Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching. A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction

발행: 1856년

분량: 433페이지


분류: 미분류



structor turnei into a sermon maeliine and the sermons

teress-on the Compositionis a sermon. may ead

is e have patience-in ver episcopa Charge, theu nichword that was after variis alleyrand's, furtout polii de ele: e se Doctor os Divinit dolivoring, With universa applauso the fame sermons hiel theyhad producet bos ore an universit audience, to crimitials condemned, and struggling, in therias agonios of their

hecalis it Was his custom to ais his yes rom his manuscript Pei On Who have not long been deat could recolluet tho discoursu delivered by a dignitar in thopurish chureli of S. Giles, and adilresse to three classes the good, the ad and the indisserunt. The good wero old that he noede no nil fice; et thom persevere in thei righteousness, and the Lingiloni of heaven would he thoi re vary the bad-biit in Such a cotigregation S. Giles' i it Was uncharital)lerio suppos that Such a clus could e ouux the indist erent os inueh


by no exertiti a litile more energy, in orde that theia reWard might no only be rendere more certain, ut more brilliant. An this preolous theolog occupied init enunciation exacti sive minutes

In the fame pulpit, on another occaSion, a prea heros the like stamp took or his subjeci the parabie of the



unde the nam os implo istaching like the opisti Priesis.' am no sure that Bisho Andre vos canaltogether e aequitie of ein an Xclusive advocate so the stilled an elaborat style, is, remember that saying of his, heu Plueache twiee o the unday, I praten once.' An anecdote, latet tot in tho lis os Dissentin minister has a sala elaim to the admirationos every ries Who is in carnest There Was a ministernamed , Who it appears, ad obtaine no mali reputation amon his rethren or his eloqueno generassy, and more particulari sor the logica sequende,

tereste his auditor ilirough a long dis Oiu se Justbusore the conclusion he was Obsemen to hesitate,-and then, in a ambiin maniter, e recapitulatet par os What had laeen atready nid unti he reachen a very lamean impotent finale A the sul,Sequent stinuer, hen

i Sermons P. 275.



Sine rendere an account of it spirituat neglectrio GOD. Fearful mus have been iis rectioning so the soles thatshoesyno have died, and were nevertheles statua iis neglect. e turn to a more attractive Subjeci the Sermon os hos ages, the darknes of Whiel excite theridiculo orithe it of the reacher of the last. Mediaeva rituat an mediaeva architecture have, in Some degree, received thei mee o attention Mediaeva sermons have not et ound an historian. tWill o m endeavour, in the oldo vin pages, o toenter into an essu on the subjeci, hich Would requiro a Volume a immense a some of thos of Whicli it Would treat; ut sinapi to osse a sei remartis On the praetical boariu Whicli the topi may assume a regardS

Leavin the consideration os suci early realises asthat o S. Augustine, De Doctrin Christiana, O such late ones a that o S. Charies Bonomeo De Instructione



the reatis by Humbori in de Romanis, Generalis thoorder of S. Dominio, in the secon book of his ortient illed, De Institutione reliqiosorum Proedicatorum, hereti prosesses o cach a Way o prompti produciti a Sermon or an Set O men, and sor ad variet os circum-

In lookiu at tho immense massis mediaevat Sermons, it is necessar that those ho ould not ecome abSO- lutet be vilitered, gliould eos stea id in te v certain potuis hicli are o usuali expressed in the hea lingsos hos compositions. As for example Whether hal ve no v have e the sermon a the author intende it tobe reail, o the sermon notes Dom hichae actuali de- livere it Whethor it ore alieti do by one of his auditor Dom extemporaneolis delivery or ritieu by himself Whethor it ore adilressed to the terg) , to thepeople, O t montis; hove ait, hether it ere ivritten in Latin or translatet froin the vernacular into that

It is in the twenty-Mili volume os the Lyon Bibliotheca Maaima.



