Selections from Lucian

발행: 1882년

분량: 359페이지


분류: 미분류


iis naine. in Whicla Rhetori an Dialo ue refer charge of ill-treatiment againSt Luci an and we ire Consequently infornae ofnaan particular of his life . 3. AGAINS THE GODS. - The dialo ues in ivlaicia lae popular

the Dialo oues of the God A the student is referre toritae specialIntroductio prefixe to the otes. roinetheus and the Assembl of the Gods are reali dialogues of the godes, but pona rite more elaborate scale than hos in the collectio of that nanae. The forme give a vivi picture of the relationstat be- twee o od an men an PutSaeus himself a mere usurper in ille vron for ealo usi Condemnin Prometheus to the ock and the vulture. The alter ridicules ille great influx of ne v od intolla Olympi fantity. Zeus summons lae od to institute a strictinquir in to the m lat an titie of acla et god many thave


the simplicit of Allieni an lite is placed. nother picture of theriolous life an corrupi manner of the Romaniis presente in thepaper on mire Companion S, in xvlaicla the degradin condition illae literar dependent in the laous elaota of the wealin but unculture Roman is raptaicali porirayed. When in in iis Lucianaccepi ed public ostice, he fel that his actio demande desen e in vi e v of What a laad aid against fiose aula Aou lit a. aveati hypatron sociae publistae his inpologia, in Whicli te holus thatiae stoo on a very different footing. He hadiso bartere away


molae Ass of Appuleius, furnistae I e Sage viti incident for

s oris of places and villa ali cind of eople, an is a last restored


XXX GENERA INTRODUCTIONilheir arm S, of the batile in nid-air, and ais of me habit os life

veremo qui te Sure there va Such an Stanes Lucia converses vitii Homer, and fino out albo Lit hi poenas, and earns his opiniono Homeri critics Alter amotis ther experiences, the time sor


with belle laopes for the future. es lais, as in ali his biograpiti calxvri tings, it is probable that Lucia credit the individual villicitaractem stic of the Clas of vhi clarae is a type. The VI is os Alexander' malces us acquainted vitii the agit ostro

teichos, in Paphla onia, Which be canae amou throuσhout theempire. He had hi agentii Rome iself, and lae secure publicre Cognition. Lucian et bout investigatin the Iunibtig visitedili imposior, earne the method of his operations teste overandove again his oracles, and diu his best totis credit hina Alexanderivas o incense a LuCian' intermeddlin that he forme a plan, vilicia nearly succe eded, o Dddin the vorta of this persecutorio stili greater interest o us beCause of iis referen Cerio Claristiani ty, is the account o Peregrinus. It i extrei Dei probablethat for satiri purpose a great dea o fictio is vove into his



vas in Choo in his native town ill a ad of si xte en or os In Ionia he received instructio in lae aris of the sophis an Getorician. lae de niand ii aliis profession Compelle the most


GENERAT, INTRODUCTI . XXXIIIcareful attention to langiuage and Style, an a vide similiarit xv illa

sibi os iis literatiare. His estimation solae Socia an moraliorce of the age mari hin a a trai ne an siciliu observe of

Syria provincia gaine ove the niceties of Atti expression and style. Gose an lonσ- continue stud of the best classi modeis, conlibine P vitia his great natura genitis, good SenSe, an quiCkneSSin aining nexu impression an assimilatin ne v ideas, Irought this bous . His Style is remaricatae for it transparent ClearneSS,

an naturainess, and the ready eas e vitia vlaici, it adapis iis et to


dialogiae. The philosophica dialogue vas the tarting-point; biit into the severe an dignifie formi Plato heri)reathed the laughing, Satim Spirit of Amstophanes. In his and this e canae a potent instrument for has te ning the clownial of Olympus and shaltering the de Cayin Columns of the ancient ut degeneraled Schools There have been Dan inodern imitator of his vota, e speciali of his italogues of the Dead. Moreover, b his True Histoly h be canae the atheri ad that abundant classis book of vhicli Gudiver' Travel ' an unchatis en are familiar

Sho v I iacian 's altitude to vard the philosoph of his day. What vere his ovi iideas of the great question Whicli philosopli attenapis