The Psalms in Greek according to the Septuagint

발행: 1889년

분량: 240페이지


분류: 미분류




THE texi and critical apparatus of this Psalter form a part of the secono volume of the Greel OM Testament acco iv to the Septuagintwhich is in the course of puhlication under the direction os me Syndics of the Cambridge University Press. It is hoped that a separate issue os the Psalter Will meet the wants of some who may wish to possess a Pori te Greeli texi of the most widely read book of the old Testament. The purpose and generat Plan os the Cambridge Septuagint have beeu sussiciently unsolded in the Introduction to the fini volume of the manuaru edition. It may sussice to repeat here so much of the information asbelongs to ali the boota alike, adding a se. details which relate to the

in those paris of the Psalter that are extant in B seems to be more akin to B than the other unciaI ΜSS. The textuia notes contain iij the more important clerical errors of the M S. which supplies the texi and the wjected readings of iis correctors; and et) the varianis os such other uncialMSS. os the Psalms as are at present accessibie in Comparatively trust-worthy editions. There are Mur Which have been thus employed, viz. the

Psalter of the Codex Alexandrinus Ain, the Verona and Zurich Psalters R, T), and the papyrus fragments presemed at the British Museum Uin.

An Appendix records the unsubstantiat varianis, chiessy rejected spellingsos no special interest. The letter exterior to the first line os texi on each page is the symbol os the ΜS. upon which the texi of that page is based. When the texi os a

single page is supplied part ly by one M S. partly by another, the Symbolsos both ΜSS. are placed in this position fide by fide hut enclosed inseparate patrs of bracheis. Similarly, sthe letters exterior to he first line os textuat notes On eata page represent the ΜSS. hom which varianis have been collected sor that page or a part os it. The potnt in the texi at which



ri In distinguishing the 'hands' a superior' λ has been used to denote corrections of the original scribe ' hy himself or by a contemporary notdistinguishable stom himself. The com hination represenis the testimonyos the second hand confirmed by the third, whilst '' ' must be taliento mean that it is doubtial to which of the two the correction is to beassigned, and '' h implies that the correction is made certainly by the third hand, possibiy also by the second. of the two expressions Ri id , R id, former is the symbol os a reading probably attributable to the second hano, the lalter os one which is due to the second hand is it be a bona sis

It is meli known that the ninth and tenth Psalms of the Hebre Bibleform a single Psalm in the Greek of the Septuagint, and that this is also

the case With the Hebrew Psalms cxiv., cxv. on the other hand each of the HebreW Psalms cxvi., cxlvii. , salis into two Psalms in the Greeh. Consequently, there is a double numeration os the Psalms hom ix. et et to

there is also to some extent a double numeration of the verses. In this

edition the Hebrew' numbere are added to the Greeli' and distinguishedsrom the lalter by being enclosed in bracheis. The Psalter has been brohen up into iis five books a division whichthough not directly recognised in the Greeh ΜSS. is sussiciently marhed by the doxologies with which the first Mur conclude. The twenty-twostanetas os Psalm cxviii. sm cxix.ὶ are parted by flicti brealis in the type. A smaller type has been employed throughout the Psalms to distinguishthe tities and the διάφαλμα. In ali the ΜSS. which have been used sor this edition, excepting the London papyrus fragmen is, the Psalms are written stichometrically,' the στιχοι usualty corresponding or being intended to correspond to the members of the Hebrew parallelisms. This arrangement has been sollowed in the texi; the second line os each couplet sand where theparallelism sorms a triplet, the third line) having been thrown stighilybach to mark iis subordination to the fini. The severat ΜSS. disserhowever both as to the number of the lines and occasionalty also as to thegrouping of the wores. The variations have been recordeo in the notes. The division os lines in the texi is generalty conso ed to that in the ΜS. Which it represenis; but in Ps. cxviii. mcxix.), where re throws the

i For an account of the principies upon see the Introduction to the OM T. in ich questions os orthography and accen- Greeis, VOl. i., P. Nii. Sqq. tuation have been dealt with in this edition