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tentii centuries, then, must cither have been translatuit into Latin by soni os the discipies of the author, si omthei reniem brance of hat he had actuali spolien, orby the writer himself, si om his recollectionis the genera scopo nil nimis his discourse. Vo illiso v turn ur attention to a se vis the ostdistinguishiniscaturos hicli characterisu medioeva sermons And the rs of these is the immens and aismost intuitive lino viedge of Scripture, hicii thoi Writers ipOSSCSSed I any one to tali the o vest id vis thesulla et, ill erat tho trouble os comparing the numberos referetices orae found in a modern, illi hos Whicli Oecur in an ancient sermon, he illind that toti omne iis by no means an exaggerated estimate of thei relative proportions. Orcis his ad Modern quotations arealmos entiret talion rom certain book or Chapter of
dab S irreverently notrio a profanely, cali them Thoancient prouehers rei thoi citations Domini paris of Scripture alike : ecpuali imbued illi the spiritis ali, it a impossibi that tho Ahould quot other vis thanae ordinito analogy. And thoseolio more speciallypique theniselves nolici linowledge of the Biblo, indon declaring the hole ounso os Go D,V ould domet to consider o v and linit is that thei sermons, in comparison illi hos of hicli, are riting, ares jejune in resereticos to the Nord of GOD, and shallo v an common-plae in thei application henthe quot it-Why the evince, in Shori, ather tholino xledge of a child, hau the suli rastino a theologia n.
ceptionabie riter On ither Side. The modum school
cannot complain is, bring orix ard Johi Newton asthei champion and we Will matuli him uot With S. Bernarii nor illi an Otho such giant in divini ty but illia mere Common-place pious Writer of the welfth century, Guarrio Abbatis Ignino. e villosi them n thesam subjeci, an on the Same texi Ρrepare e theway of the LORDI' In Newton' sermon, e findisine reseretices to themo eis, tu O to the Episties, in tolli Propheis, ne to the saluis While no allusion is made to any the parti Hol Seripture. In the sermonis Guarrio there are even reseretices to the os-peis, ne to the Episties, Wenty-tW to the Psalms, nine to the Propheis, and ighteon to the paris of Scripture Thus, the tota number of quotations made bytho Evangelica prenotior is tu enly-one; by Guarrie, fisty-seven; and this in sermons os abolit eques longili. Or, o tali a more stri in example of the samo thing. In 784, When the oratorio of the Iessiati Visas performem vitii reat splendour in ostiniuster Abbey, it plensed in sanie Johu Newton to dolivor a series of dis oui se on the texis hioli forme the subject of Haudet' music. As hos passage of Hol Scriptureare S admu ably et chosen the Sermons rounde onthem ore natu ali intende to sortii a completo bodyos divinity, and a sucii ere pul)li Shod together. ByWay os index the author di et up a listi texis quotodo resereexto, such as e See universali appendet totho earlier editions of the athers. It is durio remarkho Munequali the Evangelica preacher malles his citations. Froni that par of the Biblo Whicli procedes the Psalm he quotes very par ingly. he minor ropheis
hardi furuisti him vitii oue passageo the book of Joel,
Ot,niliali, Nahum, and Jonali, absolutet With nono. ΙΙe nou here refers O the Son of Solomon. To the Apocrulia, a mightio expected he malles butine allusion The Episti es, speciali thoseo the RomanS, Galatians, and Ephesialis, Occupy a mos diSproportion- able pace, a regariis the New Testament; and the prophec os Isaiah in reserene to the old. No v in veturn to the fame iudex in the work of S. Anton os Padua, e fini ut Onc that Hol Scriptu e is violed evenly, and aecordiu to analogy. The histoi ea books assume their due prominenee the Episties are reducedio a io ver levet; and the quotations frona caeli bear proportion to the tength of the book, and nodito the pre- conecived system of the reueher. The ne pollit os similarit bet vecti S. Anton and Newton S, the retiter equone With hich both turn to the saluis and thei mos strii in contrast, ex to that hieli, have
atroad specificit, consist in the numerous reserenees
Whieli ho ne malles to the Sapientiat books, and above
Scripti tua to introduce them. et Our prouehers, caeli of them, commene a discoui se pon Advent. ne stron interna proos that ille Biblocis a Divino revelation, a betara n si O in the subjec matter, and particu
book sor hero is no right knowledge of GOD here tho Biblo is notano vn. What is the Jupiter os Homer compared, illi homo os Israel, a II is represente to us by His servant the Prophet 3 An is tho hoathen philosopher in sonio dotaehed passages have Senti metit no altO-gether uia Northy o Him, histor honesti telis iis ho theyobtain them. The travelled, and the are generali faid toliave travollod into Pheniciam Egypt to the consues os that peoplo h alone thought rightly of GOD, ecauso to themoni H had ad Himselfino vni a revelation. Is sucha deseription a Wo have in the fortieth hapter os Isaiah, rom the welsili versorio the end had been lino via ni of
the glorious Adrent of the reat God, and ur Sariour Jesus Christ. And nolo, aith the righteolis man what is myraope '
The substanc os in litti possessions a more Thee, O Lord beeatis ei thera contributin them to Theo, or in despi singilium sor Thoo, I have reas ured ii in talent in heaven, and have luid thsem do via a Thy Dot knowino that Thou artable ouem that tolle IIure committe linto Theon and notorii to heo it but o tuo me also an hundred old in the
