장음표시 사용
commandi Tacitus. nucledat, ni . . . EXSolverentur: In tr. II 38. Lusius Geta f. X 3I, . Rufrius Crispinum: Cf. X I, 3.
2. amhitu rivalry in cotiri in the oldiers. The partitionis this command et Neen two praesecis is ascribe by Dio lii 24, 1 ito Maecenas ad vice to Augustus. This a not ho e ver invariablysollowex thus Seianus ad ad sole command unde Tiberius. Aster the deat his Burrus, ni A. D. the praetorian were agnin Putunder the Command of two men, vi g. Faenius usu an Sofonius Tigellinu lxiv I, 3. Eurrus the nam is an old synonym for Rufus Burrus or Purrus' is Ennius fornacior Pyrrhus'. An inscription Mundisi Uaison record his revi ou Career. He a a native probabi os the Gallic Vasio, of equestri an rank, serve ac tribunus militum in legion no specified, and was then agent procurator' in succeS-sion to Livia, Tiberius, an Claudia He a Consequently ni ready a ruste servant of the ousehol o Caesar', heia promote tolli praetorian prefecture, and like Seneca was a provinciat. His nomen ' Afranius may indicate that an ancestor ad Serve under the Pompeian generat of that a me, and ad received Roman
ea PDento a two-wheeled carri age illi an ornamentat couer. simila privilege a allowe to magistrate an pri est o solemnoccaSion it a the ordinar privilege of Uestais, and ad been accorde to Messalina, ho was rawn in Such a carriage at thetriumphis Claudius Suet. CL I7i. Baerim Objects of orship suchos the Palladium epi in the temple os Vesta, an perhaps the mage of the Penates of
imperatore her sather Germanicus had received this ille stomTiberius in I A. D. aster his Campaig in Germany againSt the Chatti .
sororem os Gaius. Quam . . . utSS unicum . . . Aemolum est: equivalent to quam . . . sui S S Solam . . . tradunt'. Who was the ni instances sar sine ho herset an emperos daughter, a Si Ster Wise, an claughteris the uteris the worid.'D4. Vitellius CL xi 2 4 and V 28 I. s. maiestatis triat unde this offence, o Common under Tiberius,' ad been discontinue by Claudius at the egi nn in os his rei gn Dio x , Τ, and were revive unde Nero firs in 62 A. D. X iv 48, 33.
aqua atquo igni intercliooret: his Sentence a one of exilium', involvi nil ossi property. tia tonus, thusfar' an no more). Vitellius pressin sor nosurther penalty.'43 basis 43, Q. Poctigia : the mention os portent cloes notoccur in the earlier book of the Annals but sto in thisso in is lairly Common. Tacitus does no state hat evit he regard these occurren Ce a fore Shado in the famine is recorde as it sel another portent perhap we are to inser that the presage the troubles in the Eas and the eviis arising rom the Supplantingi BritannicuSb Nero.ctivis avitius, tird si ill-omen'. The sight of an wl in thedaytime a regarde a a speciali bad sign.ctum latius motuitur, is the pani Spreas olatritia the plura is thus used after qui Sque in severat passages
i die is in Rome by lin to the prevalence of latifundia' and Slave labour, a perhap principali duein the economi siderio the fac that grain importe from Africa an Sicit cost les than that at sed in Italy. Africam si Aegyptum Josephus represent Hero Agrippa a Ssaying that Rome a supporte by Egypt for Mur monilis in theyear and by Africa for eight L. L. ii 16, in.
3. Datrias, lative ' accomplis liments i. e. id in and archery.
mmensam Pecuniam longa senecta detineret'. 5. Dotentiae Dromotum, ready to gras power' Cf. Promptum ultioni', i 32, 1.
