The Psalms in Greek according to the Septuagint

발행: 1889년

분량: 240페이지


분류: 미분류


majority os the verses into single lines, it has been thought better toadhere to the usual division. It remains to add a bries description os the MSS. The fimi three, heing originalty complete Bibles, have been described in the first volume of the Greel OG Testamen , and the account which sollows is chiefly a

Written in an unciat hand of the Murth century on leaves of the finest vellum made up in quires os five. Τhe lines, Os which there are et in eain column, arearranged in three Columns throughout the prose books: but in the Psalms anaother poetical books where the lines are writteri σπιορως, the Columns are onlytwo. There are no initiat letters, although the fimi letter os a section occasionalty projecis into the margin; no brinthings or aCCents Cur frima manu; PunCtuation by the first hand is rare and simple. of the 739 leaves which compose thepresent quarto Volume, 61 7 long to the o. T. In the Psalms ten leaves of the original ΜS. have been lost; the missing portion Ps. cv. z7-cxxxvii. 6) is supplied by a recent hand.

The Vatican Codex sormed the basis of the Roman or Sixtine Septuagint

sacsimile edition was Eoon aster ards commenced by C. Vercellone and

J. Cogga. The third volume of this edition, containing the Book of Psalmssollowed by Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Job, the Wisdom os Solomon and the Wisdom of the Son of Sirach Romae, I 8713, and thesixin volume, containing the Protegomena and critical notes sib. 1881 ) have supplied the materiais to which the present Psalter is indebled sor thetexi and Ahands' os B. The second, third and laurili hands of the Romaneditors are represented in this edition as BR, Bh, Bς, respectively. CODEX SINAITICUS.

Written in an unciat hand ascribed to the middie os the laurth centum. Thetines, os which there are 48 in each column, are arranged in sour Columns throughout the prose books, but in the Psalms and other poetical books two columns filithe page, as in Cod. Vaticanus. The leaves are unusualty large and of a very fine vellum, made hom the Ahin os the ass or the antelope: With two exceptions they are gathered into quires of sour. There are no hreathings or accents; and a single mini is occasionalty used. of the earlier part of the o. T. fragments alonere in ; the Psalms are entire.

The Psalms belong to that largest portion of the Codex Sinaiticus whichmas brought hom S. Catharine's by Tischendors in I 859 and presented to



the Cetar Alexander II. This portion os the ΜS. is preserved in the Imperiat Library at S. Petersburg and has been published by the discovererin sacsimile type missi protegomena and critical notes λ. The texi and hands' os N in the present texi and apparatus have been derived stomthe third and Murth volumes os the lamimile edition. Accor ling to Tischendors the poetical hoohs in N are the work of thethird os iis Mur scribes, whom he distinguishes as C. Os the numerous

correctors who have dealt with the texi os the second, Nς', a hand of the seventh century, has Men every here active in the Psalms. His corrections have not unfrequently been erased or othemise set aside either by himself, or by a subsequent reviser, who is not identified. In the lalter case the symbol ους h has been employed sor the corrector os N R; hut it is necessary to apprise the reader that Tischendors has elsewhere employed this expression sor another hand of the sevenili century to which he dentes any part in the correction os the poetical books . CODEX ALEXANDRINUS, Brit. Μus. Royal ΜS. I D. V.-viii.

Written in an unciat hand of the middie of the fifth centum on vellum os fine texture, originalty arranged in quires os eight leaves, two Columns OCCuPying a Page; 5 set lines usualty com Se a column, and there are 23 or 24 letters in aline. There are no brinthino or accents added by the fimi hancl: the punctuation, although more frequent than in B, is stili confined to a single potnt. The three vols. which contain the o. T. now consist os 63o leaves: the thies Volume, comprehending the Psalms sollowed by Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song os Songs, the wisdom os Solomon and the Wisdom os the Son os Sirach, embraces II8 os these. Nine leaves of the Psalter are missing Ps. xlix. I Ixxix. I . The styleos writing in vol. iii. is sol the most pari different Dom that os the other volumes .

The varianis of A have been obtained sor this edition by a collation os the autotype sacsimile published by the aut horities of the British Museum vol. iii. Lond. , I 8833. In discriminat ing the hands, it has been necessaryto be content for the present with the somewhat ungatisfactory notes os Baber's Psalterium Graecum e cod. m. Alexandrino Lond., I 8ret compared With those os his edition of the entire Codex Prole mena εt nouis, Lond. , I 8233. Baber's second hand is represented by A'; his ancient' or very ancient' hand by A' '; his third hand is our Ah. The scribe of the third volume of the Codex Alexandrinus derived his texi stom a liturgical Psalter, and stom it introduced into this great Bible

Libros vero versibus scriptos C m i- vol. i. P. 9.mam partem omnium solus et magna qui-


istos the fifth century a qnantity os foretgn matter relatim to the Psalms. They are preceded in A by the Epistie of S. Athanasius to Marcellinus sis. 5et 5 r-53o H the Argument os Eusebius Pamphili', a table os the

