장음표시 사용
3. The antecedent of που or etro is osten
5. Sometimes, sor the falce of metate perspicibity in antecedent is repente aster the relative.
6. Sometimes the relative alces by attraction, the case of ita antecedent.
I. On the ollier hand in antecedent somelimostiacos in caseis iis relative.
8.of the relative reserario more an ne Mit
1 Is in antecedent denote inanimat things, in relativens regulari put in the neuter pluria.
Interrogative. Indefinito. DemonstratiVe. lative. πόθεν ὁθενε ὁπόθεν πόσος πότε
10. Numera substantives in-αρι aro sed OKly in in sin=lar, an Lare es Ways precede by μέ or κἀμμία, Ome abstat. The osternumera substantives are recede by μία, κἀμμία, Iulleniae do noti e the article. Further, the nou to vhicli a numera substantive bolon is ut
in apposition villi that numera 49, 3).
κοντα μυρι δας στρατιάν.11. A mixed number of vhicli in freturtiona pari is ne half is expresse by subjoining καὶ μισός, an a alae, o by annexing
NOT 3. Foroiae forin μισός, compare C. n. 38, τυ μισον,
tributivel o predicatiVel annexe to another substantive so the falce of limitingi restricti git Ineaning 1 put in in genitive calle adnomι--ἰ, d ii reserari u lifferent personis thing.
6. ho genitive is used after certain advects of place an itine haviniine force of substantives.
1. he immediate objecti a transitive e is put in in accusative, as in classical Greelc. 2. A number of Veres ivli1cli are intransitive in Englisti, are transitis in Greel