Iphigeneia he en Taurois. The Iphigeneia among the Tauri. Edited with introd. and critical and explanatory notes by E.B. England

발행: 1899년

분량: 192페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



tice very lihel suggested the de os havin ali the actor speat Domitiis levet. 6rpseld argues that the theater o Ponit e a Ronte vas bulli in initation of the laea ter a Mitylene, that iS, O the type sual in Asia Minor, and that this is the type of theater de Scri Ded by Vitra1-


cit o the hactior is sto in the lest, he va Suppo sed to have Coi De isto in the Corintry. his CuSion arOSe roin the Siluation of the theater at Athens. The spectator Could OOl Orsin the right to the ea, and onthe est to the Corintry belox Mount Hynaetius. The road to theniat et place, Oo, tanto the right. his practice vas solio ve both in

exit and in ent rances. In SO In theater there vere Specia entra ncessor nosis o Gleities of the o ver vorid, as in the theater at Eretria, Where an in Olergrounci paSSage- va lead frona the stage ut lolings ut

into the ol Che Stra.

Admission . , . .

prace of adimission, and was obliget to kee the theater in repair. 43. As has been Sald above, the Greelcctoohedipon the presentationo play a par of a religio us Celebration It vas ne va in xv lii ChFestival honor lanight be ho vn the god Dionysiis. Hen Cecit vas theu , io. CUStolo at Athen to bring ut the plays ut vice a 3 ear; Pr0duce thiat is, at the two most in i ponant festival os the od. These estivals vere the Itienaea Celebrated in the Monti os Γαμηλιων January-February), and the Grea Dionysia, celebrated in Ελαφηβολιών March-April . Os these the rea Dionysia vas by a thema os important. I las te lis least sive Jays, during three of vhi Cl plays verebrought ut Continuori sty beginia in early in the inorn in and lasting



mostis the day. During the fifth Centur B. C. at eacla Celebration of the ineat Dionysia three tragi tetralogies, ach Consistin of three

Tnese vere ali ne v play S. The Greel dra aratist xvro te his pia sorone presentation Only although no doub the lay vere repeate in the sim alter Oivias and in Athens in the ourth centur it e canae thecus tona o present ne id la in addition to the ex ones Theocile in x mich the plays vere roright ut is not known, ut during the ni th centri r soni of the tragedies Me known to have precede Pthe Coime dies Peri aps ne tragi tetralog and one Comed avere brotightout acta lay. The Lenaea vas a Du Ch les in portant festiva thanthe rea Dionysia and not ver naucli is cmo via abolit t. Conaedytauris hecit there ratne than trage ly, ut at eaSt two tragi poets areiaown to have exhibite tritogies on one CCaSion at a Lenaean festival in the fila CentUry. 44. hen a tragi poet ad Coma posed a tetralog and destre tonave it rought oiit, e firSt Oo the play to the ArCla Oia Eponymus, iste visited o produce thena at the rea DionySia, oro illi Archon Basileus, i the were to appear at the Lenaea in olit os The archon read the play of ali canc dates and thenselected the lare tetralogies vlii Cli se eme do hii to e best. He va then sal to ive a Clionis χορον διδόναι to the three Sta CCeSS-sul poets. his naeans that he assigne to eaCh poet a Clio regias χορηγός vhose ut it vas to selec an pay the si ieen naen ivliotook the patet of the Chorus, o provide an instructor Or thena, and a PlaC for thei reliearsals t pay the Salar of the lute-player, and like vis for the os tunies of the Chorii and of thematite CharaCters. It is apparent a tinc that this imus have been a heau lax, an it vas, inlaCt, ne of the specia taxes levied pon wealthy Citigens. The State paid the actor and stiria is hed thei COStir e S. 43. In the a1 l par os the fifth century the poet could selec hiso vn hie a Ctor, ut later on the state laos the three est aCtor orP tagoni sis, ancit the were assigne to the poets by tot. Each irotagonist, lowever, illo se iis clxv Subordinate aCtOrS, the de uteragonis and the tritagonis l. A there vere ut three Spealcing Ctor in a Gree play, at the paris vere Glis tribute annong


47. At ne actua per Naaance of the plays in the theater here

vere ver ea Chio e ut hi vote into an uria. Moin these voles ne presidinx Chon then laevumve, and thris decidet vhicli poet 1ad been successsul Thi ratne Coimplex Systen ivas resorte to in orde toguari against Corruption anxio insure a just veriti t. 8. Vhen the deCiSion vas announced the si accesssu poet and nechoi egus vere led in to the theater an Cro vned vitii gariands. ne poet receiveol, in o lition a money rige, and after ne naid ite fulae sis in centur inere vas a rige O the SuCCOSS-sul protagonist. It is no Jknown ivnetne ilae Choregias received aprige or not. In ne ditnyratai Di ConteSis ne victorious noreguS received a tripod. 49. The Costume o a tragi actor naturali depende to a considera Die extent pon the Chara Cter vhicli e vas representing but there Vere, beSideS, Certain conventionalities in his iress. He Vore gar ent Sinai lar to those vor by the Greelcs in everyda lise, ut longe and more o ving, villi right Color ivlier e the 'Vere appropriate. He vore also a. boot vitii a thici sole os



Milo v Ι. προλογος - Ι22 2. πάροδος 23-235 , 3. πεισόδιον πρωτον 236-39 , 4. στάσιμον πρωτον 92 466 ἐπεισόδιον δευτερον 467-IO88 6. στάσιμον δεύτερον Io 89-II 52 7. πεισόδιον τρίτον


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