Exercises in Latin prose composition : for schools

발행: 1889년

분량: 96페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


32. 1. ut there are som Who as ,hether I drove Catiline into exile or not. These me do not kno a suppose, that he he came into tho senate eaterdum one senator reete his, ut very v regaesed his as a most cruel ne . he have not sard that I disolosod to tho senato his hole planis Warfare. 2. IIo cincit e sal that Irarove him into exile, When ali in senator iso that he has enteredisponWar, that he has sent to the campis Manlius arm and militar standarda, and even his silver agie Those Who Mah in1 assertion, in belleve that heris an innocent man, ando a mel tyrant, that binis moti bythreat an force, are attemptincto aise a torm fodium against me. . mut What Would these me men, Who asser that


Finiatna cannot orgo that hos Whom Catilino has

leti in tho cit aretur oneruies, and that the should beWarne again and again trio mine an stir in the city. 2. o these me I say, me assured that the consulsare vigilant, that the have provide la sumient in dior the ity, and that the citigens have been, ne to doland thoir homes it sentinet an maris. o cannot oesy commit no laver ac iudicannot evenis e thesliotest attempt against ou count that I shali notimmediately discoVer.'

3. e re supplied ith verythine that Catilino

sido the stomor an streno os allataly, o the ther, agangit ahameles aud indecent profligates on his sideo cities of our colonisis, o that the oode heightso Catiline. 4. In a contes of this ind, ho in do dithis tho


36 1. M seias of hateve letters ero found in that compa ,ere u ro n. 2. Just at dam Gabinius, horus et suspected nothing, vas arrested audirouot before me. 3. hena summone Statilius, and arier his Cethegus. 4. Μan distinguisbe me of the stateramoidod that Gabinius Ah ould e summoned. 5. I nodiscovery lis made, I halliseem to have brouot his great disturbano upon the state Rhout cause. 6. heletters mere laidiosor in senate betore Iipened them.




the immortaliods, ut they have, in fac iee managed


10. Doescit no Varis from divine interpositio that theyputoo mafetyaefore the ops of empire offere them