장음표시 사용
he osten repeateo in his c in and at ali hours of thoday, With an ami te importunity. Not Wishing, ho ever, to e in the leas precipitate, I continue foro mont explaining ait o mysteries to them instructing them thoroughly in the thinga essentiatrio salvation, and preparing them for oly baptism, hic the received Wit such feelinga o piety, and suo devotion, that couldoni vis Wit admiratio God's echoning handand the worhino os divine grace in the conversionos so good a family. The frequent visit pes me by another amata, of themataouirio Nation, hocis calle o han, that is, A the bone, ' cause me a the fame timemuincio an much ain. y fidit allis With him
promised me great resulis. So ardent a destre had herio receive instructio that he ave me no est hyclaro night. e sent his son-in-lam to heg me tovisit hi on the ixteent of Aprii; ut eingen=ged in preparing ou host for the communions 166 of the aster Festivia I could notis to his
instructeo, and the assiduit Ioad used in verooming his repugnance to conversion, I could not attain
iaces s'estolent ecoulsies, quandri saliut entre dans de contenation meo nos conducteurs, a suiet de nosti e entreprise. e matheureux esprit, doni leviens de parier, extremement irrit direma que ieiunavola fati de tu conferer te Baptesme, nou Vou-
m objeci. t mas no that that rebellious nature fauo to e deepi moveo, ache osten confesseo tomen an is he resisted it mas notis mutarior themant of eing thoro hi persuade of the truth of What mactes him, as from in secret oppositionis his heari, hiis, infortunatet medde to those unxul affections. e fumishesos a good example in proo that a Savage' conversion I67Dis the work of God 'a hane, to hom Mone it elonga toriouch in heari effectually, and to ove to the teachings of his Missionary the succeas that the lalter ought to expectrimm his ome. But it is timerio resume the murae of our Our-ney. Sprincha Hready succeeded to the rigor ofWinter, the rivere mere me, the ice ad melleo,
hen it hecam necessar in enter po a series of
conflicta mith ourauid in the subjectis our enterpriae. Thatonfortunate creatur of homo justa he, Min extremel incenseo a m refusa toconfer Baptismopon him, determine to clos therium against us, although he had n pomerito domo. T dismis his pur se, he ave a long descriptiono the oute, in great number an dissiculi of the portages, the ramos, and the materialis an a them 1 tendenc of his recitat mas buto disco agem men, it Was eas for imo persuade them insecondinis designina in that he had forgorienthe Way, and could notis o for mant of a good guide At his mini Ubem in suspect that theymere ait I68 conspiring together: and that that captions fello had used his expedient to dorus thepresent ili turn and chech our progress. o defint this p pose, Poecideo to miseras of moti id man of the natio of themistasirinis,
dvs joumenos rapida, here I 69J, mere oblige to prope in canoes almos constanti against th current. Very osten me hactio land and walla inmug
The ninth trie our patieno severet by reasono an extremelndissiculi portam, both on account ofit lenoh, hic some place a four lingues, ant cause of the had traVeling. One must alWaysia in the mater Mif-Wanto his knees, and at times even
But perceiVin m suspicion, he I7IJ tried to concea his designa an in the moming, he heriook his departure, he expiatne himself by sayincto meu Blach Gown sta herea Milo man, in master of this counto, must be notifieo of thyinmval. I Wiligo and teli him. It is no ne thin for the mages, obe ring amaxim of theis olic or of thei avarice, to e extremes cautious in grantis Strangere a Passage, by ma of their vera, o distant Nations. herivem are to them ha fietos are to the Frenta,
172 LES RELA NON DES IMUITES et L. Ce 'est pas 'aviouro'hurque les SauVages, parune maxime de leur politique, o de leur avarice, soni extremement reservech donner passage par leum rivieres aucestrangere, our alter aux Nationa 61oi- εes Les rivieres leur sontis que soni aux Fran-