장음표시 사용
FALERII C. 3 23 GAIUS FANNIUS STRABO, authoros ine Annales, Son Os C. Strabo conSul, Son-in-la V of
111urdered Tib. Gracchus 18 19 FREGELLAE C. 2 et C. FULVIUS FLACCUS117S. FULVIUS FLACCUS 117 M. FULVIUS FLACCUS 13 6;JOin1 - continiSSioner avitia C. Gracchus for the distribution
i in Political lise, as likely to
evidently sor the purpose ofitetaining C. Gracclivis in thieisland , mistrated by the
as Murtia in the list 3I5; unuSual interest displayed in the election especialty by the Country population 3 g i ;
rying out the provisions of his brother's Lanii Bill 13 4; Iby his election to the tribunate lie gained a position
liis projected reforins by te al
people. This resolution vas intende 1 to confirm the POPU-lar decision against OctaviuS, the colleague of Tib. Gracchus in the tribunate, and toremove ali doubis os iis
legality. But C. Gracchus vitii tre v the bili out of
deferetice, it is satil, to the advice of his mollier, Who intercede 1 sor Octavius C. g
speciat authority froni thepeople, had insticted capital
decree into effeci. One of these consuis Rupilius hau lied since ; the other P. ΡΟ-
popular tribunal C. g 1 ; his Din fruutentaria, regulating
the price of Corn sor Romancifigens d vel ling 1villiin thecit ', intendeo as a. bribe tollae proletariate C. 59; hiis
esta Nisi inient of nexu Colonies in Cani pania and Apulia, Vi Z. Capua and Tarentum 6 i , C. 8 18. At hiis Suggestion his colleagri e tiae tri- latine Rulbritis propoSes a la Vfor ille solandation os a tranS-llancine Colony on ille si te os Carthage, vlaicla laad lain inrtitiis for In ore ita an et O yearS ;Gracchus is Sent there nS One of the co Dissioners for
Ρlan conceived by the ar1StΟ-Cracy to Supplant C. Gracchus
by olithii diffing hiiii in populor
fici te narii tithule . GracchuSwaSahisent in Africa, organising the ne v colony of III nonia. Viaen tiae Scite ine of liis rival VaS l) tigiat orit, xvlaile his lieti tenant in ille capital Marcus Fulvius Flaccus lay lais Volae inence and incapaci ty
foris for gaining ille Sympathyof the peopte C. 11. He les this divelling horise on the Palatine and tooic up his
praesis certi ne i iliat ille sigras arid portents attending iis
aITeSted, and gave the signat for an attack on the Aventine
e 1 1 5, 11iari e 1 Cornelia, daughter of Scipio Africanus1maior 1 1o; Pathetic Storystio ving his love sor his xviis, inoin he had no destre to
Tiberius is persuaded to refer the matters in itisprite to the Senate, but the Senate did nothing and then Tiberius resolved to cairy his la v by un- constitutionat ineans 11 g I g 3; aster vain attempis to dis- sua te Octavitis fro in opposition Tib. geis hi in deposed an lor lers one of his sisee linen to drag hi in frona the Rostra 12
the deposition of Octavius froni the tribunate 11 17; Tib. Gracchus tries to restrain thelai y of the peopte On the ΟC
sition of Octavius 1g g et -g 3 ; Tiberius brings the
I BERES 5 et IBERIA C. 6 8 ILLYRIA A. 2 28 insaniry ossicer, period os service sor a Roman C. 2 36 intercessio os ille tribunes 10 IaἹταλιῶται C. 5 C. 10 2ose 21 et a ITA LY, CauSe of iis decline in popitiation 8 et o IUGURTHA C. 18 7 IUNONIA, tiae naime given to thone v colony os Carthage C. 11
GAIUS LAELIUS, Why-SapienS, abandons liis bili relative to the distribution ofState laniis, similar to that of Tiberius 823M. POPILLIUS LAEΝAs 8 13 C. POPILLIUS LAENAS C. II LATINI C. 8 et o LIBYAg 26; C. 2 19; 111 LICI ΝΙΑ, vise Os C. Gracclivis, sister of Crassus, her sare ell
LICINIUS, a fatilis ut servant os C. Gracchiis 2 37, C. 16 3o GAIUS LICINIUS STOLO, his lex de modo agri B. C. 366 hecame Practicatly a dead letter 1,e-CauSe of the long continuennon-ObServ iace of it and en-Croachments by the ricla S