Platonos Phaidon. The Phaedo; edited with introd. and appendices by R.D. Archer-Hind

발행: 1883년

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류





A CAREFUI, student of the Platoni dialogues an hardi sal tonotice a certain peculiarit in their triactur he vili observe a fortiae mos par sin notine but severat motives underiying the whole composition and artisticali inter vovem; so that ve put the question, inhat vas Plato' objeCt in ivnting any one dialogue, in ans ver Canraret be a simple ne These severa motives are indeed ornaallysubor sinate to ne definit end-sor a latoni λόγος is alWays φον

portant resulti me dialogue o that whicli Plato ad mos at ear in iis composition. A very good and simple illustrationis his is stipplied by the Sophis . The declare ob)ec os a malogue is to desine thesophist 218 B); anci his olfeci, mi ait the intrica ies of the argu


analysis of the sive γενη, Whicla Clear u the problem os predication; the solutio of the hitherio ho petes enigma concerning false judg-ments ali his Constitutes ne of the nos memorabie Chievements of

the tima intellecta a science of logi is nox firs Munded, and philosopla is placedipo a ne v basis. Vet in forna inis all-inaportant metaphysica inquir is meret an accidental disti ult involve in the definitio of the sophist, vilicia nee no have arisen, ha no the sophis turned ut o be a stiani. 'Ve se ine lao v lato propoSesto himself an en d maint for the falce of ille means ave may be Surethat he care latile about desining the Ophist but ver naucla bout ineinetaphysical question to vhicla in proces of definition vas to giverise No v inis indirect in is oin about his vori is a peculiarit ofΡlato' ivlaicia must be steadit hept in minxi ive are o have an laopeo understandin hina at ali Also ve must remenster a Plato isbe re ali hings a metaphysician ethies, politios logic playSic are tollim so many formis os applied metaphysios and ve voti l rightly fossox the Current of his thought it is fron a metaplaysical ourceoliat

Bearing this in mind, et u se What is the result os a similaranalysis applied to the stria ture of the Phaedo. Most person Ivlaosliould be aflced to describe this voin voti id probabi rept ilia it vasa reatis in Whicla lato endeavourso prove illat ou is inamortal; and this is no dolibi a correctisCCount of ne motive of the dialogue. But ille dentonstration os immortalit is eitlier the expreS Purpo seno the nios important pthilosophica result it holas a position imore' early Correspondin to that of διαίρεσις in the oggust. A to laeniat subuectis the dialogue Plato leave us in no uncertainty. Sol ratesmahe two Statemenis ivlaiCla appea tomebes t be mutuali conflict-ini: 1 in this lise verare unde the protectioni good and vise gods, a the philosopher vili beata tomuit his life Sinanaias add that it



fre intellectual life p

Deel adimit ille justice of this criticisn and sayche vili do his best tosill up the lacuna in his theory. Ne se then that inimortalit is a distincti secondar iSSue, lib. ordinate to the principat inent of the dialogue. The particula modein Whicla Sohrates has Chosen to defend his main propositio demand s

that is ali so far a regard the purposes of this dialogiue Plato is


true philosoplaer villisol ea death. It is to be notice stat a so on

aster verare dead.

Seein iliat ais oun friend are stili do ubi ful vlaether lae conditions for the operatio of lais lax O reCiprocit are necessarii satisfied in the case of Sohil Sol rate pusta es for Nar to ne varound He urges that in thiniis orae de conaposed, it inust firs have been Coimposed; that whicla has no part theresore annot be sui,Jecto dissol tition. This is the fundamenta distinctio bet veen the objects of sense and the olbJects of intelligence the fornae are Coimposite an perpetuallysuffering resolutio into laei constituent paris the alter are sina pleand lacresore indissoluble. Ideas are changetes and ternat, particulars



vita principie-is oul by virtve of the de of life inherent thereire


The questioni immortalit is interestin and important ustrio far ascit is connected vitii the cognitio of the deas rue knowledge,



unimportant in lato' sight and this is ivlaatinives artisti unit to the dialogue. As a Danie vore in Whi licio et his vindicatio of the dignityof the deas Plato could have Cliose nothin belle than a descriptiono the cheerfui fortitude displayed by a naan wlios lis has been devotexto intellectual resear h. The lesson vlaici Sol rates inculcates bylai precept an argument he en forces stili more vividi by his livingexample Froni his sirs pleasant moralising on iis ivn feller-Cramped


lin abs to the last alsconscious i tinction to fulsit a pious uty liesho v us the ver ideat of that Character at whicli e volata ave usaim. Never vas in Platoni Solcrates more geniat an gentie, more ready and subi te in argument, more patient of oppositio an sicili inencountering it, neve more riCla in Oetr an imagination, an niliat las da of his life I see in ascis lato ad deterintne to se allthe reSotirces at his Command in bringin honi to us in tesson laat in philosoph lies the SoVereign Cliari against the terror o deam heappeal to the intellec by the Subitet of his arguments to ille imaginationes, his fantam an beautissilistylia, an to me emotion by that dealh-scene Whicli stand alone in ali literature. It is in inis Way that verina recognis the Connexion os emayssi and the las scene vitii themat bod of the dialogue. The myth is no mere poetica enabellisl)

diser odie sotii and finalty it is et more earnesti en forced by a picture o philosophi fortitude talcen froni actua history. Ali inese

vlaici have been al)l treate h, Bonit in iis admirat)le 'Platonisciae Studien ' Ι hali sinapi examine lae relatio of the severa argu- naenis, an tiae frona the restilis laus olbiaine Conside Ivlaether theyare o Ie regat de a Constituting one oria ore denaonstrations Vith