장음표시 사용
Ιt omelimes occurreo, hen ine ather, in theheat o discussion mas oblige to refute in errorsos these superstitious eople, an convince the oldmen of the falsit an senselemnes of thei idolatry,-it,a Won to happen, I say that this and of hil en meamin os o much de te, ould throw themselves in the Way, o to Speah, and bystrihingo their Song foro thei parent to e silent This greatly delighte the Father, Wh sam God mali use of thos innocent mouth to confoundine impiet of thei omniarenis. Besides these exercises of piety, hic mere performe in the villam the atherose to est the Savages together in his litti Chapei, here he had three large ictures adapte to these eople' instruction,- one representing the universat uegment,
horror, in torment suffered by the devii. In the secon Picture mere represented metve emblems, eata of Whic contained one of the articles of the postles creed. The hiro inowed Jesus dying on the ross. Their agernem to come and prant God ei e these ictures, an to receive instruction, a suo that man initore used tocome arefoot through the anom, Ver early aquarteris a league's distanee. In these occupations the Father passe the whole Winter,-visitin the Villages, ne aster another,
y metiant ne laint simulationis qui Rauroumieu les antique spirituias, is qui auroit plus
It must not ho ever, e thought that ne an repres the vices of the oung, decry the Jugglers, thro reproach o superstitious easta, and mage Ope mariare against idolatry, Without receiving 144 occasiona affronis among eople ho haveneither lams, nor police, nor Magistrates to cheis disorder. The Devit tines to much interest in maintaining his inglom, notri amus persecuto against those ho destromit ut such Crosses are thelelight o Missionaries, Wh have no greater destrethan to mingle their blood mith thei sweat of that privilege the Father has no been depriveo amio his Apostolic labore, cluring hich he old notriail to misesOme curious observations on the lides of the My desΡuans, here he passed a good par of the year.
in the mater, in very calm meather; and the nexi
momin mere greatly s prisexto fino it hiemandory. Lmas more astoniine than the est, hecause I bore in mino that for a long time the Lahe hadbeen perfecti Ciam Thereupon, I determine tostudy this ide, an at the uiset reflected that thecontrary, ut Ver moderate, in dio no preventine nomo ebb, a the case might Palso became
a are that in the ver emmying into the anat iis head the id rises an fiat twice in araitue morethan a houm, risin usuali a fore; hile thehighest tide I have seen ad the verisse threefeet, ut it mas ideo by a violent Northeas Wino. Unies the Muth est minoris ver strong, it oesno chec in river' courae so that ordinarit themidole nom constanti domnWard to the Line, although at,ac en in mater se mit the fixod period of the ide. A ther fio are utri ominos prevalling on that ver an on the Line, onem hi asit ascribe to them these ides, mere it not that in lalter folio the oon' course, a factWhic cannot e doubted for I have Acertainedheyono a question that a fuit Moon the lides are atthei hioest then the fiat, and the continue todiminis a the oon manes It is no sur singinat his fio an ebb is more appreci te at thehead of the a than in ahemuron, o in thato the Ilinois for mere the id tois even hut anino in these Lahes it movi necessarii be erynoticeable in themay, hic is a ut Isi a leagues
long by five or Six, o more, id atriis mouin, and narrom constantly Consequently the mater, heingcontracte mithi a mali pace at in head of theb , mus o necessit ris much higher inere than in the Lahe, here it illes confineo.
WE Would nee here almost a much time for fo11omini ther laude Alioue in an account of his Apostolicuourneys, sine took in m inminem
varioujoura se reuessitant, ce qui fait que 1'eau estant reduite a fon de la Me dans in petit es ce, doli par necessiit beaucou plus monter, que anile Lac, melle est plus au large.
foro has no visite a single Nation ithout performin deed for the nor o God that ouidbe ver long to relate. The ather' labor could e rechone by the Baptisma he has conferred, and these Baptisma by the admirable dispensations of rovidenoe, hichhave been signati displayed for these Savages'
a quarteris an hour. Letis conside imo more acts of Provide e. The
favorabie reception accorde the ather by tho Maskoutenis gave him an opportunityrio conferrimo baptisma, Whii the ill treaiment that he received onthe way to the utagamis mas compensate byrimo
In that village of the Maskoutench,- that is, thofire Nation, he found three tribes, o different longues me a received thereos an Angei rom
sans seu a mille desinet S. I tu fallu encor achepter 'autres apte es par de plus grandes souffrances, lorique se trouvant dans de villages affameg, it se contenton aussi bien e ce Paune gens de ne mange que u lane, qu'il ne tu donnotent qu'en fori petite quantit6,
Le apte e de Oixant enfans, de quelmes adultes dans te boum des utamini, sont aulant de traiis mervellieuio 1 Providencea mais elle a parumcore plus visiblement dans la mori de deux adultes,
Heaven,-especialty by thos Who had recently comelaom in regions of the Muth, an hin neve been acquiante Wit an Frenchman. They could notaate themserues mith ooking at im the da mererio inori for 149 hearing him teli about our mysteries the hole nio must neelibe sed forthe pum e. o favor te a reception cletianed the Father, by no means against his mill and en ledhim o baptize imo sic persons A sic momanwhomine made a Christianin his may to the utammis cos himio litti fatiguae forine mas oblige togo in quest of her in a fores Where tosin his Way, he mas force to see shelter unde a tremandiam the night in the nom, mith no fire. Stili other aptism he mas compelle to pay formith severe sufferino, hen hethanoeyum starVing Villages, here, in company With their retineo inhabitanta, e mas ain to conten himself mithacorn only, Which theseommove him in very smali quantities, no haring enouo for themaelves. The baptiam os siri chilore an som adulta, in the village of the utagamis, represente so ninnymaoelous dea n o Providence. ut theae designa mere stili more pliani manifes in the death of two
quest os baptism, an a Misy deat unde the Father' care, after many Iso eventiu Wanderino. She had Men captured here by the Iroques and invento thei country, and theno conducte toruontreat, When in returne to the uinouam there in findheri pinem. The other Was an vi man, Wh Wont matting for the Father' comin to die a Chria..tian He a confine to his retchel mat is Paralysia, With ain s acute that he could notae
armes plus mant dans 'empire u demon, qu'ellesn 'avolent usqu'Hors est plant6es. Et depuis cetemps-1 1'omne vestiresque personne dans te boum, soli des eunes, soli' de vieux, qui ne fasse te signe decla rota ave respeet, iis in mesme ne tella confiance, que quelmes eunes soleat falsant unpari Pour alter en guerre contre es adollem, peuples qui se rendent redout les h tous eum volsins,is 'estant adoresse in ere, our ς-oircomment iis potirmient retourne victorieun il leur