The select dialogues of Lucian ;

발행: 1806년

분량: 285페이지


분류: 미분류


it: semina, cum ego semper Viverent, iis lemque fruerer' sole, luce, ci . tum horae eadem recurrerent, reliquR' item omnia, quaecun*aecontingunt in vita, reciPIra o Io- damisi De redirent, atque aliis alia per vices succede Misentu satietas videlicet eorum ne cepit. Die natural significationis me is tempestam a aeaam υ the et ari not hora, an hour. Andrio talce aevi here. in ille Secondax meaning of nours seelns in me in tristing soriae certaini meana ine returningis amaris the urar. a -κιπι se. Stephanus neWsonat .vπω ostensignifies, quodam Fercitu remomi, and περι- λειν ἐαυτα, ina raum incurrere, i. e. eum frugnare, aluisti qui eontracti se d, in , a litti deIo v he rendera, o oreatur.

sentence, an is taxen in suci different ineaning rinat Iliave alWaychnown it to create confusion to Deginneri,

caution sucia, to attend, Micily, to in translation.


so called, and the inhabitant Cappadoces. I cannot hi at in in terminationis ovius to an error in transsctuno D. 166 COOste


' Οὐκ-m μέντοι ἔπαθες, ἔφην ὐπ' αὐτῶ, 3 ταλαντα ἔχων ἐμῆ


aster it, it signifies nutieri as τῶν ζηματων ἀντιποιοῦνται.

c Τρωσι δεκα h. It is odit at viae mentions nojudges, Don inis occasion, ut me Grecia clitela aster Homer had, in in elevenin book of nis Odyssea salo,


iu ignient of the Troians, in decissing this matteri