장음표시 사용
1. In peremptor command Or exhortations, ut imperatis Inood is used.
2. In peremptor prohibitions μη, occis sed Wiin the secon personis the presen or Ronsi subbunctive, or viti me hir person os in imperati Ve.
Θα, negatives Δεν θά, in the sense of must, prisbaων, periram, talces the subjunctive o tho pastrienses of the indicative.
is, in a Verse, an accented syllabi receives the metricali a Thus, si moderm iambus consist os an inaccented solio red by an a cented syllaiae; χυτός, κάλη πεινω. The uoche Is in reverse osine iambus as λέγω, τρώγω, λεγε πινε Die pyrrhic consista es ino inaccente syllabies acui last ivro syllabies of σηκό--μα. Dis spondeo a vo accented syllabies as τί εἶπες, κωλῶς προθες, που -
me consistingit diro iambic tripodies cataloctio arem, Verrum
The iambic tripoda acatalectic is osten subjoine 1 in sto iambio di-