장음표시 사용
Deseription 'unilaroscope Anatomique. asne se salisse, Ton empeche meme ave te dolgi'u'il ne tomberien de obj et dans le trou. Ensuit te Microscope est amene par lati ec plus haut ii plus a sur o et par te motive-
te observations se sent ainsi sens perdrein tem qui est fortprecieux, vivant la maxime veritable Ara longa, ita brevis. Afin que a Machine deja pesante en elle meme .don lepoid est augmente par objet, ne fatigue pas encla tenant, nafait unite qui la porte out entiere, par te moyen duques onpeut la placer urine table, da disposter au our. L plaque principale 'ayant, comine i a te dit, que deuxtier de ligne elle seroi tro minc par en has dans endroico elle entre dans la partie superieure de la boule , de sorte quecette plaque ourroit se Courber oui molns causerin remblement dans a Machine. ou preveni ces inconveniens, napplique des deux cotes de la laque une lame pals se de cuivre, qui ient par es trois vis . o. II. Cette triple palmeurentre dans a parti superieure de a boule, qui est Dite e fourchette, inue te clo B attache fortemen a lallaque principale. A desius de la boule est annea spherique concave Iovisse a
Anatomical, Physiological, and Chirurgica Lees ures,
'O give a compendious Vie of themistor of Anatomy, and of the Structure and Functions of the
adly. o rea particulari of the Solid an Fluid whicli compos the Body, and thei different Uses and Di ases. 3dly explain the Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the severat Paris, by disserent Dissections os recent Subjedis, an a great Variet of preparations..thly. To appinthis Knowledge to the Cure o Ddeases, especiali suci a require manual Operation, and to persorin the various Operations of Surgery on the dead Subject. sthly. o me the different Bandagos, an ille anne of thei Application. 6thly. investigate the Structure of the gravid tertis and iis Contenis in Orde to facilitate the Stud of Midiuisery.
Lectures o the Theor an Practice of Midwifery and Disse asses inciden to Women an Child ren,
1st ' O give a compendious Vie of the Ris and Progress os this Art, and the various Improvemenis and Alterations it has undergone to the present Day. adly. o explain particulari the Anatomica Structureiand Functions in the found State, as etl a the Dis esse an morbi appearances of the various Paris concerne in Conception Utero-gestation and Parturition. 3dly. o potnt out the Symptonas and Effect produce is Conception, nethe with the Progress an Sitiis of the different period of regnancy. thly. o reat of the various Di ases hicli are most commoni attendantion his State. uethly. o describe the Progress o natura Labours, and the ource in maniter of the expulsion os the Placenta. 6thly T conside those hicli are terme preternaturat, an to Oint ut utly on the achine, an in an ista prove manner, the various Operation necessar sor correcting, with the and the niavourable Position of the Child. 7thly. o reat of the different ind of instrumental Deli very. Sthly. o describe the Diseases consequent to Parturition together illi the o successsu method ostreatin them. 9thly. To attendo the Peculiarities in the Structure of the cetus, explain the alterations produce in iis System by Respiration, and oint out the most rationa Mode of treatin it, both illi respectri Foodata Cloatiling, uring the imore early Periods xothly. o conside the Diseases hicti are most frequent an dangerous amon ne bori Infanis. Tu EE post ATTENDANCE Ang, The siri Course, -- 3 uineas. The second, . - ditio. The third, -- The Durth, ditio. Aster hie eae Gentieman in e considere a De of the Lectu res o sor sive Guineas a 34 once Wil be admitte to in Courses, an for en uineas illae deemed , ἡ Λ ii, i pia A: ''
perpetuat u- Anatomica Lecturea
Medicinae Doctoris, Societas. Scientiarum Regiae Britannicae M Berotinensi Sodalis,
Aonibus aeri incisis illustrata.
A. CORN CELsus, E MEDICINA Lib. I. AE T. Issa quoque Naturae rerum contemplatio, quamvis non faciat Medicum aptiorem tamen Medicinae reddit.