Platonos Phaidon. The Phaedo; edited with introd. and appendices by R.D. Archer-Hind

발행: 1883년

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류


και φρόνησιν Ἀει of liis ni time sirs hal cano, deduce stoin ἀνταποδοσις, the atterris supplied by ἀνάμνησις, vhicla holus at thesoul ad cognition o ille ideas : ἀνταποδοσις holus stat τεθνηκὼς is a node of existenCe, ἀνάμνησις stat it is a state of intelligence: a ἀνάμνησις attaches the denaonstration o inaniortalit to in theoryo ideas upon vlaicia it is finalty t be based Thus xv se that the

In fac there is no more surprisin featur in the literature o vhichthe Phaedo has ive o Casio than the fac stat Imany Cholars, notoni in the face of lato' explici declaration 7 C), biit in the face of

sou exist in me fame State τεθνηκόη be re birtia an after eam;

ston ἀνάμνησις e have eviden e that this is a Consciolis an intelligent Stato. So then, Whateve number Os proos ive ma finali decide to existin the Phaedo it is Clear that the two foregoin arguments do notamount to hore an Onet ut even besore any objections have been Erged, Solcrate propoSe to osse surther Vidence, a though What helias atready brought for vard vere inade litate. ι .et u See then in What particular the demonstratio Seenis to me incomplete, in orderthat w may knOI What we laould Xpecto be supplied in the

Nox is in addition to ou knowledge of the la v ve ad a persectan exlaaustive acquaintance vitii the conditions unde Whicli it cis in very Conceivable inStance, ve might ibe Certain os iis operationi ali cases. ut as a naalter os fac ive have no an neve ca laave suci an acquaintance vitii lae ConditionS. An astronomer frona thedata bes ore hina, calculate that a planet ougiat to revolve in an orbi of


livide into in visibi an invisibi xvorld the formae includes ali

findis res for the sole of her tot but inhen lae turn to the dealx, ori sta seel hersei at home the ideas lae an Contemplate in Serene repose, Sering that he herny is a in to thran and sh then harestiae ConstanC of the obJects of lier meditations Additiona confir-niatio is supplied by the observatio that oui Command an bodyobeys the fornae is ille functio of the divine, the alter of the niortat; theresore ve infer that the oui moSi resembles his divine, deati ess, Simple, in dissol tibie, Clianget ess, Sel identical essen ce Furtheri re v kno v that paris of the body, inferior ascit is, o the whol body viae embalmed ima las sor a practicali unliniite time a fortio; ithen the out must be stili more a ding. ruri fu Villa reference to this arguiment it is to be observed i that it is professedi a sequel to the preCedin g, θω δε ἀπελίπομεν ἐπανέλθωμεν 78 B: a that the requisite insereno sto Cognitio os ille deas is no vexpresse in the word I have italici sed: 3 that the proo no v resis Ompo the essentia natur of the oul. .il e lao v, ike there re sincethe ou knows the ideas, lae naust be like the deas. ut the attributes of the deas are Simplici ty, hinchangeabieness, an ina perishability the


solio vin to iti logica conclusion the tra in os moright Sugge Sted h)yἀνάμνησις Plato has ais e the meor of immortalit stoin the dim an doti bifulci vili glat o physica speculation to the Clear si in Shine of meta bphysica Certain ty. his present arguinent is in fac intende bolli as

that cano, obtaine fronicit is in fac the ver inferen e that lato


ivitii the existence of the deas. Stili vhates destre speciali to emphasis is that not ne of the argument in the fars hal of the dialogue is a proo os immortality, and not ne of thenicis intended by latot be o. lato never vastes his vords. ad he belleved that anuo these arguiment in therars par dena onstrate theriour inanaortality, he Would me topped there the additionis the final argumentishews that the foriner vere o conchisive On the theriand lato voti id not have introduce the preliminar arguments, ad the no been necessar : the do no in deed directi demonstrate inaniortality, ut the enalbi his to riserio that stand-poin frona ivlii Ch the demonstrationis possible the are a necessar propaedeuti for the proo whicli is

