Iphigeneia he en Taurois. The Iphigeneia among the Tauri. Edited with introd. and critical and explanatory notes by E.B. England

발행: 1899년

분량: 192페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


t have ut o blachin the nexus of his death. Euripides ound thedram atready suli developed, and there sore inade no Change in iis oui vard forin but in theoreat ahent of his Characters, and in thenatur of his plois, he differe nauch rona hi t v great redeCeSSOrS. 16. His parent xvere native of the oKn o Phlya in Attica, and seen to have been eopte O good Standin in the Coiianaiani ty in spite os lae Conai poets Ivla frequently atta )ked them, Callingliis motne a selle of heros. It i sal that in his ouili he vas suCCesssulis an athlete, vinning rige in xvresilin and Doxing; and likexvis that he ae liti rei sonae fame a a ainter Soni of hispainting xvere honi in later inies in Megara He vas Studioris intemperanaent. In early li se e beCanae interested in philosophy, studyin unde Anaxagoras, Iulio exerted a reat influenCe Pon hina, and in late lis associatii gravith other Dimotis sophist at Athens. The essectis these associations is noticeable in his extant plays. He is sat dio have begian writin a the age of eighteen, ut e vas eari thirtyxine his fissi play vas rought ut, and thi Won Ont thiri place. For the nexi Kent years e Coimposed ver litile, ut e Imore hannaade u sor his in the last years of his life He eeriis to ave vritte in ali 0 plays, of vhicli 78 vere stili preserve in the tinae os the Alexandria criti s. Ide vota the tragi prige ut sive inaes inali, an one of theSe viCtorie was Won asterii death vith plays exhibite by hi Son. 17. Onamon repor malce Euripides uni, appyin his private ise. He is aid o have ad troubie vitii ach os his livo vives, hi very lihel nauch of this is ille gossip xvlaici aros in later illaeS. Uniust He Scire liuently spolieni as amater of voliten because in xii ολβmssonae of his play he introduced se male character ivlio vere to bellated rather than adimire&; butin the theriand sonae of his heroines eXCitetur greateSt adnitration. SuCh sor Xa uapte are Iphigenia and Alcestis, the forme a imode of sisteri allection, and the alter of viset devotion Dolabiles nauch of the n favorabie Coninient WhiCh ve have bout Euripides comes ither directi or indirecti stomAriStophanes This great naster os Conaedyiadis most early dis- like o Euripides an his style os uagedy, and so that reason neverneglecte an opportunit to attach hi in Much of his abiis is very


u ust, ut it has serve to lin Sonae reader to the triae nerit os the poet. 18. 1 non his contemporarie the tragedies of Euripides vere notgenerali popular his is atteste by the mali number of victories si xvhich e Won. Ver likel this unpopularit is to e creputatio counte 1 so by the fac stat the eople of that tinae vereno ready so the realiSin os hi playS. The preserrei the losty, poetica langu age and the idea Character of Sophocles to the veryda language an more rea CharaCter o Euripides Aristoties telis ab stor to the esseC that SophOCle orace sal that he made me asthe ought orae, Euripides a the were, and this descri Des vel inedisseretice et veen the t vo poets. Thi disterenCe ho ever, va Onewhicli vas destine to et ratherona to harin the reputation os Euripides in later times, o ston the Murali Centur B.α on, his dramas excite the reateSt enthusiasin and vere brought ut againan again. his populari , Iulii Ch Cain after the Poet' death, Continue duringone suprenaac of the Alexandrian Cholar an evendo vestiarough ne Middie Ages. In fac a the present time, DecauSe of his more moderia spirit Euripides Si Da Di more generali appreciate than ither of nis more alnou NValS.I9. Under Euripides, then, Gree tragedy ecanne es tostyan more natural Tne angvage va Imore early the angvage os



of his plays naight asit have been re,ught to the desised en by

2 2 ineleen plays have come do vn to modern inies unde thenam o Euripides The genuinenes of one of these the Rhesus, hasbeen doubie since late Greel tinaes, ut the ther arie

Extant plays

Supplices Hi obtus Croetone , Iphige/Ha at Aulis L Denia in Tauris,

Ion CFcIosue, Medea, res PS, Rhesus, T=vado, and ηὐMnisSae. 23. Aister the death o Euripides Greel traged stea lil declined. At Athen durring the nith centur there ad been other tragi poetsbesides the three great Imasters, and Onaeti me One Os Declino oftheSe leS lcno vn poets Won a victor ove his imore fana ous sex'φκα gζdyrivais, ut non os thena vere uriters of the ars r in and their vorks have long Since perished. The sanie is triae also os the tragi poets of the oririli century. In the thisci century there vas a reviva oftraged at Alexandria, an sor a time it ourished unde LyCophron, Alexander Aetolus, and the other neniber of the tragic Pleiad, ' ut aster his it de line ecanae rapidis nil cannotae easti traCed. 24. When Euripides selected I pliageni as ne subjec sor a pla heChos a stor vhicli vas Connectes vitii one os lae mos famous of the mythologica legend os Greece. The missortunes of the ouse of Atreu serve a subjecis sor innumerable tragedies by the Greelc


poets, an nocles than et glit of the hirty- three tragedies no v extari deat villi Some portioni the Story These ei glat tragedie

chylus, the Dcre o Sophocles, and the Pomet, Iphigonia af Augis, Iphigenia in auras, and O SD o Euripides. 25. The Cene of the I genia in Tauris is lai a the teimple of

