Works; from the text of Heyne and Wagner

발행: 1855년

분량: 539페이지


분류: 미분류


Mantua me genuit Calabri rapuereri tenet nune Parthenope cecini pascua, Turu, dueeS.

his minor poems. Donatus, presentin us illi Ome Oeeasiona verses, hichinternes and externa evidendes like repudiate,' mentions as his aeknowledged

ma possibi except the epitaphin Balista Virgil' seti00lmaster, lio as stonest soriis robberies: Monte sub hoc lapidum tegitur Balista sepultus; Noete, die, tutum, carae, viator, iter. e verses are notirst-rate: ut the author is represente ac puer adhuc V anstulae occasionWas provocative of the Delingsis araehoolboy. In Donatus' descriptioni Billista, Ludi gladiatorii magistrum V the word gladiatorii V is not in the earli est editions Phocas is theauthoritasor mining Balista selicolmaste to Virgilia me Vit. Virg. 4 seqq.


Cattillus. ne pigram, intitule Totum pro suscepta Eneide, ill 0t euri ratesula ille reade :Si mihi susceptum uerit decurrere munus, O Paphon, O sedes quae colis Idalitisi Troius aeneas Romana per oppida digno

Jam tandem ut tecum carmine vectus eat:

Non ego thure modo, aut picta tua templa tabella ornabo, et puris Serta seram manibus: Corniger hos aries humiles et maxima taurus Victima sacratos tinget honore focos; MarmoreuSque tibi, Dea versicoloribus alis, In morem picta stabit Amor pharetra. Adsis, o Cytherea tuus te Caesar Olympo, Et Surrentini litoris Ora Vocant.

It is eareel neeessa ri distinguisti the Catalecta r0 the pigrammata. The natur of the Priapeia it is obvi0usi untieeessary to investigate. The W0rlc 0W Xtant unde that ille is substantialty Augustan, ut the characteros Virgil 0rbid iis to supp0se that his en has c0ntributexto it in an im-p0rtant degree. The Dira is a poeni attributed 0re 0rreetly t Valerius Cat0. The Moretum is a pide os ver peculiar beaut and approachesmearert The0eritus in spirit than an os the ue0lies. I bears also a remarhable resemblancea Bl00mfield' Farmer's Loy. t is a livet deseripti0nis a rustic'sday, and talies iis nam ist0m a Liud os sal ad calle Moretum, the mal in os relii elicis describe incit. The Copiis a Bacchanalia invitati0n in the person

the testimon os Donatus and Servius, o have the more respectable evidenees o Martiat, Statius, and Lucan, 40 the saet. Donatus quote two Verses si onathe poena, and Nonius Iareellus ne, hieli are ound in the extant optes. Tlle p0em, hoWever sdem to have Sustere nauch rom alterations and interpoliations. Allo in sor these, it naus have been a very beauti sui production, and by a themost origina es sortis Virgi Ps Muse. It pons illi a dedicationt Oetavius ivli this Oetavius ascis a matteris macertainty. In the Ciatalecta mention is ad os a certain Oetavius ho ted in a par0xysmis angeroccasi0ned by di inhing is his person e a sonae commentator Suppose, ille


Parve Culex pecudum custos tibi ala merenti Funeris ossicium uiae pro munere reddit.


cliaueer Legendis Dido.
