장음표시 사용
cupictinis, avarice'. His fortune is state by Dio to have amounte to O millio sesterces Di lx 4 4 , the larges onrecor of the great fortune of that age fover L 3 O , Ol. s. in Dotontiam, imperio usiae S.' Cf. mater inpotens', v I. 3. The wor denotes absence of restrainti one' inclinations. Chapto GS, Docimus Iunius Silanus Torquatus as et Sone of the reat-great- grandson o Augustus se Genealogical Tree, In tr. p. XV me Committe sulci de in A. D. on e ingcharge with conspirin against Nero. Q. Haterius Antoninus a Son Os D. Hateri u Agrippa, mentione in ii I propinquus Germanici so in to his ather' smarriage illi a dataghter of Agrippa).soctocim: he had reatly on injust entere o his si xteenili ear.
se Ch. 23, 3. Octaviam : See Ch. 3, 2.
Ilionsium the Ilium os his dat was the own restored by Sulla, after an almos complete destructio by Fimbria in s . . In spite of the privileges at ready a Corde to it it was of insignificant powe and wealth. Romanum the Roman eople', as Samnis', Poenus', α,
in Li Uy.ctomissumet so Vergil, Aen. 488. hau procul, tot far remove Dom' adjectivali used, S palam ' in xi 22 I. omni utilio munero Ilium ad been declare a re cityby the Romans even elare the time of Sulla, ho confirme the
privilege anew. Iulius Caesar Confirme it in the ελευθερία καὶ λειτουργησία freedom, an immunit frona Contribution in mone or
service Once besto edi Alexander so Strabo). his immuni ty
Eononia a Latin colon establislied in Cisalpine Gaul in 189B C. Originali it was an Etrusca town, et Sina. haustam applied metaphoricali to destruction by reci solii iii 2, 4. Atioctii : the Rhodians had gained a privilege position a allies of Rome in the Macedonia an Mithridatic ars bellis externis'), but ad been de prive of their Deedom by Claudius ine ears besore this dat for hau in crucifie sonae Roman citi gens Di lx 24 43. The fland was Subsequently reduce to a province by
Apamensibus e thei town was Apamea Cibotus, in Phrygia, cloSeo Celaenae, O the Marsyas It position o the oad f
tram gave it commercial importance secon oni to that os Ephesus A simila remissionis tributerio cities in Asia Minor onthe occaSion o an earth quake in I A. D. is described in ii 47. Suchremission os tribute ere Suallyarante by mean o a decree of
the Senate, auctore principe'.
50 Chaptor B, I. At contrast the odioris pari force on imwith the popular par assigne to Nero. Promere actigehatur In tr. II I. Qiuactomet the word impli es that Agrippinai ad prompte Nero'sactions in the precedin Chapter. Statilius Taurus son of the consul os I A. D. an himselfConSul in A. D. He was perhaps the brother of Statilius Taurus CorVinta S, Wh Wa Con Sulci 45 A. D. , and was implicate&with Asinius Gallus in the abortive conspiraC Os 46 A. D.
Tarquitius Priscus as himself subsequently convicte os extortion, in Bithynia, ni A. D. xiv 46, IJ.
2. imperio Droconsulari: his denotes the poWer os a governoro a senatoria province Intr. p. XXxii). Such an Om Cer a colleague ather than Servant of the em peror. ooterum, tu es pecialis'. magiens superstitionea the practice os, Orcery, O consultationos astrologers, again St the em peror f. h. 2.D3. sordes the mournin attire ut o by an accuSed perSon.