A bilinguat Psalter os Westem origin and attributed to the 6th centum , in quarto, exhibiting at each omning the Greeli texi in Latin letters on the lest-hano page and on the right a Latin version which is in the main old Latin Φ. The ΜS. is without punctuation, but written στιχηρως. A sew portions os the Psalms i. I ii. 7, lxV. --lxviii. 3, lxviii. 26-33 have been replaceo or supplied by ahand of the tenth centurY, to which the corrections throughout the ΜS. are generalty due. The φαλμος ιδιόγραφος seems to have had no place in this Psalter prima manu: it is added in Greeh and Latin by the later hancl. The Canticles onthe other hane appear to be in the fimi hand and Me without eorrection7. Eight

bus ante septimum saeculum exarato.


Verona, in his Vindiciae canonicamum scri urarum stom. i., Romae,a7 o). A copper-plate sacsimile os Ps. cxlii. I precedes his texi, whichis sollowed by a too bries description os the ΜS. and of the editor smanner os dealing with iis contenis. A specimen of the handwriting may also be seen in the Notivmu traice de diplomatique . In the use of this MS. the transtiteration of the Greeli texi into Latin letters creates ambiguities in places, and these are increased by Bianchini'ssomewhat uncertain practice With regard to the orthography. Is his sacsimile may be trusted, he has not only according to his prosessest intentions aspirated the 6 c, and j which the scribe had used to represent θ, χ, and φ, but he has tacitly corrected the spelling in other cases, changing se.g.)ereos into echthros and acediasen into eredissen. The Latin texi appears to have undergone similar corrections; praecem has be Ome precem, and

manum, manuum. Blanchini's ΜS. copy os the Verona Psalter is stili preserved at Munich , and might throw light on some of these doubis; but a collation or a sacsimile edition of the Psalter iiseis is to he destred. In the notes os this edition the later hand has been distinguished as RR;where his work has undergone revision, the symbol Rh has been employed. The Verona ΜS. was not used by Parsons β, nor cloes it seem to havetaken iis place hitherio in the apparatus criticus of the Greeli Psalms excepi that whicli is contained in Lagarde 's Specimen, where it is used sorPs. i. -v. Iis claims are ho ever asserted by Τischendors, who accords it ahigh place among the egregia novae editionis subsidia'. 'PSALTERIUM PURPUREUΜ TURI CENSE.

A quarto volume bound in hog's shin, written in uncials on vellum os thethinnest sori dyed purple. The Characters are os silver, gold and Vermilion, silver Ming used sor the texi, gold sor the numbers tities and initiat letters of the Psalms, and vermilion sor the Latin renderings of the fimi sein words of each verse which are inscribed in the ample marin. There are no MCents or breathing but commendia scribendi are frequent, and some of them Auch as do not occur in the earliest ΜSS. There is no punctuation properly so called, but a doubie miniresembling a semicolon is used to mark the Commencement of a verse when it salis in the course os a line. When persect this Μ S. contained the Psalms, followed by the Canticles. os the x23 leaves Whicli remain am are occupied by the Psalms: the quire marks ineW that they originalty filled 288. The solloining Psalms and


ιδ ne dimissis. The Morning Hymn' sollows on the last two pages, but itis imperfeci through the lom of the lower part of the leas.

This purple' Psalter is the pride of the municipat library os Zurichy, where it has lain sor at least two centuries. In a letter dated I7II J. H. Hirget deplores the neglect into which the M S. had fallen and of whichthere is stili evidence in the loss of 72 quires at the beginning of the

book, and in the numerous lacunae throughout the greater portion of theremainder. Attention was called to the importance os iis texi in a

obtained by Ρarsons, the continuauor of Holmes, who cites it as ΜS. 262δ. Finalty, the entire M S. was copied in I 856 by Tischendorf, who aster comparing his copy With the original in the autumn os I 869 gave it to the worid in the fourth volume of his Montimenta sacra inedita Nov. Coll.)μ, adding protegomena, and a coloured representation os Ps. cxxxvii. 6- cxxxviii. et q. The collation of the Zurich Psalter sor the present edition is based upon Tischendor 's reproduction. The earlier history of this princely ' ΜS. is unknown. But the em ployment os the Latin Vulgate by a contemporary hand in the margin os the Psalms and of certain of the Canticles 7 clearly indicates iis Westernorigin. A peculiar division of Ps. cxviii. m cxix. connecis it with the use of the Roman Church. The Psalm is made to sali into twelve sections besnning at VV. I, 16, 33, 49, 65, 73, 8 I, 97, II 3, I 3a, I 5, I 6 I. TheSe Sections generalty correSpono to the portions which were said severallyunder one gloria in the Gregorian Psalter'. With regaro to the age

β A sa imite os Ps. ix. 6-lxi. a is also given by Brettinger, who adds a convenient plate os the com nina scribendi and tho initiat letters. 6 CL Μabillon in me diplom. p. 43 : hic scribendi modus principibus et magnatibus

peculiaris erat, nec tamen promiscue ab istis usurpatus.

