The Epistles of St. John : the Greek text, with notes and essays

발행: 1886년

분량: 442페이지


분류: 미분류


Sod tarnon humanis ovi rantur honoribus omnes: mo socium summo orun Jove nomen habet. Sancta Vocant augmata Patres: augusta V antur Templa, amardotum rite dicata manu .


tion of Augustiis, that he nught introduco the law of troason nusestas, ἀσέβεις. The statenient may bo an exaggeration, but itia ovidoni stat tho tWo idem cloaely correspond; and no one cansinu tho early hiatory of the E ire Without feeling that tho noveloonception of the law of treamn Oxpremea in a inoat atraring sorintho inangs Which had p sed ovor the constitution of the stato. Even to a Roman thia application os an old iam a d on thooxceptiones possition os ino Eniperor Ren memed to bo intolerablyvoxatioua. To inorat that a man had Mon condoanned sor tremon. hold in tho noxi re n to bo, M Tacitus implios, a presumption


λ Et si Divinae mentis arcana in nostris, miriun non sat si nobis, dum patria pax gemus illustrius, ubi in hio ahimus, magna sunt ex paris omn- lumine gloriae liumn nostrae Vidabimus iliis; attamen oum sine pri sum ono solitatina; immo oum minationes Des aut quo Oensura, Pri ut lactinus, sacro- longa divaram sunt a covitationibus innotae molestae aliquid attentamus ot


luos Divini vacti suffulti illud pro vanaramur et scolastis imbecillioribus nostro captu hunsiliter balbutimus, mombris non raro proficis Naesan- non soliun Deum non ostentanus sedi tus, opera, P. 37ὶ.



nothing finite can approciabb altor tho love manifestod in tho Incarnation .hich ia essentialty infinito; and it can fairly maintainod that we are led by Scriptum to regard the circumstan a of tho Incarnation separabio Dram tho idea of tho Incarnation, and tohold that tho circumstancea of the Incarnation urere duo to ain, Whilatho Idea of the Incarnation Waa duo to the primal and absolute purmae of love foroahadowod in Creation, apari froni ain Which Waa


Τlis sinoot as it in thiis presented belonga properly to the later os os tho Church. It perhapa be truly aaid that tho thoughtos an Incarnation independent of tho Fiat hamonima mith thogonerat tenor os Greeli Theologys Somo patristic phraasa a In to imply that ine thought Waa distinctly realisod here and thero, and


the conquest of the noritiem nationa 59-Ioso). Τhen at longuia freali onero os life vras Plichenod in the Iveat in the oloventhcentia , and scholam hiegan in Venture on independent linea Athoughit in many directiona. Among other aulaeota tho absoluto idea and motivo of tho Incamation appeara then firat to have received attention. The topic is handled by Ruperi os Deuta ' II 35ὶ, but in aucti a Way M to indicate that ho is dealing With it tentativoly and without having either received or ginnod a firin and conatalent opinion on issio aulaeci . Morti the boginning of the iniri nili century the queation' Whesior Christ Would havo boon incamate is Adam hin not ainnod,'b came one os the recogniAed queationa of the schoola. In uio periodos the Rotorination it πω dei Med by representativea os the chios partim es Christendom; and novi again in quite recent timea, inerfalling out os sigiit, the sularet lina been, and is lihely to be, hoenly