So ira, . Vim . . . attulit: e thus ope to save the confiscationi his propertyri f. vi 29, 2. In his Case the charge broh down, a the accuser a punished in Agrippina' de Spite, 4. 4. curia Exactus this expulsion a effecte by Sentence of the senate iself. Tarquitius seem to have been restored by Nero,ache was subSequently procon Suli Bithynia xiv 46, I).
power hi therio ad been stricti limited an in ensor in claimssor the princeps dues in respecti Such estates the had formerly
been compelle to Sue in the ordinar CouriS a Claimant not aS
ternas of the decree re not known ut at a later date e findili civit urisdictio os the procurator, in cases bet Neen the iscus' an private perSonS, concurrent it an practicali supersed ingillat of the procon Sul. D3 equestrem here equivalent to equites . The praefectura Aegypti ' an praesectura praetorii ,ere the two mos important offices ope to knights. The forme involve the command of two legions and ther troopS. The language of the sectio marks thedifferen ce et ween even the ighes of the em peror' praefecti'
and the electe magistrate S. conoes Aa Eunt: Sc. praesectis . Draotoritium the wor applies to the governor in the provinceGas etllas the praetor a Rome. noscebantur : O cognoscebantur', s. In tr. II 28.
4. There is a confusion of though in thi passage. The rivi lege at is sue in the contests of equites an senate unde the Republic a that o furnis hin the jur in the criminal quae-Stiones perpetuae the question o deali illi is that of the jurisdictioni an individua procurator, Suali os equeStrian rank, without a jury, in civi actions belween the princeps and individuat s. omne ius, C. put in to their and the whol jurisdiction
hic hi ad been o osten the cause of party-stris o civit War . Semproniis rogationitium pl. for sing. the referen cete in tot he law of Caius Gracchus in I 22 B. C. Serviliam probabi also pl. sor sing. The Servilius Caepio, consul in I O6 B. C., hic at med a restoring to the senateth contro of the iudicia' does no Seemo have been Carried. His proposai ad been vehementi oppo sed by another Servilius, namel Glaucia, ho was tribune in I is Q, an a se years later the confederate of Saturninu S. Marius Et Sulla Tacitus account is here misi eading. The question pono hicli these two came into conflictoas that of
the command against Mithridates, in B. C., hen the tribune P. Sulpicius Rufus carrie a measure in the comitia iv in it to larius, although the senate ad atready appotnte Sulla. Os Cour Se the partie to hich Marius an Sulla elonge held Oppos in Vie S a to the constitutio of the iudicia', an in his dictatorshi Sulla ordaine that the iudices ' should e aliensrom the senator in Stea os equites. I may be noti ced that Tacitus omit mention os the de Aurelia os o B. Q passe in the consul Shipis Pompe an Crassus by hich iudices ' ere tobe ahen stom Senators, equites, an tribuni aerarii', and of the final constitutionis thes iudicia by Augustus. 3. sed, α, tu in hos day the rivalry was ne os holeClaSses, and what ei ther fide carrie had the orcem constitutionalpractice ' Wherea now the power of the reedmen a a matter os persona influence an ille pleaSure of the princepS. C. Oppius ot ornotius Ealbus: so the lalter Cf. x 24 4. Hi Scareer eques , he re promotion to consul shimand the senate.