fino place in the westem ossices.

distributed into eleven sections, each underone gloria, two being said at prime, and

three at terce sexi and none res Clively. The fame arrangement existed in the Am

brosian Psalter, and in the Sarum Procterand WordAworth, pp. 44-68 . Nine os these MCtions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 7, 8, IO, II are exactly reproduced in ine Zurich, the fifth, is divided into two; another, the ninth, begins at V. 13a assice insteados v. ia y mirabilia . But the exceptionsare eastly explained. In each case thescribe has been led away Dom the Gregoriandivision by attending to the liturgical mainsin his Greeli archetype. The second stasis of the Psalm as sung in the Greeli noctums


of the Μ S., it appears to be determined within certain limits by the character of the unciais. The Somewhat compressed soms of ε, 0, O, C, and the shape os such cruciat letters as 7, 1, H and Π, justisy Tischendores

conclusion: Useptimo. . . saeculo adscribentes vix errabimus . VThe Zurich Psalter is seee hom many of the btunders which disfigure earlier MSS. The most noticeable lauit is an inveterate habit of writingine sorms of the aorin conjunctive sor those of the future indicative. Corrections are se , as might he expected in so sumptuous a book ; thosev hich occur feem to be due to the scribe or to his Horthora. The re ingsos this ΜS. are in frequent agreement With Codex Alexandrinus, and to astili more remactabie extent with the second corrector of Codex Sinaiticus. FRAGMENTA PAPYRACEA LONDINENSIA, Brit. Mus. Pap. XXXVii.

A, B, C).

Fragments of the Psalms written on 3o leaves of papyrus 8l κ 7 inches , ra toxς lines filiing a page. The tandwriting, which is singularly Desh and blach, filopes considerably, and wavera hetween uncials and minusCules: the letters Δ, Λ, Ε, Η, Μ, Υ frequently assume a cursive larm. Breathings and accents are Deely employed, the lalter however With great irregularity hoth os formand of position. The wotas are not separated, and there is no breis at the Endos a Psalm. The tities of the Psalms are not distinguished Dom the texi and thenumhera are addet in the margin only in two instances κδ , and possibiy byanother hane. A single potnt is occasionalty used. Only two portions of this Psalter κ. 2-xviii. 6, xx. I4-xxxiv. 6 are preserved at the British Μuseum, hut Tischendors hinis that Other scraps may exist essewhere in England. The London fragments 32 leaves, including two which are blank on both sicleo aremovnted and enclosed in glass frames, which fili three book-liae cases; one os theleaves is exhibited to the public.


The age of this fragment has Men very differently estimaled. Νotmith. standing the mised character of the writing and the use of accents, Tisinendorf assignin it a place among the very earliest os existing Biblicia ΜSS. On the strength of Τischendoaes judgement it was described in the plate and letterpress of the Palaeographical Society's publication asa ΜS. of the th or 5th century. This vlew is however retracted in the Introduction to the lamimiles, and the London papyrus is there adjudgedio the 6th or 7th centuryy. Dr V. Gardthausen on palaeographical grounds resuses to place it earlier than the 7th M. On the oster hand Lagarde, who examineo the ΜS. in I 85a or 1853, has recently expressed himself intems which transcend Τischendores estimate β., This ΜS. is the work of a caretem and illiterate scribe, hut it presenis a texi os much value. Iis readings are osten unique, or agree With the HebreW or the versions or patristic citations against ali other known ΜSS. The corrections, which are and appear to he frima manu, or the workos a contempora , deal merely with clerical errors. Nearly ait the sheets of this Psalter mere atready in type, When the editor received through Dr Hon a pro sal hom Dr E. Nesile of Ulmio compare the notes with collations of the Zurich ΜS. and the Londonfragments which had been independently made is himself. This generous offer Was subsequently extended to include a generat revision os both textand notes, with espectat reserence in the lalter to the use of the ΜSS. ATU. The result has been, beside the corrections of sundry errata, toade to the notes a considerable numher of varianis which had escapedobservation. Is the a aratus criticus may now be regarded as adequale solar at least as the three ΜSS. above-mentioned are concerned, this comparative completeness must be ascribed to the liberality and the vigilanceos Dr Nesile. The editor destres also to achnowledge the continued assistance of the

Committee appotated by the Syndim os the University Ρress to superintendine preparation of the Cambridge Septuagint, and more especialty of the Lady Μargaret Prosessor os Divini ty, to whose judgement in caseos need he has been permitted to reser. Whilst personalty responsible

Here. - - . sese. p. lx.: insigne hoC monumentum DyraCeum, quo nullus codicum sacrorum antiquior videtur. V


N α Codex Sinaiticus S, Lagarde, Nesile . A vi Codex Alexandrinus m III, Parso J. B in Codex Vaticanus m ΙΙ, Ρarsons . R in Psalterium Graeco-LMinum Veronense. T in Psalterium Turicense ma6et, ParsonSJ. V m Fragmenta papyracea Londinensia.