Iphigeneia he en Taurois. The Iphigeneia among the Tauri. Edited with introd. and critical and explanatory notes by E.B. England

발행: 1899년

분량: 192페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류









IN Dranging ut inis edition of ne Phlonia in Tauris

concitide nis play. A itica AppendiX, containing a list f





give to trage dy. In a lit e naan ne the wori Coine ly κωμωδία xva a village Soni isto in κώμη or a revelers Song κωμος). V are tot dalso that Arion introduCed prose into his lithyrariabs. I this is triae,

the nove have here ne ea gerim oscine ranaa, hi in the os en Ce of satisfactor eviden erit is ita ossi Die to state Dore Cleari What Arion's contribution to ne developiment of the drana a vaS. 3. ne ex nanaei ina portanc is that o Thespis of Icaria, uno vas bori in the early par of the Sixti Centvry, Perhap abOut the ea r58 B.C. He id in ich to improve the dithyrambi songstheia sung. He introduce an actor vlio Carrie Mon a dialogue vitii the ea de of the chorus et v een the lyra portions os the

i Arist. Poet. P. 449 a.


5. The mos strii in os ne innovation o PhryntClaus vas the intra ductio osa semale character here vas stillini one actor, but his

rent aborat Dionysus, or at east vitii other naylliologica tales, ut Phrynichiis conceived the designi representin a Conterea portar hiStorica event, the allis Miletus. 6. Tlae capture o Miletus by the Perstans in 494 .ci rotight toa en in so-Callei Ioni revolt, an unguCCesssu atten)ptin the partΜιλήΨ6 of the Gree Cities on the Coast os Asia Minor to throw off Aλω x me Persian yolce. The Μιλήτου 'Aλωσις filaryni Chus, there re Cornin a it id at a time viten the Athenians stili sel keenlythe missortune os thei in tred in Ionia, produce a great esseCimponthe tutience. The eopte tars into ear an aster arcis linei Plaryni Chus ne thousand citrii lirmas an Milade in the future the productionos a play on suCh a subjeCt. Phrynichus vas undoubtedi the greates of the Tagi ivriter besore Aeschyliis, although his voin Cotili hardi have been plays in ur senseo the word They vere long stret hes of hora son ivitii Simalipieces os dialogiae interspersed He enjoyed in anti*ait a reputationfor the lignit an pathos of his dithyranabs, and so the grea beautyos his hora odeS. 7. The nexi great naine in the histor of the di ama is that of Aeschultis, the rs of the three i eat tragi poets of GreeCe. He va bor at Eleusis in Attica in a B.C. and die a Gela in Sicil in 4 6.

Aeschylus ,

The reater par of his life vas pent at Athens ivliere helook par in the stirrin event of that time, figlitim against the Per-


stans at Marathon, and later at Arte ini Silura, Salamis, an Plataea. AeS-claylus ound the Greel draina in a id undevelopei state, ut underhina severa innovations vere made Whicli provexto e of the greatest

that the man who in against the go is no naalter o valgit his placem a be, vili in the en encolanter diSaSter. II. The nianaber of plays vritte by Aeschylus is sal to have been O Or o, and there re preserve 72 nanae Sal to have been


in o 6 repori vas hirrent in antiqtiit ita at he was hilled by thelcing' hunt in Glogs, ut his is probabi notoriae. Sophocles is sat d