장음표시 사용
made Some Valuatae criticism an suggestions and toMr. Gilbert Murray, late rosessor o Greel in the Universit os Glasgo v Iulio has allo ve me to Inalce meus os his as 3 et unpublistae t revision of the text. Some of his suggeste emendations are mentione in thenoteS, an in Severat ther passages the texi vhicla liadbeen adopte has been altere in accoidance vitii his reviSion. I .asuy I destre to expreSs in obligation to the vigilance of the reade at the Clarendo Press. C. B. H.
PolynaeStor, cing o Thrace, together vitii it Sequet, Hecuba.' revenge. The irst of these tori es vas tota inone of the Cyclic poenas, the Ἱλίου Πέρσις, a i kno vn Dor the sumnaar of it vlaici has been preserved Thesecones vas do ubiles derived by Euripides Dor sonae ther epic thoias la there is nox no recor of in legen in nypoel prior o hi time. The solio ving disteren es in the etails of the legend, Sive finxit in Euripides an et sexvlnere, are noti Ceable:
ad XX. 13 Polydorus is cisse in batile by Achillesa but
Homer agrees villi Euripides in representin Polydorias as
presuppose in Euripide S. Froni ne 95- it appear that Achilles dem arule the sacrifice, not of OlyXena in particular, haut Ont of ne of the Trojan wonaen, an it is the Greelcs in generat via determine that Polyxena is to belli victimi ll. 189-9 and 22O I). It is true that in laeprologue l. o Ρolydorus, and later i. 39O OdySSeu S, Sayilia Achilles demande the sacrifice of Polyxena, but the Se Statendent Ima be regarde a meret the interpretation putupo the demand singling out Polyxena a the ne via i to
Analysis of the Flay. The cene is lai in frons of the Greel en Cainpment in lae