The select dialogues of Lucian ;

발행: 1806년

분량: 285페이지


분류: 미분류


te les.

to enlarce nis neW Ia us, and in giverinem an extraorom. nam sanction, ne contrive in passior a ver monderia Person, ori ratner sonaeining more inan man. His great vitali in matnematica too by v nic he passed, it sonae


Divinat Severat also areis opinion inat, ululer Ρyin

been used as a teri in anatomy, signifyin in extre tyos a bone, orither pari. Item says ne superior in ' testiculo pars κεφαλη ἔχειν dicitur, inferior . μην. ita , sanere is no account ac ast ilia I can find inat 'inagoras thought oeans more lilcerine Paris of generationi parent inan nos of cnitdren. taut uia tne re- aemule mic paris in generat, I am apto inincinat

resentae die paris o generatio in Parent oesy, ut


Libi Seg. 32. Vnic notion is una Men. a nexo, pretenus to ridicule. b Και αννος -- κον. Tne Deipnia oracla Primo ine- ed Socrates, ne vises of men: ninn, nae nauc e qui . ne nimself dis vere is de triae, in is revect


M -- ακῶν. Tne representin Socrates lingering mareat eis, at in entriince of neli, till Cetheriis comma drags nini domi by ine Dot is a natural allegory, ῶν nisi inminat Socrates vias very Ioin to ciuit inis life and mastili pinifrnis departure, tui, at lenon deat seiaed nim L and nauteal litui a. , in spite os hirn. Vet. I cannot

Reenas a strong argument nati vas a some eminent