is here referre to Balbus an Oppius a te a Iulius Caesar's financia agenis durin his absen e in Gaul, and were also hi confidant in his vertures to Pompeius besore the Civit War. L6. C., alius is osten mentione in Cicero' letters He was ex equestri ordine, divi Augusti amicus ' Pli ny N. H. xii 2 6 I3. Voctius Pollio a thes eques infamous for throwin live flavesto his lampreys his ous was demolis hed, after his death, by
Eiora sueti as Maecenas, Sallustius Crispus iii o), Seianus. rsi familiaria his, an res suae , are earlier expression than fiscus ' for the em peror' priv purSe. 61 Chapto 61 I. Coim the inhabitant of os, o Cous, a mallisland to the orthis Rhodes, famotas for iis temple of Ἀσκληπιος Aesculapius with iis caste os physici an priesis Asclepiadae' ofwhom the mos famou Wa Hippocrate S. Argivos: the fland was coloni ged by Epidaurians H di. v 9,4), no Stricti Argives. Coctum: ne of the Titans, soni Uranus an Gaea. tactvontu Aesculapii: the worship of this god seems to have been introduce into Cocho Epidaurus, the original seat of the cult. postoros: the Asclepiadae . a. onophontom this physician, Credite asterward withhavingsolsone hi master ch. 67, 2ὶ is known Do inscriptionsto have horne the nam C. Stertinius Xenophon, o have been tribunus militum', an also praesectus fabrum in the rit isti invasionis Claudius to have been e Cretar ab epistulis Graecis', an to have fille pri esti offices in his native fland whichiald
* 3. multa merita the had supporte Roman interest as earlyas I9 B. C. Liv xxxvii 6, 2) had resiste tho se ho ould havedrawn them to the si de of Perseus, and adcioine Rome in thegrea Mithridatic ar. O the occasio last mentione d Romanciti gens found a sala asylum in the temple of Aesculapius, hen themassa re of Romans in Asia Minor and the fland of the Aegeanwas ordered by Mithridates in 88 B. C. L . facilitato solita torae alien illi in concesserat didno excuse an indulgenCe made illi his usual Compliance to ne individuali adducin any ground apari rom his own isti.' xtrinsectus CL nullis palam au Sic', i 22 I. 62 Chapto 62, Q. At in contra Si illi the revi ou sentence. The had to plea theiriwn cause, and theresore ad the mos Ofthei service to Rome. u sonatum the claim as ad dresse to the senate ecauseth city though callex Thraecia urbs ' in ii 34, 2, di notietonito the Caesaria province of Thrace, ut to the then senatorial province of Bithynia. unota Pepativero, reCounte ali hei past services'. a. ooctore Byrantium original lycio in ex Rome civitas Io S
foederata . an in the time os Cicero it a both libera' and immunis . The presentia S Sage ho Sahat it adiecome tributar it is calle a re state by li ny .V. f. iv II, 8, 46), butiost iis freedom unde Vespasian Suet. VES'. 81. ut egenori, in one meant bori'. his a Andriscus, theson o a suller os Adramytium, ho lai me to e Philip son os Perseus He gaine posses Sion o Macedonia orabout a year, ut a conquere an tali e pri Sone by Q. Caecilius Metellus in i 84. C. Dosthac tot taken illi memorabant'. Antiootius deseate by L. Scipio at the batile os Magnesia,
Persos deseate a Pydna I 68 . ta, b L. Aemilius Paulus. Aristonicum the clatinant so the throne os Pergamus aster thedeath os Eumenes. The war ithraim las ted stomo 3 to Ι29 . , he the consul M. Perperna deseate an capture hi m. Antonius sonis the orator an sat her of the triumvir. He was commissione to ut down the pirates in 74 B. C., but a wholly
wars against Mithridates possibi also in Pompeius campalmagainst the pirate in 6 B. recentia in the Thracia an Bosporan war sch. 63, 3). Quancto Causal occupyin a the di a position hich was ofvitat importance to leader an armi es ahing thei passage et therby an or ea, Soeli a Servi Ceabie so the conveyance of supplieSy. terra mariquo the passage frona Thrace to Asia Minor, and that rom the Aegean to the Euxine.
indifferenti by Tacitus for the dative os ord os the Murth
clivortium the word denotes a potiatis separation, and et se hereis use of a bifurcationis road an a aterShed.
