Platonos Phaidon. The Phaedo; edited with introd. and appendices by R.D. Archer-Hind

발행: 1883년

분량: 222페이지


분류: 미분류



πῶσα λυχ - θάνατος, si Oul, villa Out reservation is inmortal; and presently ve have an elati Orate State ment of the tripartite nature, that is of na orta an an in ina orta soli conjoin ed.

At illis constitutes no meret justisi Cation ibui positive necessit fortreating the tripartition o soli a Wholi metaphoriCal Pandulae interpretationi ita metapl)or i Simple nough. The three εἴδη of the oul

a time. This 1 indul)ital)le. In me Dylla os conditions os in lividua existence ire not


Soui then is simple an uniforna the ne and oni principi OPE . At sorins of life a re manifestations of her, Dor me ighest to thelowest fron the activit of the olbies intellecto the laintest vestiges of vegetabie ro vita The degre os intelligen e varies inverSelya CCordin to the degre os implication ivitia nat ter. In the laigia est formis of individua existence thought aas Dee Cope or iis activity, and

the o ver modes o Consciousnes are in due sub ordination but a themateria bonds gro v ighter, the Supren)aC of thougiat vaneS, und the dominion Os sensatio an appetite strengthen S; finali reaSon and thought, Ven the igher modes of Sensation, vanish, and nutrition Indgro vili alone remain. ut ali laese organism are Vitali sed by one Sole

principi os hse.

ii The ans verrio the secon question is to be found viti no ess


I laus it appears liat is iue insist ponoreatin Plato' allegorical


logica precision rom it funda naenia principies. ut ve an hardlyStippos that this system pran ali at nCe in iis mature CompletenesS, like amet Alliene, fron iis creator' brain. Plato is no indee Wontio viii do vn his ideas besore lae are vel thought ut hiut vhen VeresseCt vhere the ook pthilosopli up and where he est it, it vovi Seern vori tersu inde exi a series of composition extendin ove a long life belonge to ne and the fame stage of thought. Os philosophy, properi So Called, lato is me originator an creator. The earlier Greel illinicer in mei struggles up to the light ad inach pondivers principies of profound an vita importan e: the ames of Herakleitos, annenides, an Anaxagoras are associale vitia trullas viai Cla fora the ver Danae vork of philosoplay. ut ach of me earlier philosophersi vel exciti sivel on his xv peculiar principie, tili in iis is Olation a truth lbe a me a falsela ood the advan Ced ne aspeCt os metrii in asci ii vere the wlaol : hos o one fide os me hiel deClaredita at ali is convex Oliose illae ther, at is concave. liilosopli firSt




our experiene enable us to malce an exhaustive catalogue of inose

Tlais solae stage of the naiddie latonisna: as et the ideas aresinapi hypostasisations of very logica Concepi. Consequently Vesin in the est ita an de of very groti os objecis denote by a

The RepuHic is the chie exponent of this plaase of Plato' metaphysic :it is also represente by the Phaedras, SI' potiuna, and therS: it main distinguishin charactetistic are the assuinption o an deasor very grou of particulars, and the inheren e folae idea in ille particulars also expresse a the participation, μεθεξις, of the particular in the dea. But Plato presenti find reason to , dissatisfied vitia his expression of his theory the disti culties and deficiencies he Sees thereinare stated vitii over viaelimini rce in lae earlier par of the Parmentare. The potnis vlaici clites demande correction vere lae Content of the


ideat vorta and the relatio bet vee ideas and particulars Theclis ofideas is larget reduced, though it is no eas to a preciSelyrio What extent insteadi an de Correspondin to very groti os particulars

i dea and the materia ivorid. In the naiddie petiod lae idea exigis α transcendentally, εν ῆ φυσει, Π inanaanent in the particulars.

o the de alone is allo ve&: the particular no longe participat in theidea, bun re regarde a CopieS, μιμηματα, of the dea type παραδειγμα. In thi Way the objections formulate in lae amnenides against the earlier account of lae relation hetive en idea an particularare avoided. Other CharaCteriStic of the later latonis in a the analysis of ντα into περας an ἄπειρον in the Philesiis, and the stili subiter analysis of the Timaeris, nee no detain us here since the object of the foregoin state naen is naeret to indicate the developnient of Plato's System o far ascis necessar so fixin the positio of the saeis The

Guide by the se tandniari s v shal sin it no har matter todetermine the bearing of the Phaedo. In his dialogue ive have an idea os ἴσον 74 A), μεγα Io Bὶ, σμικρότης ΙΟ Ε), C. AlSO vehave the dea described a cν μῖν as xvellis εν τη φυσει Ioa D). Thatis o say, in the Phaedo 1 xve se ideas of relations though ideas of σκευαστὰ domo occur, and a the deas are immanent in particularS. laeserare tavo unmistalcabie marks that the dialogue belong to the latonismis the ResuNic. The metaphysical doctrine of the Phaedo is in fac identical vitia that of the Restillic although it scies precisel forinulated. The Cardinalpoint in each dialogue is the existence of the deas a the sole principieo Causation and the ne object of true knowledge. In the Phaedo inde e Plato do es no bring ut in definite language the sub ordinationo the ther ideas to the αὐτ αγαθον as the supreme Ource of allexistence But this is notiue to an discordance of theory butini to



apparent exiStenCe of henomena. lato do es notiati de ny the exist- ence of lae visitae vortii, a the Eleati s id he assigns it a sori ofignominiolis halsexistenc : but he gives usino explanatio oscit beyondSUCla Vaguel metaplaorica plarases participatio in ille ideas . Itis no untii liis latest dialogues laat he et lainasel resolutet to deal vitia his problem. He neve recedes Dona his Herataeitea vie v sphenomena biit he recognises that laei appearance is a fac requiring the mos thorough investigation. The positioni ita Phaedo vitii respecto ita vexe question os predication is ver interesting. In the earlier days of philosophy, sor aut os adequat logica analysis, the perplexit surro undin tia is Subject va Soareat that ita inhers of mos opposite tendencie had been orcedio de ny the possibilit os predication altogether at mos identica proposition Cout be admitte d. ro in lae sirst lato perceived that there coiit hie no ound logical or metaplaysica basis sor a dogna ivlaich



τουτων τἄλλα μεταλαμβανοντα αυτων τουτων την ἐπωνυμίαν ἴσχειν Insa Ct xvlaen ve a 'Si nimia is simali', lais i meret a Convenient X-

Reginis and Phaedo here is no the lightest evide ne ei ther that Platolia naade lae logica analysis ivlaicia ted hirn to this Conclusion or thathe vas alive to the necessit of mahiniit'.
