장음표시 사용
Philoclen us' reatis On Method of Inferen e deserves a place in the histor o philosophic thoiugiat not ni for iis Contribution to ou knowledge of Greel PhiloSophy, biit at Sofor iis unique position in ille history of napiriCiS1m. Greelc philosopla has been traditionalty Considere rationalisti and theoretical, ather than napiraca an practiCal. It has appente to thos philoso0her ivli holi1 that rationaliSti SPQCulation is tho trul philosophi naethod. et the histor of philosopli ha Aho vn that empirica investigation is imit pensabie for the formiulation of theories, am that theomes
inquir in to the nature o philosophic aethod, an into the relationi theor1e to enapirica data. The present Stud deal ivitii the nianne in vilicia theprobleni o naetho iva expreSSed by the in PiriCali oriented philosophy of the Epicureans and CepitCA, and by thei rationalisti opponenis, the Stoics. Each of these School developeda theor of signs, a the basis of both epistemologica and logica speculations. V Canini potnt oui, Vithout elaboration, that the Epicurean an Scepti speculation in theories
Philoclenius oes not ho v in delat hol the Epicureans applied thoi nietho to the whole of thei philosophy, et his