장음표시 사용
deliberate choice.'εκαστο sho v that he is no spealcing of the two parties to an action vhicla volita be κάτερος , but os any one conduci ins an action.
Va a stalcem les than Demosthenes'.
ἀλλ' ἐμοὶ με v an aposiopesis cf. infra, I95. δυσχερε here is generali translate ominous, the clause Ieingregarde a an explanationis in aposiopesis- for me in lossovouldbe fatal), vlaereas Aeschine in accuSing me cloes no standri lose all. 'But it is emaps belle to talce it in the sua sense of ostensive. Denaosthenes apologiges for Ie inning 1vith a coinparison , et ueen himself and AeschineS.
cf. infra,rio 23. cis etros εἰπεῖ is early tWayS Sed, achere, to qualis a universat A.
though formalty the defendant is teSiplion is reali a tria of the public
Cf. Plutarch, Solon cla I 6 δημοτικος οῦν και μέσος Aristoph. Nub. II 87 ὁ Σόλων ὁ παλαιὸς ην φιλόδημος την φυσιν Aeschines in Ctes. I 257laad atread appeale to Solon τυν καλλίστοις νόμοις κοσμησαντα την δημοκρατίαν.
Blas quotes Hyperi Eudem col. 6. 24 παρὰ τούτοις τε μέτριον καὶ
τετύφωμαι, of infatuation. f. Phil. 3. O. Harpocrat quo te S Alcaeus πάμπαν δε τύφως ἔκψ' ἔλετο φρένας.
immediatet precedin g, t ut villa the main de of the prece ling sentence, viz. that in prosecution is f malicious ofe. It is maliciolis because noone origiatrio b robbed os a sat lieari iis . The oin is no made veryclearly but Dena ostiaeneS algument seem to be that by accusing Ctesiphon ora purei forma an technical p round a long time after the event, in orde to attaci Deiriosthenes himself, hecis depriving the lalter of the opportunit os defetutins himself an his polle o thei meriis, and socis rabbing hini of the privilege o Dee speecli inhicli is essentialto a re constitution πολιτεία). οὐδ' εὐεπηρεία τάξει, κ.τ.λ. 'sor Ou ought notrio deprave a manifaeces to theseople and of a fair laearing Stilicies to do so in a spirit
τάξι is coninion in Demosthenes for the dine of poticy' ad ted
hom οὐ γαρ ἀφαιρεῖσθαι but in iliis case the positio of the sirs οὐ
πολιτικόv. his adjective, lihe civilis in Latin has many shades of mean ing. I In πολιτικη δύναμις it lean compose of citigens.' et os conduci vortia of the citiren o a re state, an so probablyhere. It is difficult to et an exact equivalent in English, but meis libourly ' or gentiemaraly comes ea expressin it. 3 In 3ΙΙ πολιτικὴ και κοινὴ ohθεια it means ' patrioli or public-spirited. In the present passage it is Sometinae translatex constitutional, but it is doubis ut vhether it ca bear that meaning. ἄλλ' εφ' Is . . . χρῆσθαι. δει or δίκαιον ῆν has to be supplied here
κρισις. his is the fars allusion in the speeclario Aeschines professional
εἰσαγγελίαs. Where a crime Nasio provide so under in ordinaryla v it vas deali villa by a specia proces of accusatio belare the Ecclesia or ille Bould instea of lay an actio in in colitis, and the technica word sor his is εἰσαγγελία information o. Se Gardnerandesexons Greel Anticyrii ies, p. 5O3. 'Impeachment is the earest equivalent in Englisti. παραvόμω γραφόμεvov he Sax me proposin illega measures heshould have indicte me for illega procedure' a good instance of thecistinction hiet Meen γράφειν and γράφεσθαι. For the Graph Paranomon se Grote, Histor of Graece, ait II, h. xlvi. Gartae and JeVOnS, p. 5OI. rote Potnt Ous istat there Vere two salapuard against haStylegislatio at Athens, Ι this indici ment for ille oa procedure the propose of a bili violatins the existing constitution vas liatae fora year to tria forcisse a Procedure, an Leve aster his personat liabilitu vas at an en the actovas liable to b in dicted. a The institution os Nomothetae legislative committee hie re vlaicia ne v propossit oflax had o b argue a in a Cour of justice, viti prope formalitieS. This alter fas egitar ve gallae froni DemoStiaenes speeche had been wealcen ed, as xv finc lain lamentitas that o va lays 'φίσματα, thedecrees of a hanc Ecclesia, re allo vexto ovem id νόμοι, la Us passeduritia ali the prope constitutionat formS. Cf. in Lept. 2 ψηφισμ4των δ'
practicali equivalent to a condition supposing that. The napst. εφαίνετο indicate ilia there vas a series of opportunities Whici ouglatio have been USed .vυ δ', 'but ascit is, he has notione so. 15. τοσούτου χρόvous. Dative os difference by sucta a long intervat'; so the plural cf. in Aristocr. 9 ει τοὐτ' ἔστιν ἄκυρον τοῖς χρόνοις.
ιν πάλαι ζητεῖ . . . Obτό εστι ενθάδε.
διειστηκει. The division o Peloponnese vere ne of in great Sources of the wealcnes of Greeee e re an agyessor Dom Vithout . Foro hori time aster Leuctra Thebes exercise a donainant influence,
but in death o Epaminondas ait Mantinea in 362 est confusion vorSecon unded cf. en Heli. 7. 5. 26 closing vords ακρισία δὲ καὶ ταραχὴ ἔτι πλείων μετὰ την μάχην γενετο πρόσθεν ἐν τὶ Ἐλλάδι,
Philociates of Hagnus, famotis for his hare in the negotiations vilichende in the peace of 3 6 for xvhicli lae vas accused in 3 3 by Hyperides and went into exile. I may be notice illat Aesch. Timarch. I 7 spealis of the eaceos the work of himself and hilocrates, in F L. 56 asin xvork of Demosthenes an Philocrates. οὐδ' ἁ σὐ διαρραγs f. 87. ὁτου δηποτε vεκα ἐῶ γαρ τοὐτό γε , a common forni o expresSion in the oratorS: Cf. 26 I. Eubulus succeede Aristophanes in the conductis assair in 354, and controlle Athenia finance ill about 338. For a delance of his poticyse Holna, Greel Histo , vol. iii P. 22 2 f. Cephisophon, Probabi the Paeanian mentione in . .. 293 an db Aesch. F. L. 73, tis a mendis Chares; f. infra, 75. ἐγὼ δ' οὐδἐ οὐδαμοί, ' had n lian incit at an potnt.' his is ratiae Strong tangit age for ne who Serve o tW enibaSSie connected viti in Peace, but it is o sar mi inat Demosthenes Stronglyopposed the exclusion of the Phocians, whicla vas in esSentia poliat in the Peacein arean ed.
tiae evenis iis aster the sal of Olynthiis 3 8 and os precedingste leace of Philocrates' 3 6 .
Ουτε γαρ η πρεσβεία. ut in . b. I Demo Sthenes mentions Aeseliines speecla ἐφεστηκότων ε τι ταν πρέσβεων και κουόντων ους πο
rv' xόντων, κ. T. λ. here, ab Osten, the main predicate is expresse in
εμ πῶσι τοῖς ἀγῶσι . . και τον αρχιτέκτονα τον ἀει καθιστάμενον κατανέμειν
αὐτοῖς τὴν θέαν Whicli Seem to imply that he was an osticia appotnted by the State.