Chaleocton ad been Munde by Megarians eventeen earSbefore the coloni ration o Byrantium, o the ther Si de of the
Strabo froni the similarit oscit ramification to a stag's horn haualready in his time the nam of the Golde Horn, rom the wealthnowin into t. Pontum erumDon cf. erumpere nubem ' Verg. m. i 58o.D3. quaestuosi, α, this as originalty the fource of thei trafficand wealth. In xiii 33, 3 nitidi et quaestuosi luxurious and
Ttiraooto, C. The Bosporan arcis that of whicli the late partis relate in clis. 3-II. The Thracian war ' probabi refers tofome hostilities hicli occurre at the time hen Thraceaecam a province, i 46 A. D. 64 Chastor 64 I. Μ. Asinius Marcollus, rent-grandSon os Asinius Pollio, Augustus contemporary, is mentione agat in xiv 4 a one of the accomplices in a Case of the orger of a it in 6 A. D. although guilly, he was excuSed puni Stimenti the score of his nobi descent an a Nero' interces Sion. Μ'. Acilius subSequently proconsul of Sia 63-66 A. D. ,
probabi son of the Acilius Aviola mentione in iii Ι, who as legatus o Gallia Lugdunensis as active in the Suppressionis thesirst eginning of the revolt in Gaul instigate by Sacrovir and
igne caelesti lighining o the phenomenon calle St. Elmo's
fastigio, in the pediment'. The accus is usuali soland withthe ver insido , in Tacitus ohe dative howeve is supporte by Verg. Aen. vi οὐ floribus insidunt'. LI. iformes, monstro us', hether referring to duplication ofOrgans, o to half-human, alf-bestiat form s. octilum the change to indirect speech is ver abrupi Thereactingi Med. ediditum ' may be a corruption or editum esse Creditum ' or a ver such a. memorabant has droppediu besore
3. ofunctis non of these areanown the consul mus have been suffectus', a both thos gi ven bove are nown to have been livin aster. 4. Vocem Suet. G. 43 add that ther expression led Agrippinario ea that Claudius meant to restore Britannicus to the position rom hichi ha beeniuste in favourii Nero. Domitiam Dicta : Cf. X 37, 4. minor the Same mi Stake has been made here as in iv 44. hewas reatly daughter of the et de Antonia.
Gnaei Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, ather os Nero; s. vi
s. quam suppin eis besores si qua .
6 on voro layin Stres on the Strongestio in o rivalry cf. h. 34, 2. Lepida ad talien the bo into her ou se in his insanc when his ather die an his mothe was in exile, and had evident ly been in clos intimac With him ver ince that
claro quibat', Supplied rom nequibat'; potest is supplied rom non potest in xiii 36, 3 deesse nobis terra invitam, in qua moriamur, non OleSt'.
as iis head trial of this natur is describe in xiii 32 f 3, 4.
Mors indicta potnis to an autocratic decree rather than a judicial
ctovotionibus, , illi incantations ' Devoti, was accomplis hedb pier in or burning an effig of the perSon practi Sed again St, orb inscribin the name, illi appropriate curses, o a tabi et hic hwas then dedicate to the inferna deities.
groundis saltus' in Apulia an Calabria These ere alwaycli ableto tali to brigandage the had provide Catiline illi recruit in
63 B. and unde Tiberius a quaestor was statione d in Sohath Italyto superintendioli Ce meaSure against them. 2. Drompsisse, have declared '. Eo Eritannicus, C. he had destroyed the mother of thesormer, an opposed the mother of the lalter ch. 2, soli.) so that he was ure os the dissavo uris both. gQ convictam, &C. X 26-38. Dares, there e re quali Strong round sor bring in an accusation os conspiring against Claudius a secon time, hould Nero ecome em peror: ut is Britannicus ere the Successor theem peror nee have no ear'. The Latin is generali regarde a sun Sati Siactory, a the sense Seem to e spolit by the clause si Nero imperitaret the object of bring in an accusation against Agrippina an Nero ould naturali se em to berio rustrate their schemes against Claudius and Britannicus Nero e re on thethrone, the time sor de nunciation Ouidie gone Mo Si Commentator propos to delete ei ther the whole or Sonae par os