장음표시 사용
The Nunte A in ea u se refer eo me Chapter of the exe
Foundationis Byzantium. Cypselia expels in Baconiadaeandbe come Styrantos Corintn.
Periander Succeed Cypselus at Corintn Tneagenes, tyrant of
Megara. Fallis Nineve, 0. Legislationis Draco.
Capture of Sardis by Cyriis an doVerthrow of tne Lydia Ein-
5 IODestructio of Synaris D the Crotoniatae Herod. V 43 45).
witn indarias against Ainens in the Aegean. talanges inane politica constitutioni Syracuse Legislation and Constitutionis Dio
capture of Agrigentum a-bo ut ne vinter solstice C.
θεωρῶν της πόλεως την Νησον χυρωτάτην ἴσαν καιδυναμένην μαδίως φυλάττε - σθαι, ταύτην μεν διωκοδόμησενατ της ἄλλης πόλεως τείχει
πολυτελει και πυργους φηλούς καὶ πυκνους ε νωκοδόμησε και προ αυτης χρηματιστήρια. .. κοδόμησε δ' εν αυτηπολυτελῶς χυρωμένην ἀκμό-
πολ ... καὶ συμπεριέλαβε τω ταυτης τειχει τα προς τω μίκρω
λιμένι νεώρια . The exactionos none for these fori in Cations and the re- distributionos the propere of the Syracu
siege os Dionysius in the Nasos By the id of his
Captiare of the entire Athenianfleet by Lysander at Aego S- Potami.
Death os Darius II. Dentri ore Sophocles. The Frago of Aristophanes. JDis in antlernent of thens by the Spartans and e tablishment of the Thirtyrio revise the laxu an Constitution and CES membernient of the oldde inOCraCy. Froni his eart B. C. 358 Atheniis hunibi edto the rank of a Secon Class