D6. multa, &α, ' trea ted illi very courteSy like a Son' lit. ' Soras to gi velim the appea rance of One o his o vn child ren l. ornanto, 'Streng then in his o ver Cultus ' reser to histreat ment at his firSt arrival ornante 'rio Mithridates continuedkindia ess hile Radamistus as en gage in intriguin against hi m. Chaptor 5, Q. proelianti, C. thi clause ive the sub Q 45 Stance of Pharasmanes professed round sor hostilities. AtDanorum se vi 33, 3. The war alluded to here is unknown: in vi 33 the Albani are mentione a in alli ance illi Pharasmanes. 3. Xutum campis, ' dri ven Do in the ope Country So hostem exuere Sedibus , xiii 39, 3. Gorneas. Probabi one of the stron sortres Ses γα Ουλ άκι ulmentione in Strabo xi I 4, 6, 293. teper identi fiescit illi sonae ruin stili calle Gartini' eastis Erivan. militum Sc Romanorum . That Mithridates ha been aided by Roma troops in reduc in rebel strongii old chambeen mentionedin xii, Praefectus : C. cohortis', a in h. 39, 5. CasPerius mentione again xv perhaps the CaSperius
solio in clause, implyin in the Romans hil in repelling as ella conduci in a lege, attribules Radamistus fallure to the abili tyof the defender as et a the incapacit of the bes legerS.*5. Obsictium, lailochade'. The wor occurs in the dative in ch. 38 4.ὶ
avaritiam Draefocti Intr. II 57. vorterentum for everterentur' cf. In tr. II 8.D6. abacectit Sc. Casperius'. ut expresses CaSperius pur- pose no the term os thes indutiae'). Ummictius Quactratus: Dom an inscription e earn that he Wa quaestor in the last year of Augustus and therars o Tiberius' rei gn, praetor in I A. D. governor O Lusitania in 7 A. D. con Sul
Draesictem this ille so the legatus os a province egins stertheirs centur A. D. and before long is Mundis the regula term . It is used in vi I, I. CLaPte 46 I. coniunctionem fratrum, therii of brother AEGhood' implyin Mithridates duinto deseruo the wishes of hi Melder
47 Chaptor 47, DI o sus, rusti in into his embrace'. Effundi is sed in a id diei reflexive sense of iving way to a seelinga an d est usus', of the Deling thus indulge in as effusae clementiae '
amaturum for omission os reflexive Cf. Intr. II 3. Da sacrificii aratum, the necessar furniture so the sacrifice ' CL Liv x Ι occulti paratus Sacri'. The readin os Med. i. sacrificium imperatum .) 3 in sociotatem coeant, meet to forma alliance'. The subjunctive is that os actio osten repeates In tr. II I.
4. ooiclisam suppi se' rather than vincla j, a this pro noui is osten omitte by Tacitus cs. Intr. II 3, a), and ipsum in the ex clause, distinguisti in Mithridates stoin the subjecti the
s. mota quia, αἰ suppi Vulgus a secon time, a Subjectio 'intentabat'. On Mithridates' rule s. ii, 3. intontahat: Intr. II 6o. 7. visui tamen, C. , he spare his yes the actuat si glit osthei execution ' cf. aspectui pepercit ' xv 6I, 7. For consulere 'nearly parcere' s. X 36, 3.
4 Chaptor OS, I. Quadratus, C. The narrative illustrates thecontroi exerci sed by the legatus of Syria, in virtve of his authori tyoverthe commander os troops in Cappadocia an dither ea Stern proVinces, ove the administratio of the provinces an dependent ingdom stoward the Parthia fronti er. cognoseonS: ori Sti preSent re Spondens', h. 46, 4, and
Cum hostili odio . . . nomen . . . habebatur', xv 28 I. Cum', ithnoun is equivalent to an adverbis manner, Such as osten CCOmpanies tabere in his sense civiliter habuit si a I, 2).
ut aspo ' a Roman emperor have Osten, unde pretexi ofbesto wing the hingdom, Set this ver Armeniam a cause of disturb- ance among the barbariani'; i. e. et se Ome prince, lio, a their
nominee, ouldieran popular and provoke disturbances. CL vi 2 D: ira anx donum populi Romani , Ch. S. S. t hanctis : In tr. II II. L3 ctum, a longin he ecame ate an insanaous'; dum , taken in the sense of dummodo', ith esset supplied rom doret 'at the en os the sentence. Esset is also supplied with quando', whicli is here causal also in h. 62, 2 67, 2. itum the phraseolog applyin to the Roman senate is hereu sed although the decision in thi case a no reali reached by voti nibu lay illi the governor See note οὐ I. 4. a uias facinori: cf. adnue coeptis', erg. G. O. Chapto 49, Q. Cappactooia iis organi ratio as a province Bin I A. D. unde Tiberius, is mentione in ii 36, 4. It e camea Caesari an province unde a Praefectu O procurator, ho Wassubordinate to the legatus os Syria, ut in Uespasian ' time it vas ut unde the legatus os Galatia, and a legion a statione l
clericticulo, absurdit ' i. e. deformi ty. The or is also sed
thus as a substantive in V 2, 2. oonversatione, Society'.