rere is, there ill thyraear be also Therei oro et our earis g aster thei troas urea et our cogitations e fixod o liigh let ou expectationi suspended on the LORD that e may say illi ho postl0, Our convergation is in heaven, romet helice also e ook for the Sariour. Forisur father frusted in Thee, ove nil the just Dona tho Dundation of the worid, the trusted in Thee, and were nos confounded. AD DONWe have received Thy loviny-kin lites in the mirit o Thy Temple and the bandis Thya oleing servant Sing together, Blessetis It Phut eometh in the ame of the Lori Liuited patiently for the Lord, andi inclinei unt me. Can therei a stronge contrast than et vesti these
morning, hecause the congregation re attinisor hina, and ecause the publicationis his sermon mav possibiyad to his saniem to his conveniences. The ther, be- causo his hear is sullis his subject,-because in Advent- timeae an mandesti thini o nothingiui the Advent, and theresore ut os the abundance of the ear themouth speaketh. Guarrio, indeed, give usi laboured
tonioes, the Superiorit of the GOD O Christians ver
Jupiter. But lie is in the hear os his subject in a moment he spem to quot the Biblete auso it is his oum natura lan ago beenus his thought have been o ae- customedo flo v in Scripture channeis that the Willon in no ther an it is ometimos difficulto teli,nor ould e perhaps alWays have noWn himself, Whetherio ere emplo initiis W Word O thos Atho inspire WrilingS. But his subjectis scriptura allusion is insepar ly connecte to that of the mystica interpretations illi Whicli primitive and mediaeva sermon oversio v. Those-as is perhaps the case risii mos of the preSent generation ho have been aught ylook in Scripture doctrines sor doctrines only, and in Scripture facts o sucis Only, naturali reject With scorti much of the Biblidal o aledge of the Middie Ages. aou may have the Word of Seripiture,' the say, but Where is the sense 3 The meanings elicite are osten o childisti, osten socontrarient, alWays sociar-setched that the me signification is ulteri lost. he sam method os interpretation a mine anything ut o anything and the Puritan ho, reachin against tho fashionable ead-dres of the Jay took or his texi, προ no come dolo
We avo o tho eas intention o entering o any disquisition a to the limit to hicli mystica interpretation a b lawsuli carried There an careelybe a doub that in soni later riter it id verstet ad possibi bound of moderation. For example, hoWevertru mayio the doctrine that tho Cloi gyrare to eachand tho luit to learn, that there is to e an ecclesia
discens a Welliis au ecclesia docens,-one an Careely
Prophet o the postles meant; ut bring omardinadequat quotations in supportis thei ovo meaning, and Wres Scriptitue, repugnant though it e, to their private convenietice ' In like mannerra Charies Bor-rome advisos the reacher noto invent ne and contorted allegorios, but toto content ioth thos Hreadytauo by the athors, an above ad things to void tho ingeniolis saucies of Origen. ΤWo liings, hoWever, must be homo in in Withrespecto inis mystical system. In the rs place, Scripture itfel authoriges it to a certain und that avor considerable ρxtent. For his Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and ansmereth to Jerusalem hicli novuis, and is in bondage illi her hildron.' An again,
cept Where it is potntediutrio us in the e vaestament. V may se II ina, heres ore, in the Pascha Lamia, ut no in the sacrifice of Isaac; e ma findGIim in Melchisedec, )ut not in Josoph: He is represented to iis by the Bragon Serpent, ut o by thoorti solio Covenant. Aud evangelicat Writer on tho Bible have no been sparin in thei denunciations of the oldor
system. hiis coit, the so-calle commentator, inreplyrio a question, hether the certain oor man, Who, a the Book of Ecclesiastes telis iis, delivore tho City, and yet,a no remembered, ere intende a atvlpe of CHRIsΤ, thus expresses himself:- d would gladi lino by hat authorit an man, Ver-loohin plain sola instructions by the heli Osis armimagination et himself to sin Gospe mysteries in his passages It ould pugZle the mos ingeniolis of thesesaneisu expositor satri to accommodate the circumstances of the stor to tho orti os Redemption. Wo purpOSes, in deed, uel a the are, a b ansu ered by uel interpretation ostly loose professor are neourage in thoir
the moruiniis interpretexo the Ilesurrection, and theshore, os the harbour os evertastin res astor the aves of this troublesonae orid the lino v liat paut isthrown round the verse, illi, stast es passediver
pretation to extraVagance, it is uret belle that eshould se Cui Is everyWhere, illi Cocceius, than that we hould se Him no vhere, illi rotius. It is necessar alsorio boar in mini the reat disser-onoe bet veen basin a doctrine non allegorica interpretation, an meret referring to that interpretation, in iis suppor an illustration That rom the e cartios times e have instances of the irs method os quotation no ne id deny Whateve opinion may beforme a to tho legitimae of the practice. At Nicaea, tho Catholic texi as, as ad the ortu noWs, myhear hath produce a good Word. V Aster variis, in thecontroversies illi Semi-Arians in Macedonians that verse a thought irrefragabie, in the M or of tho LORD ere the heavens made, and ut the hos of them by tho Broath finis molith.' Stili latur, Jovinianan his sello us ero verthrown by the quotation Doma a gehiel,- aliis gale hali 0 hut it hali uot boopened, and no an hali uter in by it bucause tho Lolli, the o os Israel, ath etitore in by it, here- fore halicitio hiat,''-so constanti cited in defetice of the perpetuat es init os S. Mary. But allusion by Way os reserene stan on a very dissoron sooting. A congregation 11 S. Laurence'Ada Was reminited in the woriis of the Book of Deute-3 is Onomy that His edStead vas a bodstea of iron. The ecclesiastic abolito proach on the eas of SS.