the wordsfro si at'; ut novercae solio ius more naturali is Britannico cis retained, and a removalis an par of the sentences Si . . . metum ' destroy the balance of the whole. Perhaps the confusiono thought in the sentence ascit stand is due to the excite mentunder hic limarcissus is represente a Speahing or perhaps emay tali it that Narcissus meant, VI Nero ere to hecome em peror then there ouldie justi fiable cause for another prosecution against those uili os conspirac against Claudius ' Such aprosecution Ouid in deed e to late to save Claudius lise, ut Narcissus naturali Would not emphasire that fac to strongly ut
actoloseerot in direct command suggeSted by precari above. 66 Lapto 66, o corripitur the subjectris Narcissus'. Sinuessam: in the Coast, just mori, of the mouth of the Vulturnus Dio ritates that Narcissus Sufferet stom out, and that the Spring Sinuessa Mere cure so that compla int
2. Eooterim in the specific ense of poison in ' S in V 33 I. oeria, resolve upon o relinquendae vitae Certu ' iv 34, 2; certus eundi', Verg. Aen. iv 54. oblatae oeoasioni : so the genit. cf. xi 26, 4. The opportuni tyla in the removat of the vigilance os Narcissus. consultavit stom his ver supply the de os metuens , illithe two solio in ClauSe S. praecipiti cim mediate in iis action. talaictum causing Slo decay, waSting '. actmotus supromis, ,hen rought nea to his end ' cf. vi SO, 33. 3. I may be notice that the actua narrative os Claudius en cloes no corroborate hat Tacitus Says of the assasSins inten
4. vocabulo nomine ' osten in Tacitus. Locuata in Suet. and Juvenal the nam is Mitte Lucu Sta'. The scholiast o Iuvenal say that he was a native of Gaul. hewas again employe to pol son Britannicus vilicis, ), continue as one of the to olsi despotis inter instrumenta regni' throughthe eignis Nero, and was putri deatha Galba. s. ingenio, inventi venes '. o obtulit ingenium Anicetus xiv 3, ), hen Nero de Sire t murde his mollier. Halotus he Survive Nero, and was promote to a wealthyprocuratorsiti by Galba Suet. GaD. 13). The praegustator',asone of the officiat of the Cour even unde Augustus, and in the timeo Claudius there,ere Severat of them, forming collegium under
The account in Dio states that he at once collapsed and was carri eda way dying that fame night ut that he had so osten been removedin toxicate that o Suspicion a at the time excite in tho se
pre Sent.*2. t this couples exterrita 'to the abi. abS. Quancto Cf. noteon Ch. 48, 3.
Provisam . . . Conscientiam, the complicit ali eady Secured'.
fauatis vocibus, , illi acclamations '. The probabi saluted hi in a. imperator', and the genera bod of praetorians confirme dili salutation oon asterWards, Q. inctitur lacticas, ta in the Same a Claudius, after themtarde of Gaius, as halled imperator by a part of soldiersu ho Dun him in the palacerand then carrie hi in offa the prae
accepted the choice presented to them . 3. Praefatu : hi speech a composed sor hii by Seneca, accordin to Dio. Paterna largitionis: so Claudius ad bought the suppor of the praetorians by promise of fleen e Stertia to acti Suet.
Seouta Patrum consulta decrees confirmin him in ali hepo vers hel by the em peror There ould also b c lec to thes a me effect passe in the comitia'. aDu Provinciam reserring to the armi es there. q. aelestosque honores: these, and the lanera honours, arespoken o again in xiii 2 6, here e se that the apotheosis a Sno decree tit some time aster the funerat. 3. testamentum, C. The willis Augustus, o the ther hand.
ha been ea in the senate ira, ). Dio lxi I, 2 states that Nero destroye Claudius xvili, an Suetonius G. 44 impli es that thewill was in Britannicus favour Tacitus expreSSi State the Contrary, and the fac that the will was not ad public Sufficienti accounts for the prevalence of the ther view. iniuria si invictia, sense of wron an die Sentinent'. f. XL6, 3 odia et iniurias', and Uerg. Aen. iii 6oc si sceleris tanta est iniuria nostri . Oxsord moracemari, Printer to the Universi ty