inora the wor means halcis et ached rom practi Calestis e. g. rhetori an philosoph a contrast ex ith actuat wor in the sorum orius ines of any gori; cf. xiii 42, 4, here Seneca' accompli Shments are calle studia inertia', a contras ted illi the vivida eloquentia os the advocates h practi Sed in the Couris. D2. auxiliis provinetalium no the regula auxiliar sorces attache to a legion, ut locat levi es at sed sor his particular
tamquam: illi ut participle, lihe ς, as in vi 36 I. abacessu suorum se Intr. II S 7. The departinisorce a per-haps that unde Pollio. ultro, actuali ' Soriar sto in preventing, even encourage hi m. rogium insigno the tiara an diadem. ootior tatur: ith infin. cf. xi 6, 3 an Intr. II I. 3. turpi the epithet applicabie properi to the fac reportet is attache to the repor it self cf. maesta ama', Hist. ii 46, atroces nuntii ' Hist i I, 8.no colori, α, destini Romans hould e regarde asi Paelignus stam f. ex vero Statuere' i 43, 4. Holvimus Priscus no the samous per Son os that name, Prominent in the Historias si sin sorte a no quaestor illi the timeo Nero, and the legati legionum ' ere dra n rom Senator os
mittitur i. e. a uadrato', thereae in no legion in the astat this time except thos in Syria.
Dro temPoro, in Suite the occasion .
D4. Taurum: he would cros a par of this chain, in comingsrom Syria through Commagenerio Cappadocia. rectiret . . . iuheturi: Cf. iii Is D Britannico iussit exsurgeret'. 5 Chaptor 5 Ο I. The chrono log of theSe event i no Clear. In ii 6 I e read that the secon occupation o Armenia by the Parthians aster the latro hiems ' of h. O, 3 di not ecomelinown a Rome ill the en o S A. D. presumabi happenedin the earlier par of that ear so that thes atrox hiems ' would bethat of 3-54 A. D. The event of hS. 44-49 may et have extendedive a longe perio than the ear SI A. D. to hich theyare ascribe Ch. 44, ).onaum, ' Opportunity in xii Ι. mutoribus suis. In recent times Vonones ii 4, 3 an Arsacesson o Artabanus vi I, 2 ha been at eas nominal ings of Armenia, and Parthiansi ad ruted i during the captivit o Mithridates xi 8, I); ut the expression here pol ni rathe to the Arsacidhings of the secon and rs centur B. C. Who lai me to e sthe fame stoc a the Parthia roya race. Dara omus, member of his family'. Hi other rother, Pacorus, hel Media xv , IJ. 2. Artaxata on the Araxes,mea Erivan. The wOrd is Some
3. Datientiam abrumpunt: Cf. abrumpi dissimulationem',
clignitato, C, i in to the grande uris her appea rance thin king that he was no ignobi sumerer . a Tirictaton the word impi that he retook Armenia, ponthe genera rising against Radamistus. Qui tu rogio nati ita, trea te in the style os a queen . Cli apto 52. I. Faustus Sulla a lius band of Antonia 52daughteris Claudius, and was accuSed, unde Nero, os ploti in tomahe himself emperor firs in J A. i. 'heia the Charge brohe do n xiii 233, and again in s A. D. aster hic h. although the Charge wasmo prove d. he wasianis hed o Massilia xiii 47ὶ, here he was putri deat hi Nero' order in 62 A. D. Xi 57 63. Salvius Ottio a brother of the subsequent emperor, and Sosten mentione in the Historias e g. i S 77, O ii 3, 33, 39,5O 6o . He was proconsul os Asia, illi Agricola as his quaestor,in 63-64 A. D. Furius Scribonianus : sonis thecon Sul of 32 A. D. Ch. Vi . I. quasi, in the ground that ' se In tr. II O. Chalctaeos: se notes ora ii 22 V 2O, 3. ut tot talien illi inpatiens , lihe ως illi participle. 2. Γm . . . moverat: his refers to the Conspirac os 42 A. D. Cf. In tr. p. liii. Dalmatia bouia de by Pannonia ii the orth, an in ther directions by Moesia and Epirus. It is also known as Superior provincia Illyricum ' an maritima pars Illyrici'. a clomontiam trahohat, clai med i as an actis clemen cy'. itorum: e might have executed hi in sor his ather' guili, ash ad been done to Seianus child rei sui, in andae might no puthim o death sor his own offence. 3. mort fortuita an, c. The sentenceris o Compresse a toproduce an anacoluthon aster esset Some such ord ac parum constitit are expected, ut instead of this the clause of in direct question is immediatet folio ed by the statem ent that the reporis vere coloured by eo pie' preconceived ideas. His enti, hether natural o due to Oison, a variousi described, accordin to thebelles of the speaherS.'cto mattiomatici other u li decrees e note On Ch. 22 I. utro et invitum, severe, et sutile'. Et and et ' so neque but not', in vi 37, 3.J 4. ob angustias i. e. rom no possessing the senatorial
motique the power os revis in the lis os senator reste at alltimes illi the princeps, pari rom his occasional tenure of the
selves ithout the nowledge of the lave' master muS rem ninamon his laves, ut is the master' consent ad been obta ined, the shout be reate a his reed Nomen ' Haberentur'. 'ith
in servitute ' has the sense of tenerentur , ut illi pro libertis in aliout be realed'. 2. Pastoria insignia: cf. X 38, 3. oentiens quinquagiens Suppi centena milia . Consul Osignatus: he was ne of the consules suffecti ofiliis ear He is sal to have hown iustitia et industria asgovernor of Asia in I 2 A. D. an to have been onem Nero's victim in 66 A. D. xvi 23). enauit a cos design. he had to spea firstin the motion. 3. Cornelius Scipio : See i 2 S. regilaus Arcadia ortus Scipio laim sor hii descent stomPallas, an CeStori Evander, after hom theoriginal Pallanteum onthe Palatine Hill a named Verg. Aen. viii 4ὶ Pallas ' was the name hich e ore hen a lave in Antonia' hous ehold xi 29, 3, an on his liberation e probabi too the ame M. Antonius Pallas . s. xum, C. this inscription is quote a lennii by liny, . viiii. It was et up ea the statue o Julius Caesar in the Forum Iulii.