No ne an doub that many os . Augustine ereso. Look at hos on the wo Castings of the et, hamong the ascha Homities. Ono lance at these id concine the reade that the were taken doWn at thetim by ome diligent earer, an asterWard eithercam into the possession of the BiShop, or Ore pub-tished by tho affectionato ea os sonio Os his discipies. The conclusion o ad disser no sit ther than ould naturali result Do the involuntar variations os an eX- temporar preacher intending, in disserent years to Vthe fame hing Thus, in explaining the mystica significationis the 1534shes S. Augustine thus spealis in

t d. S. Maur Ser. 219-253.



number allatio multitudo of tho perseet is typissed biit ho v

pression and many are e reliand with me causeareel be explained but by the supposition that peoplo actuali begau to comitin thei finger as S. Augustine



telis iis in another place When their reacher Commoneed the uell-kno in topic a methodis interruptiorino ut at Without parallel in the primitive Cluu ch, a Soman patristic allusion remata to hoWQ Whether thecontempta vitti vhicli S. Chrysostom ejeci ad Open X- preSSion o Deling, o the more than toleration illi Whicli the quod non tacito honorastis sectum S. Leo receives them. I seem nox to certain that mos of the Sermones varii of enerable Bede ere also extemporary, a I shali preSeuti lime occasion to observe more a longili. Nodoub sonae ne of his disciples otted domu atrios abstracti What the preacher had suid, ver probably sor his OWri Semn Some ther occasion; unxit is a collectiono sueti abstracis that has sine sorme a par of the


actuali dolivered the celebratei sermons hicli, no vhavo rom him. horo is a cloar distinction ad in his liso, et vesti thos Whioli ho proached illi uehu onderi ut effect to the peoplo, and those Whichae roteso the instruction and improvoment of his rethron. alie Bishopis Ostia,' says his biography, exhortesthim, heu he had ritton his sermons De Tempore, to compose anotho serie so the festival of ainis. Hooheyed, and whilo stili a Padua, gaveratimself up to this Work. ut the hol time os en coming on the mano Goi porceiving that no v as the accepte time,no v as the da os salvation, ut os that composition, and applied hini Sol Whollyrio proach to the eople, hothirsted With great eugernes sor his SermonS. It is perhaps no improbabio that hat he wroto in

brios, and by Way os notes, vas sterWard deli vered insuli, and with such extemporaneolis additioris a might oecur. At ali evenis, his orti an only be called sermon Sheletons, hoWever uel his editor mamentiti it Sermones Sancti Antonii. The aster insertions and margina reserenoes hich

sereod o by Herberi os ostiam, in the prosae to his Glossin tho P alter. J V says hono the prelate homhecis ad ti essing, your scribes hoidi undet talio the transcription O these commentarios, et them tali diligent careo inseri the reserenoes nil otes in theirright Order; est, as it osten happens, through the ignoraue O the negligunce of the transcriber, it holud hu



more dissiculi to correct tho orti hancit acto rite it; speciali When the corrupter of a ne Ivor maybo calle tho brother of iis destroyer. '

perusa os an mediaeva sermon is his; hether it vere originali delivere in Latin or in the vernacularlanmage of the count . It is dissiculi to understandi What sense, and illi ha limitations e re to receive the account of Bishops Who in hos ages reachedfrom ne en o Europe to the thor. robabi tillilio death os Chartemagne, an ecclesiasticolio could mali himself intelligibi to any of the Romane nations Whicli his emplae embraued, ould bo comprehende byali an in liue manne in Who as underStood by a single Tudesque race, ouldie intelligibi to any other. I two languages oui Were necessar in an empire Whielistretchod rom Mecklenburg to Tarragona, and DomBrittannio Romo, a great portion of the dissiculi is obviated. ut in later ages, he weano that tho dia- locis os different provinces in the fame country ad bocomo in effect disserent langua geS,-When, O OX- ample the Langue 'oui and the angue 'oc ero unintelligibi to noli ther,-then o apostoli missionarios could traverse hal Europe beeomes a questionos reator obscurity. ne hin seem nextri certain; that the great proacher of thos times, heneve theydidis the vernacula langvago, spolio incit extempore;

sor ho ould alio the trouble os committin his thought to a dialectis barbarous that perhaps it could notio ritten illi recision, unxso fluctuatin that twas certain to e nintelligibio Within hal a centur ΘΤhe Sermones ad Populum os the eighth, luth, and