장음표시 사용
ΤΠ oris nai groi inclWork of the folloWin volume consiste os an articio ritte by me in tho liristian Remembrancer V o July, 1854, o the subjectis medii vat reaching. As omo person thought that it might serve as an introduction to a in os occlesiastica litorature, to litti lino v and aliae among US, I as equeste to expand the aper in question andi ove extracis at greator leti h and in chronologicalordor. The chio difficult Was that os election; parti among o many authors, principali belWeenthe Various sermons os ach author. In the sirst place, o notice Wil here bo ound of S. Bernarii,
S. Victor, and thors, though, certaint have a seWSermons of theis riting, et in that particula species o composition claimedis suci eminent place a toentille them to stan in a selectio of Auch narro vlimits. Where it a possibie, I have hose Britishrather than foreigu riters heno the nam os Adam Scotus, ho ould ther se harvi have appeare in the Volume. Some apolog is perhaps necesSar sortho ast author lio Will e found in these ages, Antonio Vipyra, and who certaini di no live in mediaeva times. ut the thoroughly mediaeva charaetero many of his sermons, give his perhapS, S OOda elaim to e calle the last reachor of the Middie Ages, as S. Bernar has to the ille of the last filio atherS.Τhe passages quoted hominia Scripture re alWaysove Do our Wn version the salm Do the Ρrayer Book), except When a marked disseretice in the Vulgate, or Ome peCulia turn Os Xpression, Would have ad the authoriso translatio incapableo expressing the es meaning of the reacher Attho isti os omeWhat disfiguring the typography, alisuch quotations are ive in italic in orde to howthe woudersu quantit of Scriptura extracts o bosound in the sermons os hos ages, exclusive of the perpetua reserences an allusions hich could no bo
No long time ago, in examining illage liureli in neos ille mi illand counties, m attention a attraete byn palae in the Rector' pe hicli sonio vhat resemblud placard. ii investigation Psound it orae a sermon, lidadsed On the Vonit an Uncertainti of Human se,nni labelled 'in casu os an accident. Is by hance, the orth Incumbent hould appen to leave chiudhim tho discoui suae intende to deliver here a a Sasereserve Human lise a Sure alWays tot uncertain; moralist Would alWaysiali divain the sermon thero re, Could neve Come mal-amropos, and there it lay bearingamusing Witnes to the character and valuei is I may coit a xord-Englisti Homiliology. Os allistiir, uti eat, stille demonstrations os religion, probabi the sermons of the las centur vere the ostremari ablo specimens an is perhaps noWhero to e und in their original pastoboard and l)rOende character,
the are stili formidat te nough in the compositions of the school Whieli denominates itfel orthodo anil modorate, and whicli is termed by ther high-and-dry Tho
us by Johnson- man in s many respeet laesore his age-as the modet os pulpit eloquenoe, hen the dictumof the great doctor as that his Sermon Were more