Xenophon's Anabasis, books I.-IV

발행: 1892년

분량: 603페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


κατε- σαν norim the change of tense the generals vere o putio deat Minoe, a thos ouiside ere. B a similar plo the Parthians obtainet possession os Crassus, . . si and that even Caesar vias notabove suis reacher is aliovi in ine ante Mari Book IV. hap. 3.


21. s. mili επιθυμῶν, emphatic. πλείω : α πλείονα. A the key- tot of Clearchus' character vas love of war, and that os Proxenus' Mas ambition so that osmenon' mas siloxit to M love o Din. In these caresul analyses of character Me ma notice the influenteo Socrates, .lio tauglit that the reflectionis inen hout be centredies upo the ouiside ori an more pon urna nature. Xenophonis theraret Greeli historian wlio oves characte sicetches of iri lividuals. Cf. p. I. m. μέγιστον μναμένοι 'avin the eates posvet'


κ.τ.λ. abrupi transition roin relative to independent consti uixion.