Exercises in Latin prose composition : for schools

발행: 1889년

분량: 96페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Wholi in se in account of O alone ut Aeem thalno designiani forme against her Witho oou. hismus notae borne.

3. Ought yo nos then to go amasint exile 2 Do ou demandis decree of the senate I hali nos 'put thoquestion to the senato, and et I Will 'et ou knowWhat the senate iniis of ou. Begone rom the ity, Catilino. Do o no se that tho senato is silent 7


12 CICERO CATILINE T. bolievo that a conspirac has been inade. ut m eoum tr Seem to condem me for inactivit' 'n that Pallo. that gladiator toclive a single hour. 2. Mothiis Ahe is even no reproachin me orneglecting the satis of the citietens throuis fearinum

popularity ID should permit Catiline to gestio thooit to the campi Manlius asyle purposes, no one illbe so stupid a notrio admit that heris no longe a cifigen. 3. I ho fisos it iam his hole band of ruino and desperate men, homine has collected hom an quarters, in roo an see o ad viis mill e stamped ut and destroyed For a long time the ity ma been involvedin these tangers, but 'in ome amor ther 'ad viis hine comerio maturity in the time of my consulfhip. 4. ad me are Hostin against in consul in his omnhouae, surrounding the tribunal of the cit praetor, be- sieging the Senatessious With morda fi thei hauds, and preparin torches o bum the ity. I tho alldepari, an fossom Catiline ut of the ity, ou illisee the wholo conspira 'lat opem an nos es that, ut




toWard evening. 6. O fortunate men cis the do ovem

talis him 7. What villany could bo imagine that ho

3. Although thoi credit has assed them, thei profliga


6. Wh do ou hesitate to go to the place here ovhave long been preparintho go 7 7. When Pasked him What he vas dola af Laeca's hs hesitatest . Orco se that amous silve ea e a sent to assilia nodito thecam o Manlius. 9. - drisin into exile a manWho hin atready entere&upo War, and had sent forWardarm an standardi 10. Me in amaro that he had bulli a shrine for that eui in his οὐ house 2 CHAPTER VII. 24. 1. Catiline has suddenly change his iniud, andabandone his desim o marin War. 2. Not ovi has he been paralyged by m labora, ut he has eve been desposse of his a s. 3. Ut is sal that Ioavo sentinio exile an innocent man Mithout grantinihim a triat 4. There are some ho hin his not ad but ungorim nate. 5. Lam thought tot notis diligent consul, but a cruei tyrant. 6. It is Worin Whil for morio e thoughta tyrant, provide Catiline changes his co se rom Warto exile. 7. It is mort While to administer tho inimo state, is es the state M preservod. 8. What a vidyo say, ii Catiline ere commandin an arm of theenemy8 9. I fear his much more, that he Wil bohOVering round in arma ea in city. 10. ut sincethere are men ho a that he has one to Massilia,

What ould the samo me thin i ho ad on to Manlius 7


an ad to our creditet . o are istine is oue eo nefaccounts fro Catiline. .af the had notbeen struggliniri meet the interest y means of the produce of thei farius, the Would e effer citigens. 10. But thes ricti me domo Asom to me lihelyrio saram against the republic. CHAPTER IX. 26 1. he despiar of gaining honora in a tranquilstate of the republic. 2. Love his invice to them, exacti the fame acto ad the est. 3. o cannot attain that Whichoo are attempting. 4. here is an excellient spirit in the eiter classes, great harmon in the multitude. 5. Finalty the immortalisod mill render id in person to thi fair lay. 6. Do fhey expecto obtain that Mob the covet it suola a detest te spirit 77. The colonie 'as a Whole re composed os excellent men. 8. But these are coloniat Who in an extraVagant displa in consequence of their uddeu ealth.


FOR ORA TRANSLATION. 19With revenues, hich he lacha. 7. On the ne id comtenda honesty On the Other reachery on his side justice On that injustice. . inalty Welletrounde hope is in conflict Wit ulter despiar. .an a contes of this kind may the immortal odsi 'on ur fide. 10. Evenis humanisssoris fiat, the god mill compol such vices to

30. 1. Palone Ahali Mao deademand generat, Rhoughaotinii a civit capacity. 2. I Will so conduci this crueΡWis that here hiat e the eas possibi confusion. 3. his arcis Auch a reacherous ne that a se good me ma perish. M. Unde the widano of tho immortal