Artentis in the Countr of the Taurians, a savage eople of the inaea. Plotis Iphigenia, in xva Supposedo have been Sacrifice bytb Pin' ther inlaen ab Aulis vhen He Greelo fleet was on to oy, vas in realit faved by Arteinis and place in ni tenapi among the Taurians a praestess. The play open ivitii a Cene in Whicla Iphigenia telis os a realit he has had si in hich he infers that herDrother Orestes is dea l. Vith her attendant maidens, the ChoritS,She conae formari to our a libation to his departeci spicit Orestes meanti in has been civen larorigh Greece by the Funes ecause of the iratu de of hi naotnei , ut sent D Apollo e contes to the and of the Taurians o Cari y of the stati te os Aries Dis. Iste places his in Athens, he is pronii sed relies stomolae Funes. Soon after his arrivalxvithiis scient Pylades hecis apthaed by herilsine and talcen e re the cin and then to I plaigenia to e sacrifice to the goddess. Vhen Iphigenia learias that the prisoner are Greel f he piat man questionSto thein, and in i in that the Conie otii Argos he deter ines tosen one of thei bach vitii a lette to teli inestes that sine is stillative. he turges Orestes, Iulio is os Coiirse not et kno vn to her, totalce the letter, ut e restises o fave hi iras et a the expense of hismen Pylades. At tength Pylades is persia aded toto, and Orestes isto e the sacrifice to the goddess. The dramati talent of Euripidesis no v se en atriis best and is vorthyis a great poet Iphigenia CoimeSorat of the tenapte vitii the letter xvhich he ives o Pylades, ut inorde to guard against ver accident he deterani ne to et Pylades the Content of the letter Orestes an Carcet belleve his ars, and Iphigenia, viten Pylades and hin the letter, thinlcs it is a trici to Save the prisoneri ut at length, Convin ed by proos that Orestest reatly bes ore her, he throw herset into his arrns The three o v


plan to escape. The hi os inestes is hidden orne here long the hore, an id, on the retextis i ii ving the viCtina be fore Sacrifice, Iphigenia conducis heu to t. The res of the stora is toti by a meSSenger Who Conae in haste to Cal the cing. The uarois addis overed the trich vhen the hip vas abolit to et ulule way and had nishedio via to et g the abies. The long alis to his eo ple totalce the hip at ali hagards, when Athena appears and o id pursuit. It was by the wil of Apollo that Orestes ad conae to the and of the Taurians and it vas her vili that he hould nox depari in asely. The cing minis es to Conapi avitia the Coimnaand of the odii ess, ullo speed Orestes and Iphigenia on their vav.

26. Stichris the lotis the play. Euripi des has introduce Minto it nati Ch that is original. The sto 13 that Iphigenia vas no sacris Ced at Atilis but vas rescii ed vorte nais and laCed in the and risti halitu of the Taurians vas toti in the Cosma lost epic poena se tremn eni

an in the tinae os Herodotus, too the Taurians vorshi Ped a gooldessknown a Iphigenia, the daughter of Agat Memnon, an Sacrificed sh ip xvreched fallor to her. alie dea, o ever of tangin Orestes tothos region to e sacris Ced I his O vn Si Ster, heir autua re Cognition, and the es ape whicli solio us vas a miliant thought of Elimpides, an is a good exanile of his inventive genitis And in faci, it vasoni in sona su Ch way a this that a Greel draimatis could introducea ex element into his play. Unlike the moderia ranaatis he was restri te in his choice of stillaecis to the old Griret Stomes sana ilia toeverybody. His ranaati sicilloniis be ho via hie by the va in vilich he wocted ut his tot Is e Could introduCe successsuli a ne v motive into an id storv it vas a distinc gain.

