장음표시 사용
Edite by CYRIL BAILEY. Specimens in translation i
lli greates Work of the greateS Roman writers.
Wit an Annotate Lis o Boolis for hos vulto nomnelther Latinio Greeh. Issue by the Counci of the Societies for the Promotionis Helleni and Roman Studies and of the Classica Association Thir Edition I927.
an Gree Series-pari ext Par translation. N. B. his list oes not contain elementar reader and selections
Catullus Cicero Titie Editor Grades trice
de Amicitia in Q. Caecilium an in C. Verrem Actio Prima in Catilinam The Catilinaria Con- Spirac fro Sallustand Cicero Cl. pro Cluentio pro lege Manilia sive de Imperio Cn. Pompei pro Marcello, pro Ligario, pro Rege Deio
pro Milone Cicero thes Advocate pro Milone an pro
de Provinciis Consularibus pro Roscio Amerino de Senectute SelectLetters two Vols. I, ext ΙΙ, Notes Selec Letters Selectorations in Verremes de Imp. n. Pomp. Pro Archia,
is ex Lucretius de Rerum Natura W. D. Lowe
ll. 783 - 1457 MartialEpigrammata Selecta hom the D. C. T. edition R. T. Bridue and E. D. C. Lahe
Author ille Editor Grade trice
de Germania de Vita Agricolae H Furnea UX
Andria Famulus Phormio Comedies A. Stoman SC. E. Freeman Sand A. Stoman I. Sargeaunt an SA. . . Raynor A. Stoman SS. . Ashmore S
Selections fro Tibul. G. . Ramsam n. lus an Propertius' Aeneid II. JackSon