장음표시 사용
lex of the la male geis in toti ch with this sui face. The moves are too quick toclearly recogniZe on normal-speed filio footages, but whether contact takes placeor not, this Step usualty produces the acceptance of the male by the female in an Ormat way. Is se male cloes not cooperate, the male repeated ly does ''STV whichstrengiliens the stimuli rather than accomplis hes real sperna trans location. Thesestimuli may be any of the following ones l. Visual stimuli arising frona certain locus of the ventral si de of the male 2. Tactile stimuli on the head of the femule whicli do not work in simpletandem linkage hut are strengthened by special moves of the male 3. Visual and tactile stimuli together, 4. Simple agressive irritation of head of the se male. Copulation in the naturat way seems to support the first hypothesis. Preserved materiai do the fame there is substantiat difference in the ventral vlew of the metat horax and the abdomen base among closely related aestin id, gomphi d. corduli id and cordulegaster id di agonsiles. These differe iaces are less definite among libellulid species.) There are sui faces which seem to match to Vertex. Thus irrespective of whether the pre-copulatory ST takes place or it is imitationon ly, it should have a dual function: sperna fit ling sor restes liment) and letting thes e male identis y the specific colour palteri Istructural code of the male. Is it is thecuse, the colour patiern and structure of the mentioned sui faces could be used in the systemati CS.
The uia successsul copulation attempis seem to support hypothesis 2 butthere is no information abolit the locali ty and the function of the receptors sis there are any) on the head os se male. The hand- patring technique OPPEN HEI MER& WA AGE l98J) cannot be used in the case of A. cyanea and Other large dragon-nies hec ause the males will not cooperate sexcept for hand- patring without wheel, with simple to uching of the copulatory organs). The alteration of the finalappendages of the males in a natural population has very low efficiency. so it is
not too easy to test the second hypothesis. Hypothesis 4 the simple irritation of the head of the se male is obvious ly notthe normat way of maling. It can he an extreme reaction to the abnormal bellavio ur os fasten ed se male pre Vented hom showing acceptance or rem Sal display. Howe ver it may exist in natural conditions as well. hecati se I have found adulti emales with sonae spois on their frons whicli might have been caused by agressi Ve males. This can occur in such cases as mentioned by KAISER l 98 ) when the sei Zed se males 'stubboria ly clas p the substratum . Such a female cannot show refusat dis play. similarly to the fasten ed one. SO the fe male-tO- male communication sis any) cannot be performe l. There is a possibili ty that the violant irritation used by agressive males or caused by in complete communication, finalty
Can convince the reluctant se male to copulate, even in heterospecific tandem.
goni lies of the sperna re lease was correct and wides pre ad in Odonata. One cans peculate that why not the amo unt of sperna carried in male, in correlation withthe achi eved copulations would influe iace the bellavio ur. agressivit y of males. In this sense sucii peculiar phenomena could get me an ing as the extreme ly agressi Vemale which was not able to perform ST; and the substitution of normal copulation with hetero specific patring or maling imitation ) on the bare ground . Further. more de talled studies are nee ted on the sensory abilities of dragonfli es. the individual differe iaces in bellavio ur. with experimental studies using modis ted individuals.
Nagy. P. A comparis an os extraction methods of free-living terrestriat Nema-todes 28 lVarga; Z. Biogeography and evolution of Oreat Lepidos tera in the Palaearctic 289 Ambrus, A. Observations on the mate recognition and copulatory bellavi aur
O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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