In his reatinent of the tot of the phoenia in Tauris Elimpides

solio us his sua custo in introduc in aster the prologue a Cene os moderate ina portan e frona ivlii Ch oint ii interest graciluali risesunti it reaches iis culini nation in the splen mi re Cognition Cene. This is the turn in the play the paSsiniston the δεσις, mentanglement,


to the λυσις, or Solutio of the difficulties. ut Euripides cloes notpemnit ii interest o die xva ivitii the recognition of the brotheran sister. He perceives that he anno hol our attention to the

is amotas, and inust e regarde as ne of the inest in Euripides. Aristolle justi praises t. ACcordin to in that ἀναγνώρισις rueCOgnitio is est xv hicli is rotaght abola by nati ira naeans, and suci isthe recognition o I plai genia by Orestes It was a natura thing that Iphigenia hould vant to seni the letter. The re Cognitioni Orestes by Iphigenia is however, les artistic, e caris it i Drought bout byartificia naeaias. At the lose of the play the poetis naploy the deus ex machina a1 ; ut here, as in ther plays, he tangiat have broughtabout the aine en by thermaean hac he o de Sired. 27. lae late of the sh enia in auras is no definitet known, but it is probabi that the play vas rought ut abOut Ι4 Or IMB.C.ΤDat ane tiritS haVe been successsul, o Euripide Seenas to have Susce' linitate o it in the Helena, vilici appeare in Ia; and later stili he oote an Iphigenia a Musis vllicli vas rought ut aster his deat h. The way in Whicli Aristolle repeate di refers to the pia in his Poetios' hoxv hox highlyrae este ei De it. The Criti Cisr rei a Per-haps e niade that in the phlenia in auras Euripides oes notexcite ei ther ea or it in the nainclis of his audience, and accord- in to Aristolle this vas the functio os trage oly. ut echarine has horun that here is a thirci type of traged whicli inis to ex- Cite Glnairation, and the phoenia in Tauris Clearly belong to this



ine sacrifice ab Aulis, a didola Iphigenia urit tela by Sopnocles. Aster in I henia in Tauris of Euripides ima de iis appearanCe, nis

no Greel .


Th e Italia poet Rucellai, hortly be fore his death in 15 26, iv te an res dias edipo the plot of the phoenia in Tauris, ut the play loes no seen to have been PubliShed untd 723. T vo Centuries aster Rucellai Pier acopo Manello I 665-17 27), the inventor of themar Viani verse, Drought ut an L sua in Tauriri vhich enjoyed a

Considerable reputation./3o. The popularit of the phoenia in Tauris of Euripides is atteste no ineret by aes inutations os the play but also byone

to give fine letterto Pylades. 5. The recogirationis Iphigenia. 6. Therei nova of the Statue. 7. The tight. Tnere are in an Alight variations in disserent representations of the fame scene, but his is tot expected, and is diae torine Maginat ion os ne disterent artisis. O in vhole itima be sat ima at thes frenia in Tauris is as vel represented in ancient

troduction. The writer an oni reser in Ose uno destre to pursu it surine to the vork naentione in ne precem n note an tori ne referen e give in eui.


Played thei paris, and the chorias an and anc ecl. 6st λη' θ of the Greel theater of vhi Ch enhain exi St O no have CirCular or- Chestras ecause the were alter ed in P Onaan times; ut it has been prove beyon dispute that the CirCular Onia vas the regular ne in the fifth centur B. C. The est Xana ple of a theater vitii suci adan in place is at Epidauriis. In the OrCheStra there seenas to have Deen an altar os Dionysus, Callei the thyimele θυμέλη), ut vhere it vas placed is no known It is qui te hel that iis position differe in disterent theaters. The ent rances throti gh vhi Cla the Chorus ima de iis appe aranCe vere Called πάροδοι, and vere plaCed nea the two end of the stage uil lingS.


contribution to the Sul e t frona the archaeologica fide have been in ad D Dr. Villaeta Dorpse id of themerinan Archaeologica Institute at thens, an for that reason this theor is generiill kno vn a SDorpselit' theor of the stage. Dd feld has hown that the traces of a stage vhicli stili exist in sotiae Greel theater date frona late Greelcani frona ora ian times. In the Rona an perio it vas the custon to alter the old Greel theater so as to fit thena sor the persornaances of lae tinae, and the Ronian theater ad a. Stage. 36 the scholar have ho vn that there are nan passages in theextant ranaas Whicli annoti explaine Mon the supposition that here va a Stage. In DCt, Sonae of the plays Could not e profron ducet in a theater vitii a stage. In the phoenia in Tauris there is ne pilace Io 68-Io7o, p. O53 Whi Cli ho SClearly that he horia and the actor vere o the aine levet. In his scene Iphigenia oe to acti member of the Chorus in turn, ouCh- in the and of ne and the chin f another, eggin them no toreueatae Plan. 37. Morpi et has hown surther that in Asia Minor in Hellenistic t inaes there developei a theater xvith a igh, an stage theater of Iulii Ch vas an uigro vili stor the stage uildings During the fifth centi iry an actor soni etinae spolce frona the tomos the stage Duildings a though froni therio os a liouse, and thi praC-