Selections from Lucian

발행: 1882년

분량: 359페이지


분류: 미분류



llae more important VariationS.

The genera IntroduCtion has been inade long an fuit, o set purpose. It is belleue uiat the Student' interest an enthu- Stasin in an aumor a re quiCkened I kno vin a bout hi personaland literar history, and hi underStanding the Condition under vilicii e ivrote and the purpose of his vritings. So ille in the College Curriculiarii bring the student into Connection ciththe SeCon Centur of Our ercthia 1 vas tat necessar to divellΠiore atrienni upo the Characte istic of the linies an mi itother vis have been deerme advigatae. The speciat Introductions to the severa selections vili, itis ioped, e Mundissem in pulting the student in synipathy


os translation vlai Cla, in iis ver-anxiet to reproduce lae letter, allo us lae delicate aronia of the spirit of the original to SCape.

It is confidenti belleved that the student vilibe greatly assisted in reein hinisel froni voodennes of rende in by judicious hel in ille notes, suci, a the Editor opes ima be solan in

the present edition. Tlae Editor tha naade re use of the laterialisCCumulated by his predecessor ivlaereve he has found anythin vi hicli heConsidered ualuatae. It is osten o difficulto dis ove to vliona notes an illustrations are originali diae, that speCial Credit thas geldoin been iveri. It is thougiat that his generat recognition os indebledness vili be deenaed sufficient. The Editor is unde specia obligations holi ever, o his friend,







o the uppe Euphrates. The date of his birili is uni no vn buttinere is great reason for belleviniit to have been about Ι2 A.D.




Frona lais time onae devoted hi in Selicio literar pursutis. Iust vhat course lae illo ve Ive domo know; but via de stillis o ungman we in hina vandering a molat Ionia. alae hie to vns i vhicli, Ephesus an SmΠna, vere alnoti sor thei scia oois irhetoric,-haVin no Cleari Settie plans, an stili indicatin lais barbaria origi by hi imperfeci Speech an foret g gari . Here it vas that he o his rhetorica triaining an prepare hi in self, fit si of ali ascit uould Seem, .sor the bar. But forensi eloquence, vitia iis nee o falsela ood an Chicane, prove distas testant hi in ,δand e relinquished the lax t be come a teacher an prosessor of rhetoric Better Succes attende his estoris in his direction and he oon et fortia, after the fas lato of the Sophi Sis of thos clavs toseel his fortune is an itinerant lectu reri e visite the chi eicities of Ionia an Greece; pas Sed ver into Italy, when a nodoub spent forne time in Rome β and the extende his ourneyinto Gaul. Favor an applaus a valle hina very vhere, but heattaine his greatest succeSS in Gaul. Here rhetori and la vovere culti valed vitii great enthusias ira, and a lucrative fiet xva Constanti ope to the travellin lecture The schoo a Lyons vasat this time particulari faimous as may be gathere frona Eusebius and Irenaeus an ei ther here Or a Sonae ther pro retinent centre Luci an enjoyed sor Severat ear the honor an emoluiment of a public proles SorShip, acquiring long vitii celebrit an ample

Uhen abo ut fori yearsi' o age he appe ars o have returnedironi Gaul, and after a Visit toti native place, δὲ to have rena ove d


no do tibi many a. ourne for pleaSure Or vitii Some et purpOSe va Undertalcen In 63 he iva present at Olympia, an Saa thelamous Self-immolation os ille apostate Christia an Cynic, PeregrinuM and that was the fourtia time that he had been present atthe Celebration. Sonae time oo, in his period lae ventrio Abono-tei Claos, in Papialagonia, o visit the celebrate oracle o Alexander, the moS Successiti imposior of thera e Ivlhere ais ealous atteniptio expoSe unibu and discredit the Chariata Canae ear COStingliin his life. I a te in life aster long absence lae refrona, he againentere tiae lecture fietd - as may be inferre froni tivo prefatoryaddres Ses, wlii Cli vere evidently used to introduce hi Courses SomeWhere. ut xv may be veli assured that he reate his audience to no trivia speeches of displa sucia solae Sophisis declai med but enteriai ne ille in initia readings of his satiric dialogiae S.'