Xenophon's Anabasis, books I.-IV

발행: 1892년

분량: 603페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


pauently oni Xenias an Pasion abandone the expedition. See I. iv. 7. 4 Αλων, K ova objective gen. Nath fror a sense offliam in regar is ne another,' est the appea coWardi beforethei associales, ' an in respecto Cyriis,' est the seem ungratefulto lum.


are ready sor action, he suggesta the immediate diangis severat things hicli Mould both occiapy the attentio of the oldiere, forcing them to eas broo lingisve thei difficulties, and would malce thein ready o meet the enem ' at an moment. Accordingly the speecli salis naturali into tuto principes S- visio , vitii an orderi unioldiu of the thought ais tollo ira:

b. Neotimo Marson Refutationi possitae objections r. The desertio of Ariaeus an his men is nouoss