장음표시 사용
the public poli Cy of thens By his energ an fore si lit he Succeede in in Spirin a large portion o Hellas vitii Somethingof the old nationa spirit. Convince that the Canipat ii vhi Cla, at the time of the oration, Philip vas conductin in Thrace
Leucadians, and by tiae Achaeans an Corintlitans. Rene vel attach ivere nade o Philip's parti San in Euboea, and a last, by the expulsion o Clitarchus Dor Eretria, the wholeri gland vas liberate frona Macedonia influenCe. In theSe negotiation Demosthenes Cartae the eopte vitia hina, and a totae DionySla o 339 B. C. hie 'vas Crowned villa a golde iuream n
reasonabi hesitate to o in Philip in attaching heri Theopportunit hia to be createm; and a before, it va the Amphictyoni Counci xvlaici enatae Philip to succee in his plans. I Demosthenes is to be belleve Aescliines vas his purchased Ool. In 339 lae vas electe one of the Pytagora or
ili purificatio of the Delpitia temple had been Completed the Athenians ad repta ceci the hiietas, dedicate aster the batile
a portio of it. It was they, no the Athenian S, WhO Vere tander a CurSe. et the whole Delphia population Come to
of the Councat, the Thessalians and ther me mis of hilipproposed that he liout be invite to undertalceolae var an d
stiali do the very thing vllicli Philip imos destres and theresuit, I fear, vili be that the part no v opposed to Philip vill o verrio ini; and when ali have unite unde his hianner,
Comimand of nares, and the Theban Proxenus. The Phocians vere algo invitec to retur a nil rebvit thei Cities. The allies at a cistance, ine menaber of the Nationa Lea ue ivlaicia Delmosthenes hac formed Corcyra, LeucaS, Chiaea Euboea, Corinth, an Me ara, vere calle tipon o furni si Contin entSan Contribution and though the Peloponnesian Could notbe brought ove to the patrioli Side, e re viai ne neutral