장음표시 사용
8 A noxi or iidve denotin timo admits of bring ut in apposition vi a large division of
Furiner, this accusative admits of belagi nitin by the accusative of a noli de tintine divis1on
12. Κάθε, evem solio red by the accusative ostiane, ansWers to the question how o n.
1. Accompaniment is expresse by means ostiis accusative in με, νια.
I. The prace of si ininiis put in in s msative,
1. an vere in the passive are also σσιτας inatos the are equivalent to the active sello ved by the reflexive pronoun. The are technicassycauod residuis veri s.
2. Sorae passive Verbs are reciprocat in in Hibria as
Dis indicativo expresses the actionis a is asa laci, reali , O certainu. I assirin or dentes the existenc os a fact.1. I he present indicative expresses at hich
3. Istis present indιcative is Ver osten used sortiis oris in animate narristion vitiat is, clientiis pastris conmised of a presenti
4. Istis premo indieative in certain connections 1 expressed by in Englisi infinitive precede by
10. he oris indieative osten supplies ille place of the luperieci.
12. Ver dis of vhicli in signification includosine idea os continuation, have, In the orisGndi
ative also resereno in in time require so the completionis the action.
13. Thestinere indicative expresses that hichvsi talce place in future time.
16. The continue Diure indicative expresses that Which viillae going on in future time. It is simplfui present uansferre to the future.
17. Die perfeci indιeam expresses an action vllicli is nox completed oris past actio vi hose essecis are stili seli I belong to the Presentrather inan to the past.
18. Die future perfeci expresses that mel millis completo in future time. It is uis oriret
19. Die luperfeci expresses an actio ivricli vas complete ut Ome ast time. It is in pastos in norist.