장음표시 사용
Ythe studenis series os Latin Classiis
sitionia besti taurat in connection it the readingos in Latin authors, an iis objec is to furnis pupiis Wit sussicient materiat for praetice in Latin compositionWhilo the ars reading Caesar an Cicero. The method contemptates the study an recitatio of the orat exercises as a par of ac day' lesson, euher in the advince or the Milyaeviem prefer ly the lauer), and of the writte exercise a state period correspond- in to the progress of the clas in the Latin teri, thoimportant thing ein to hau both ora and written Kor done hile the passages o Which the are based scires in the miud. The ex thus furnishes the vocabulary, and the modet for es the idioris, the principies of syntax, and the orde and arrangementis WOrds. have practised substantiady this method forma years, and feel Warrante in asserting that it is correcti principio, easti applied in practice, and productive of excellent resulis It economiges time an labor by ω complishing through ono instrumentalit - the Latinauthor these Wo objecta: rst an mos important, the belle comprehensio an appreciatio of the Latinteri an second facilit in rising Latin.
Auerupi has Me maderio furnis practice in ali ho
IV PREFACE.commonaules of syntax a thorouol alii the exercises consiste of isolato sentenues arrange accordin togrammatica reses. Some idea of ho successsulinthis has been dono may be mine is consulting the Gram
teacher an scholar for ready referene to the grammar an for a reviem is topica, hen that is destred. The present admission requirement in Latin compos, tionis many of the colleges the translatio into Latinos a passage of connected Englis based upon ome Omlion of the authors read-eneo ages, and even demand