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De vita excellentium imperatorum

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 222페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ΥΟ THE FI HS EDITIO N. CORNELIO NEPos is more than annother Roman writer auited tob put into in hand of bus, Who have made sussicient proseas toto abierio rea a Romae author in course. The simplicit an et sicaleharacteris his style the separate lives, fuit os interest, and no longenough to eary the extent of history, of Whichine gives a ple ingou line, b presentin a in a alter thos illustrious men hodirecto in sortunes of antiquity tho genera purit os in moraltendene of his ritings and the favor te mora influenc Whichalwars solioWs stom ineam histornos great men, re circumstancea whic sumetens explain Wh hecis o universali adopte in the European schoois, an is Minning to e introduce in s mannos

The styla an languam os Nepos are more simple than hos ofan otho Latin author extant so uel so, indeod that nothingssam tote inting ut a hori introductory book embodyin and illustratin the principies of the Grammar. ut ascit,ouldio dimovit, is no impossibie, to compile suo a Wor purei stom classicalso ces, it is destrable that it aliouldie mali torrit is bolievod inata essentiat disseruie hac en done to pupila, b confining them solong in tho early part of thei careor, in book ealle Latin indoed, but hos languam, aliould i meet in ear of a Roman would bo pronounoed to hine lituo elaim to that ille. The objeci, theresere, in proparing the notes to this edition hac en to bring tho boo asnea to the Gramma a possibie, an is conatant refereno thereis,

tocleae the pupi that that is lus honto in underatandine of the

Latin classica universally. Inoonsiderable a many question in gramma ma appear, et,sor inoa Who are ignorant of them, there is no accurate unowIedgo of the ancient lansuages an consequently no intimato acquaintancomith in spirit of the ancient,ritora The meanin os individual orda must ala be caresuli exelained, and the in taughtrio dis- eriminato the nice hade os signification and tho orda uae to


express them This an est e done in prose. It is an evit, ino Common amon his to ea boys ut an early perio to the stud os the poets an to ut Virgil into tho and of thos who cannot readit explain an eas prose riter. Ow, though the genera styleo Virgil is pia in an his narration interesting, stili ho anno beproperi understood Xcept by one atroad practised in the langvage, and wel accustome to mar peculiar se of words; in itis an stet of injustice to the oun scholar, o ut into his anda poem so sud of the ighest beauties of ari,aesore horis exercised inal that is requisite in orde to intorpro thomo advantage. It issor his reason among thera lintrat is o elicio rea Nepos in schoois Atho hi it is no dissicultri find writer sui te to a con-irnuanco os methodica instructions an Caesar, Livy, Cicero undSallust osse a ricli variet os prose much of which should e read, besor Virgil canae attempt0 with real delight an advantage.'An Inde has se added, for the purpos o facilitatin the historica and goographica intelligonce of the texi, and the more stronglyrio interest the pupil in the stud of th ancient classics The ex is talion rom tho edition of . . remi, a Germaneditor, horaives it a that os an Stateren an no alterations

have been attempted excepto mali th orthograph conformi tho dictionaries in common uso in his Ountry, ando distinguish, as is customary the ablatives of the rs deciension, and certain conjunctions an adverbs. The paragraph quote above, arct alien Do the preme to aforme oditio of this or by r. Bancrofis sor hicli the correct-nes of the sentimentiis a sufficient apology.


Bosram, Sept. I, 1833.