54 Cti torrasi, Q. Folix he also like Pallas, ore the nam e Antonius Hist. v 9, 33, and accordin to Suidas Claudius.
Suetonius mentions him among the mos influentia heedmen, quem cohortibus et alis provinciaeque Iudaeae propoSuit, trium reginarum maritum'. O these three ives ne a Drusilla,
daughter of Hero Agrippa P another, a granodaughter of Antonyan Cleopatra, is name Drusilla by Tacitus Hist. v ); the third
to erect his effig in the Temple Hist. v ), hicli Tacitus probablydescribe in a par of the os book of the Annati, an herereserrexto illi a fe word that have droppedivi. olatomperatum Esset the sula depend on om suci, wor as quamquam , hici has been lost in the lacuna bet ween postquam ' an cognita though, omne sis his dea th, the command
practice heret, ille province Os Judaea was unde a single procurator re Sident a Caesarea and goveria in ali paris os Palesti ne except thos unde native prince S. The divergen Celet ween the two
historians on this potnt an onlyae reconciled by supposita Felixto have hel at this time a post os administration in Samaria, under Cumanus ut there is no independent eviden cessor his. oui dative of agent In tr. II Io.ctivisis suppi provincialibus ' from the context. D4. latronum gloho Josephus de Scribes his as a retallationo the par of the Galilaeans an other Jews for the molestatio by the Samaritans of tho se otia up Dona Galile to erusalem tofestiva is for hicli justice ad been refused by Cumanus. D6 actversus, in regar to . Cunctationem actferohant, the case os Cumanus and Felix
ius . . . ecterat even ithout Such a speciat nactinent,
the legatus os Syria ad a genera aut horit ove theSe pro
7. amnatus . . . Cumanus JoSephus Ant. XX 6, 2, 3 SaySthat Cumanus a sento Rome for triat, and there sentence tobanishment.
Clitarum : See Vi I, I. cto cursu in litora decurrendo in litora'; In tr. II 37. Vim . . . auctebant CL non ausi aciem hoStibu ' Ch. 32, 2. D2. Anemurium a town o the mos fout heri potnt of Asia Minor, opposite Cypru no the cape, and a Sile, of Anamur.
cturi explaine by montis asperos labove. 3. Antiochus Epistianos IV, restored by Gaiu to Commagene, an further enriche with this portionis Cilicia, a after vard sdeposed by him, and then restored by Claudius. He rendere hel pto the Romans during Corbulo' Campat gns in the East, unde Nero, an to Vespasian in the Civit War and against the Je s. ns A. D. he was eposed on a charge of isaffection, an his ingdombe came a province He himself ended his day a Rome .
os,hich o, Coo acres have been rought into culti vatio an a pestilentiat district rendere healthy. 1 ovibus navigiis the nomιmentum An ranum ives thenumber of esset that ough in Augustus nava Spectacle a thirty
triremes aut biremes', illi more os leSSer Sige. minore opi the Mon Anc. give the number os combatanis ac tria milia', o Count in the ΟwerS.
arme criminals. lassiarii apparenti here in the nava gladiators. The ordusuali means marines' so that thi Claus might mea rather that an additiona guar of ships anne by marines a placedio command that par of the lati no occupied by the rates of the praetorians o require for the spectacle. Jtootia navitius, , illi de hed Ships' aυσὶ κaτaφράκτοις. 4. montium ectita Intr. II 23. omoto, by way os attention in complimen to . s. Datuclamonium thes sagum purpureum', orni a Romangenerat he on active Service Such a Cloah ecam a regularleatur in the res of a Roman emperor. In hape it resembled
the Greei chlamys , an in fac the cloah or by Agrippina nilii occasion, here termes chlamys aurata' is describe by linyas paludamentum os cloth of old N. H. xxxiii 63).