장음표시 사용
Entered, accordincto et o Congress in the year IST6 byEL DREDGE A BRO THER, in tho Ossico of tho Libraria os Congresseat Washington.
Fe ancient author impos ales vior askipontho commentator than JUVenat both on accounto occasionat obscurities of mean in and corruptions of the texi, and rom tho largo number fantiquartan and historical ullusions hiuli require explanation. I submit in labor to tho judgmen o compotent scholars, hos ing that the will contributorio the succossmi nil interessed studyo fibritor in hos terso unii sententiolis dictiontho Latin angvago horus ome of it hi ghestes pabilities. Zoom has boon aderio insert one of the satireso Persius, toti Veructast of the peculiar qualityos an author Who, i duint anil bookish, is ut-