Romaic; or, Modern Greek grammar

발행: 1857년

분량: 237페이지


분류: 미분류


Arcan. p. 25, 15. Ανδρέας δε ὁ της Ἐφέσου ἀρχιερευς De Beli. Goth. D. 17. 1μα -- μ' ἀρχιερεα 'O τε της Ε σου ἱερευς. 177. ' τε Μεδιολάνων ἱερευς De Beli. Vand. p. 343. κάκιος ὁ της πόλεως ἱερευς 356. ων δε τις ἱερεων, οὐδ' ἐπισκόπους καλοῖσιν.


10. In certain antiquated expression the article has the sorce of the rotatiV Pronoun.

But vhen the substantiveos accompanie by the article the artici must precede in adjective other vis the adjective loses iis attributive charao ter and becomes pressicutive.



tos rict iis arties besere the substantive and ua


14. In elevate stylo ui artici ad init os being

15. Attributis substantives, o national appellatives, havo, in respectrio the article est the properties of ordinar alectiVes.


18. substantive in apposition vi in a personalor demonstrauis pronoun, Or vii ολος, ali is, uriti respectrio the ructe, treate liae an adjec-


2. Dis longer forins of the oblique cases of tho

8 Aster a preposition ine longe or accented forins of the oblique cases of the Same pronouus

5. The genitive os in firatri V person os e personat pronou as used also reflexivelf


6. he accusative of the persona pronou is soniethnes used instea of in reflexive.

. The nominative of αυτός is eliner emphatico antithetic.

9. he oblique cases of αυτας are used aster a preposition.

10. The genitive of αὐτος When nimiis a sis, Stanti Ve, refers t a personis thing di Grent homilie ulu oci: of the sentence in Whichis stands, filia subieci is a pronou of the firstis secortilporson But isti is in in third person, in genibi ive of αυτός reser eithe to uiat subieci, orri a person or ining disserent horn it.


13. The monosyllabi τό expresses the lites person in iis simplest conception.

14. The nominative os τό is used Hen aster

15. In tho phraso καὶ το This and that, Soand so, τό s demonstrativo, an ret auis iis iccent in pronunciation.



16. The procliti personat pronou usuali tinc- companies in Obbect of the Vert in the fame Sem lance, sor in sesce of mater perspicuity.

17. Die procliti or encliti forins of the e Sonat pronou are usuali put in apposition vithino relative in the Same SentenCe.

Positio of the Procluι and Enclinc Forms.18. The monosyllabi genitive of the personal

20. Tli procliti pronouus ure place aster the


In Classical Groeli, tho reciprocul prono 1 T ser to tho subacci of tho sentence in vities it



I. The possessive pronouncis equi Valent to thogenitive of thi corresponding personat pronoma,