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THE CAPITOL, ni Denarius . . . . ANCILIA, O a Denariux . . . . .
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PUBLIUS VIRGILIUS MARO Was 0rn tondes, ea Mantua, o the 15th October, U. C. 681. His ather, Virgilius Maro, as an opulent sarmer; ho, bella an intelligent person, ave his son a liberal Gree and Latin education atCremona an Milan, hich was completed unde the poet Parthenius, and the Epicurea Syron. Fr0m his sather, Virgil inheri ted the famil estate a Mantua. But bessere the Triumvirate underi00 thei expediti0 against Brutus ani Cassius, the had agreed a Mutina, in orde to retain thei soldier in allegianee, to give them in the eventis success, eighteen principat toWnsis Italy, hielilia adhered to the opposite action and amon these ere Venusium and Cremona Thus, in the distribution hieli sell0wed the congummation f the war, theraeighb0urh00d o Mantuario the devoted Cremona ensure it a late carcelyles depl0rable sto the lawles sol die . The patrimon os Virgil Wa consequently confiscaled. y hos intercession e regaine it authors re n0tagreed. Asinius Polli and Maecenas, the celebrate patron os literature, haveth best authorities in thei sav0ur Pollio, havin charge os that districi, probabi recommende his caseo Maecenas, ho a litile lihelyrio have beenotherWis aequainted With the sonis obscure rusties, as ali Virgit' biographers represent his parent to have been this event his Ist H0gue Waς, ost
Vergiἰius in the oldest Mediceam IS S., and in the Vatiean S.
certainly, compose l. The citaracteris Tityrus in iliis poem may 6 have been intended sor Virgil timself, althoti gli 0me of the ancient so undet stood ii, and the poet else here appropriates ille ame; incit is however, a livel picture os thesurpris and gratitude os anmuteast, ho snd himsel suddent restoredo his domestic conaseris, and contrast stri hingi With the desperate melanchol os thehouseles Wanderer Meliboeus, tali in his last furve os the desolate fitearth, with vhicli ali his dares assections ere associa ted. The remova os Pollio asattended illi disastrous consequende to Virgil. Ilis est a te as again et Zed
by the rapacious military, and himself compellexi sed his asely by sight toRome Therator os his secon expulision is reated in the IXthaelogud Hesucceede in again recoverinthi patrimony, apparenti through the interest osone Varus, os h0mae spealis in the ighes stratiam commendation in the VIth and Xth elogues Who his Varus was anno no b determined. Perhapsae a Quinctilius Varus, hos death Horae deplores in the XXIVthode of theris Book, and of wh0m e there speah as the especta friendis Virgil.
Donatus and Servius mali him Alfenus Varus, ho as ac ordin to the lalter grammari an appotiate to succed Polli in ille overtament of the count cinwhiel Mantua was siluate. his opinion is rejected by Ueyne, si ona chronologica considerations. et it is no necessar to suppos the Varus Os the gram- marians the fame illi the eminent urist anxia person a s lihelyrio have been instria menta in reinstatin the poet in his possessions, ache bo had themin absolute control.
That Virgil Was early aequainted illi Augustus, Maecenas, an many of themost eminent literar pers0ns os his time, and that this aequa in tande a notion in ripening into intimacy, is certain though os the originis his intere0urae We havem accounts but sueti as are palpabi sabulous. The missortunes of hisy0uth Were probably, ascis ometimes the case, the oundati0n os liis subsequent elevation These brought him into communieati0n illi men ho ould oon appreciate his elegant an culti vated in ind. At an dari periodis his aequa intanee illi Maecenas e aecompani e that statesmaia, together With II0race, Varius, an Plotius, noli celebrated expedition to Brundusium, hi ther theminister a sent by Augustus to reat, illi Antony. Frona the fame munificent patron e aequire an ample ortune and ad residen ces in Bonae, Campania, and accordin t Donatus in Sicily. The aut horit os his riter. Whicli, li0Wever, is no alWay to e impliciti relied on, pr0nounces the poet octave been Lind and generous to his parenis and the generat charaeter os Virgil here confring the statement os his biographer. Virgil,a studioris os ille opportunities, hieli his o vn eood fortune had givenltim os enrichin his coluit ' literature. His loca sit uation, adde xt his modeos living li ad en gendered in hini a strong perception os the pleas ires os rural