προ ναοὐ in P. 42O, and by the description os the eathos Neoptoleimus in the AndroDIache'. There Neoptolennus sterssor iniself the sacrifice os constillation Vithis the I S, that is,on the alsed platsorna besore the temple tapon vlii Ch th grent alta stood He is aster vard sta in on the altari That thewhole cene accor ling o Euripides version passes ut id os the tenapi is evident Nox in the Ion the stage a stage probably very much like that latet discovere a Megalopolis, Ont of Vood, Sona Si X


Κρεουσαν την Ἐρεχθεως Ἀπόλλων φθείρας εγκυον ἐποιησενεν Αθηναις η δ το γεννηθὲν πὸ την ἀκρόπάλιν ξεθηκε, τον αυτον τόπον καὶ του δικηματος καὶ της λοχ ειας μαρτυρα λα- βοὐσα. το μεν ουν βρέφος 'Eρμης ἀνελόμενος εἰς Δελφους ηνεγκεν ευροὐσα δ' η προφῆτις ἀνεθρεψε την Κρεουσαν δε E. Οὐθος γημε συμμαχfὶσας γὰρ 'Aθηναιοις την βασιλειαν καὶ τον της προειρημενης γάμον λαβε δῶρον τουτω μεν ου αλλος παῖς Ου ἐγενετο τον δ' κτραφεντα πὰ της προφῆτίδος ι Δελφοὶ νεωκόρον ἐποίησαν. δε ἀγνοῶν δούλευσε τω πατρί. M σκηνὴ του δράματος πόκειται ν Δελφοῖς.


θεων παλαιὸν οἶκον ἐκτρίβων, θεων μιας φυσε Μαῖαν, η μ' εγείνατο Ερμ ην μεγίστω Ζηνὶ, δαιμόνων λάτριν.ηκω δε Δελφων τηνδε γην. ιν ομφαλον μεσον καθίζων Φοῖβος μνωδεῖ βροτοῖς τά- ντα καὶ μελλοντα θεσπίζων αεί. εστιν γαρ υκ ἄσημος Ελληνων πόλις της 'χ ρυσολόγχρου Παλλάδος κεκλημενη, ου παῖδ' 'Eρεχθέως Φοῖβος ζευζεν γάμοις Oβία Κρεουσαν, Ἀνθα προσβόρρους πετρας Παλλάδος α οχθω της Αθηναίων χθονος Μακρὰς καλουσι γης ἄνακτες Ἀτθίοος.

ἀγνὼς δε πατρὶ, τὴ θεω γαρ ην φίλον,