based directi on the theor of ideas The long intervat vhicli inte


venes bet Nee in arguments I have been siscussin and in ultima te proos serves to mari Ver Clearly ma the are t be escen by them selves a forming one division, While lae final dena onstratio itfel Constitutes the ther. lato generali gives Sonae tolerabi plain externa Inaino his division talce, o instance, in Criticism o Protagora in the Theaetetus. The earlier objections urge against stat philosopher's dogma a re ighi inCOnCluSive noto Sa MVOlOUS; So muci So that Protagoras sint ast proVolce to uti his head frona the hades belo van to expostula te vitia Sol rates for Condescen tin to stiCla a methodo controversy. Aster his the debat assume quite a disserent Character olae arguments ut formar are ali os a soli an substantia lnature No v there an in In Judgment be no doub that in that parto the criticism vhicli precedes the rena onstrance of Protagoras lato is expreSSing aerei popular objectionS, Whicla might be urged, and perilaps laad ieen urged against the μέτρον ἄνθρωπος mn tiae tand-point of ordinar Cormnaon ense these e vas univillin to leave UnnotiCed although lae vas Conscious that the di no reali invalidatellae theor o Protagoras. ut in the subsequent portio heri a guingston his iv potnt of vie v an defining ivliat he Considers o be thellimitations of the doctrine vhile, to main the distinction, the ad opis the artisti device of bid lin Protagoras emerge fron the hade in orderio malce his xv defenCe. The Case of the Phaedo is no an exactparallel for in the ariter part lato is no bringi nimi Ward arguments vhicla re not hi oavn the reasonin is ound Soriar ascit goes and though it oes no aniount o proo of Immortality, it materialty X- pedites la discover of suci a proos. ut there is a simila reason forma hing of the arguments into No separate divisions an Plato laastalcen ain to mali a broad and Conspicuous line of demarcation'.

terrogate th Sol rates e conses stat MC-91 The resutation o Si nimias the a remo satisfieci, but clo not kerio occupie tiare claaPter more, 9 C-95 A; Pres inei objections in his present si tua nex Sol rates restates me objection Ostion Solcrates repties vivi his amotis ebes, an not ill 5, oes te belli Simile os in s vans, and exhoris them to inem itique of physical speculation vlai cla


o imat te to that invisibi essenee of vhicli the sensile universe is theotii vard expression ve naus look for the explanatio of acla thin ini: arisen the wliole existen Ce of a particular hin is derive froin ine inheren ce of iis idea and in long a the alia exist it an neve beSevered fron iis idea, nor admit nytiun inconsistent vitii stat dea: should it adimit suci an inconsistent idea, timeas es t be that vhicli it

principi that the eternit os sola is inseparabi bound p vitii theexistence of the eternat ideas lias been the hienseatur of ανάμνησις anditie psychologica argiument in his last pro os it is precisel sorimulated, handi ed in in me manner, and iusta ex o citi logical conclusion.


regar tiae refutationis the harmoni Colaeor a in an se Se an argu- naen sor immortali ty. The proposition o Sirnmias is ne viaicli has Some prima facie plausibility, and whi Cla uould be absolutet fata to the notionis inmortali ty iis confutation is there re inperative, but Ontrit Iutes nothing, even inCidentally, to the nain argument this is in precis ely the fame position aster in overthrow of Simmia a it iva Shiefore his objection vas propolanded. The whole pisode Os har Ony, though necessary, is in fac parentheticat. The CritiCism fruebes, ni in other laand toliches the mos vital issu and tend directi to the reconstructionis in argument in that hape Haeret alone, a I have trie to ho v, lato regard i as a Complete an final demonstrationthat ou is inaniortat.

Essain on the inDuor alis of he Gul. Stence, in theor ould hie satisfied tis In reatingis his lex, micta Pliave vel a I, a Succession os incarmations. ternae metein psychosis, it is to the ob And in laci Iboth in ine Hiddo an in theserve stat me ac tua tiansmigiation is nactAut Plato seenis to hol out ineoni an accident oscit. Ad mat is es laope laat a soli stat lias hiccesssiidysentia is me imittes duration os in passed ali her prothationary trials villsoti P existenc : aer perpet hiat ei nat)odi a ain to a pernianent state ostii liighest ment in variolis ornas is no necessarii intellectita siti ition possitae sor a finite involved. I an individitat soli can in t existe iace.