Speech on the crown. With introd. and notes by Evelyn Abbott and P.E. Matheson

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



I The principi os suspense is naintaine by the solio ving

Participia clauses frequently COIne firSt.

a The secon principie, that o distribution or division is even vide in it range, as it in Clude ali the means ivlaerebyllae perio is Iroice u into part S ivlai Cla SerVe to Carr a long the reader' attention vithous diStucting the uni ty of the whole. It is seen in me balance partition o a perio into ClauSeS,



ii The Touping o clauses an sentences This is largely

Ι με ... δε mayn e sed meret a Connectin particleso the may be used o bring out an opposition. a Sorneliine to distingui si or et in ContraS PerSon Orparties



This naturali te ad the a to the se of ἀλλά generally. Apar froni iis se in question an ans vers a scin 24), it is frequently used to introdu Cera positive Staiennent aster a. ne aliVO One. In his Se the o Sitive laus amplifies by Contra Stolae idea expreSSed in ille negative clause, and o ives it freSla

3 Sometinae ivein the Converse of this ille positive Clausefarsi folio ved in anapii lied by the negative.

6 Another formis amplification is by correction-


s in te vord SIS9 νθρώπων τόπων πόλεων.

Ad these potnis are concerned vitia letalis of structure, butin the nore elaborate period of the peeCh the are Combinedin naan miserent WayS. I may Suffice to talce aciei typical

232, 3. A ne v arguiment is introduce in a τι clause Thesul ec comes fir St ὁ τον 'τορ βουλόμενος δικ&ίως ξετάζειν at μ συκοφaντεῖν definition hi Contra St), his conduci is described negati Uely, οὐκ ν, .τ.λ. in a Constitiona ClauSO, Implified by pars ita ples. The come a long ironica parenthesis, iselfContaining an ει Clause vitia a do ubi opposition. Theolain actio is then describe positi vel in a con titiona clauseo pene by λλά, vitia a Series of three dependent queSti On S. The conclusion is then introduce by τα viti a dolabi prota sis and apodosis, Xpres Sin alternative resuli S. The transition to the ex period is made in a plain an Shori Senten Ce. 3O6. The contrast is ein draivn et veen the honest an ddishonest citigen. The good Citigen' par has been described. The petaoc opens xvith a statementi duty, vitii it Con SequenCeS



expressed in t vo alternatives, in vilicia me condition is expressedi participies and the apodosis in iii Catives, the lalter member hein anapli fied by an λλά Clause. The folio us an amplifiCatio by Contrast, the par of the hia citi gen be in described


IV have folio ved the old practice, more recenti abandone lin the edition o ReladantZ-BlaSs, o prinitia in the texi, butin a. different type me document Which have been an ded

sommo the letters of Philip may be genuine Butetiae Cunaulative eviden ce of the falsit of the ollae document i Strongi again Stilae genuinenes of these, an O the genera queStion Droysen



an a re generali nnnae of men Vlao Vere neve arcton S.

3 The nantes of vitnesse an other person are Veninformalty the nanae of the de me or of the fa ther be in omitte 1. 4 The coinnaon forni' of the documents is no that of the genuine existin document of the sanae hind. 3 The contain ames of ostices an institutions ivlaici dono belon to this peri Od.

7 The language, even pari frona technica terans, i osten
