장음표시 사용
1. InfasHonable style sine secon person plural1s used for the singulari
2. The number an person os a Verta nee gwissi a diu of honori respect is deterintne 1 by the genitive of the persona pronou solio ving that tule.
allactive ὁ λογιώτατος. Λόγου, οὐ ibilo ved by the encliti genitivo of the persona Dro-
3. A collective nou in the singula Sometimesta hos the Veri, in tho plurat.
stood, talce the Veis in the plura an in tho chios person, Whichris therarsi in relation to the socondan inird, and the secon in rotation to the Urd.
9. A nominativo in the singula solio red by με, sim, alces in Vei in the inmar orplures.
11. Taen tivo o more nominatives in the iniud person singula are separated by ουτ Orμητε thae Verta admits of being put in the plures, provide it precede or solio v ad these nominatiVes.
Position of the Predicate. 12. The nominative regulari precedes it Veis,as in Englisti. Ιtus, soWever, commonis not alWaysyput aster
the Verti, clien the predicate is more proni eni in tho iniud of the spealcer as
2. Tho number an gender of an alectivo in the predicate, in ceritari polite expressions, i d temnised by the number an gende implied in the subieci .
4. Is an a hective mors to tW o more in Stam lives, tris ut in the plura and nolle lea linggender, v hichris in masculine in relation to tho feminine an neuter, and the feminine 1 relationto the neuter.
1 Is ilio substantives denote inanimat things, the adjectivo 1 regulari put in the neuter plures.
vitia ille nearest substantiVe.
The comparatis missi uis art1cle besere u has the force of in superlatiis.
1. A substantive annexedri another substantivo ' a Pronoun, Whether attribui et o pressic
it refers to the fame personis thing.
2 9αυ μα, conder, in certain connections has the orce of θαυμαστός, loonde si admirabis.
estimated is put in apposition rith the nota de
4. A substantive an apposition viti divo ormore substantiis O persona Pronouus is ut in the plural and in in sume Me.
ρόδοτος καὶ Θουκυδίδης οἱ ιστορικοί, Herodotus an Thu didesiae historiam.
2. histriae noua1 and names os sciences ahetho article.
3. Prope naines generali talce in article as, 4. Die artici admits of prece ting in or τάδε,
6. When the masculine article is solio ved by a genitive denotin a it o province, ne of the folio ving votas i t be supplied.
'Αρχιεπίσκοπος, arcuishop. V Σιναίου The r inho o Munt Sinai. Ἐπίσκοπος bishop. 'O 'Eρυθρων, Thesbishos of Erythroe. Μητροπολίτης, Metropolitan ' Σμύρνης, The metropolitan os
Πάπας, pope ' Ρώμης, The pope of Rome. The bicliopis Alsi andria is styled Πάπας καὶ πατριάρχης, Pope and patriarch. Πατριάρχης patriarch. 'O Αλεξανδρείας The patriares of Atizan-