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δευτερος Coinpare Acts xv. 18), and of Acts xiii Ioth first vor is εἶπεν. I ad Degun vorking on nispla long besore I discovere that B laad adopte ine Sanae-indeed Deire B vas uolis laed. 'Vliere laeverses are differenti divide D different editors, I have Deen guide D Robera Steplaens' editionis 155 I, ne fars in ivlaich ne Greel texi vas divide into verses. For the division into paragra pias in his edition not
PREFACE.also I nave followed ne eviser in assignin specialiveigni tori ne division in ne Codex Vaticantis an ille Cod Zacyntnitis for I ulce a giveni Degelles.
cannot naislead like καθίστησαν L for σινὶ, I nave notinougiat deservinio recor L snaallia solio vinitne uinorit indicates that wniles ais ea agrees vitia nat os ollae editors, lae has placed
I iij, Tr , ita signi sies ilia tne aut norit so cited
λειτουργία, λειτουργός, etC : λιτουργ. m..
ita Cisna su stitutes a single o vel foris dipnt noni an lilais vas occasionali ilae case in very ari tinaes Witnes NOB NASA for Αθηναίων in an inscription oflaigia antiqui ty, is prove D iis l)ein Iurat ten honii glitrio est, quo ted in Hayman' OdySSey, Ol. i. App. I, p. l. plate), ne quantity of ne dipnthoniis reta in ed.
ule inscriptions in unicii nis error occurs have hietiy-indeed sola as I nave noticed exclusivelv-Deen Mund in Ital an Sicily. It is seen in Boechli' Inscr. o. 9352, vlaici ne descri Des as Moniae ex coemeterio S. Pontiani via Portilensi V 9597 and
Sion College and of ne Baptist College a Bristo for